
They pixelated the big pile of cocaine, why? Were they afraid someone would recognize it?
Shouldn't there be, uh, people dancing somewhere in that video?
"I call it my Oedipus Project because I don't really think these metaphors through."
I don't know, not to be all wet blanket on your rant, but the whole "sometimes yes, sometimes no" thing seems like a perfectly normal and reasonable response. Sometimes you're pretty impressed with yourself, sometimes not so much. I imagine that's how most people who aren't either raging narcissists or clinically depressed feel, most of the time.
If the goal is to make people act like there really is an imminent zombie apocalypse, then what's the end-game, here? For someone to eventually work up the nerve to put a pick-axe through the prankster's skull? Because that person would be a true hero in more ways than one.
No wonder this guy doesn't seem fazed. He probably gets accused of "illegally dumping" every time he opens his mouth.
I am not comfortable with making fun of this.
"Oh, how Squawky loved beer."
Uh, as a cat-lover and owner of two cats, and also as someone who thinks RC helicopters are cool, I think this is unequivocally awesome. It sure beats the paw-print in a little clay mold that I got when my last kitty (whom I miss very much) passed away.
I love how 4 years later, she is still "best known" as the person who stole girl scout money. WILL THEY NEVER LET HER LIVE THAT DOWN?
I don't get why this is so weird, to be honest. Nutella is super-yummy. Why *wouldn't* you cover your whole body with it, if you had enough of it lying around? Why *wouldn't* you film yourself doing it? "Look at me, I am doing something delicious and enjoyable!" -- you, if you were really being honest with yourself.
I'm not sure #2 was a trick. I think he just scared the hamster to death.
Each contestant sings their song all alone in a locked, windowless, soundproofed room. The song is not recorded, and the performance is not judged. The results are not broadcast. The entire process takes place in absolute secrecy, and the TV-watching public never hears about any of it. The winner gets to go home and live a normal life and never try to get on a talent-, game- or reality-show again. P.S., every contestant is a winner.
"Although personally, we would have portrayed it less gay." -- Glennguar Jagzig
That video reminded me uncomfortably of my own life. (Hint: I don't relate so much to the guy with the pen.)
A ten part television adaptation? So... the idea is to make it less scary, but ten times as long? Really?
I'll give her this much: she is definitely boring.
I just figured he'd joined a traveling circus and was going around healing people. #nickstahlhasbeeninotherthings
"But what I do have is a particular set of skills, skills I have acquir-- oh, fuck it, just keep her. Her Mom's gonna be all up in my grill either way."
I'm going to go with "Your child is crying, indicating intestinal distress, and repeatedly articulating that she needs to poop, and all you do is laugh nervously and stare glassy-eyed at Natalie Moralez," as something to put my finger on.
Do not touch that robot on the anus or around the anus.
I love that they have to specify that he wanted to be touched both "on his anus" and "around" his anus. It's like: Judge: "So, you're saying, Mr. Travolta tried to force your client to touch him on the anus?" Lawyer: "Not just on the anus, your honor." Judge: "Really? Where else then?" Lawyer: "He also tried to force my client to touch him AROUND the anus." Judge: "Oh! Really? On it *and* around it? Okay then. SUSTAINED."
Is there any way I can explain how Thor broke out of the un-break-outable thing without looking like a giant nerd? No? Maybe?
"You know how we talked about before, how we want to document our family. Well, specifically, I would like to document myself looking at porn."
WTF with the woman just sort of casually walking over at 0:20? "Hey, that girl just got swallowed by the sidewalk. Looks interesting. Maybe I should check that out."
It only took 28 tries to perfect this masterpiece?
Hey, lady in the blue coat: drop the shopping bag. Whatever you had in there is just gone, man.
The Assault: based on the true story about how the French have always been pretty fucking racist against Arabs.
I'm looking forward to the day when the word "rape" is finally drained of all power and meaning, and people have to move on to an even more loaded word to express their fake exaggerated outrage. "I just felt so Holocausted when I heard that song used in that commercial."
"We make an effort to keep them functional and clean." = your new all-time favorite pick-up line.
I'm so distracted by that freakishly tall woman on the left.
"Subject: RE: RE: oops [was: RE: FW: RE: FW: RE: "put your cum here and here"] -- Oops, meant to add, 'also put it here.' Stupid app." --Olivia Munn's "Sent Messages" folder
For a guy who is so brave and honest about his beliefs, he sure has a tough time just straight up saying that homosexuality is a sin (0:33).
"How insidious was this virus?" "Oh, about yea insidious? Maybe? I have no fucking idea, really, because I do not own a computer, because I am Amish."
I bet the fucking guy that made the months is pretty embarrassed now.
I feel like that video didn't quite live up to my expectations. Like, maybe it lived up to around 66% of my expectations, but then left me about 33% disappointed.