
Gold star post. I think you won VGum today (at least I think so). Ka-dooz!
Gabe, are you still stuck on the whole Razzie thing? This is a joke, right?
Photo taken mere feet away from the loneliest craft services table in H'wood.
That 3D MJ tribute was epically bad. "Put on your 3D glasses!" LOL. No one intended to watch the Grammys. You flip them on by accident and think "Oh yeah, the Grammys are tonight."
Duh Aficionado tip of the year: Help Haiti by giving shoes to rich people! Not Haitians!
"A rare miss." Uh, I love History Channel as much as the next guy (The Universe FTW), but there are some genuine turds in the schedule.
Although I'm VERY upset by this, I think it proves that Mad Men is the best show on television. Even though we're losing a fan-favorite it reflects the reality of the show and world they've created. Still, never forget.
I'm pretty sure that when the predictions of Idiocracy finally come to fruition, "Fuck you, Sugar Wolf" will be printed on money where E Pluribus Unum used to be.
Why is the parrot from Aladdin yelling at those old people?
I'm sorry, but you can't have Miike Snow AND Dave Brubeck tracks in the same trailer. There are rules!
That reunion show was a total disaster, even by MTV reality series reunion show standards. That's really saying something. When Sammi left the stage I was half expecting Maury to show up and walk her back.
Gabe, do you honestly think I'm going to watch a 6 minute clip of my uncle doing his comedy routine on the back deck?
She's totally feeling it. She's totally feeling it.
You forgot the best one!
You got that right. What Flavor Flav is to black people, Johhny Weir is us gays. Happy MLK Day, y'all!
Redacted! Once the chat room cleared out a little it was MUCH better. Kudos @wettrew who was the architect of the whole thing (I think).
I feel like a total jackass for not seeing Inglorious Basterds yet
I agree but that board moves FAST. I'm not Japanese, I can't keep up! Guess I'm just old school but I actually prefer this way.
I didn't realize you could Tweet from a Junebug.
This should in no way be misconstrued as a diss on Daft Punk, btw.
I never thought I would put the phrases "Jimmy Kimmel" and "epic" in the same sentence, but I just did. Let's dip that interview in gold, let it harden, and hit Leno with it repeatedly!
I enjoyed this but felt totally dirty at the fact that I just watched it. The kids don't understand what's going on and I'm not sure this is healthy. Good parenting! On the other hand "Do you want to play trucks?" "I have a boyfriend." is totally going in my repetoire.
Sorry for the double-post y'all. Downvote! Also, why does VG hate Chrome so much? He's a cool guy.
My god, that's.... magnificent... just magnificent. And mildly terrifying.
My got that's.... magnificent... just magnificent. And mildly terrifying.
Nope. #DeerPaw for the gents
Future Headline: "Local Punk Outfit The Roaring Fuckies Calls It Quits"
I misread the tagline on the poster as "Some guys have all the fuck". I think I just improved this film immensely if the director went with that. Or at least made it more watchable.
"These have always brought me luck...Or not"
Does that make her an AFATAR?
He seems nice enough, but really he's seething with quiet rage b/c his little brother swiped his iPod. Or whatever the Phoenix equivalent is... Zune maybe?
Ain't no shame in my game, son!
Hold the presses! (Part 2): The vaguely dreamy Hawai'ian guy who played the ukulele has done gay porn. I'd find a link but I'm at work.
I agree. She's famous to me b/c of her writing & producing on Seinfeld. BUT she's by no means famous. Your mom and your kid sister don't know who she is. Trust.
I'm not sure this can be described as music, legally.
I think the cast of Jersey Shore is technically ineligible for this list because of our shared shadenfreude, BUT the dude that knocked out Snickers deserves a spot!