
haha the second one was good i thought at the end, the rest of the band was going to take away his box.
oh my fuck is that michael from the wire??
wait... did you make that last picture or is it seriously a part of the movie?
theyre clearly missing the fact that all these actors are like 25 years old, playing people a decade younger than them
that was just a 2 minute mindfuck of unrelated sentences and images
in regards to #5: and then she stars in her own spinoff series, the lord of the ring (produced by Barrie Osborne)
holy fuck best movie ever
um... did i miss the part in max payne where a gigantic winged man pulls someone out of a building?
they weren't even trying to play it off like this isnt juno 2 it has the same font!
that's dedication
anyone notice massive dynamic's logo is the n64 logo?
this is retarded. there's only 4 chords used in Viva La Vida, so obviously its going to vaguely fucking sound like other people's songs. stop whining
LOL in one of those pictures theres a shitload of excited people, and then this one guy who looks like someone is in the process of shooting his dog.
i just intentionally walk into those people and then don't say "excuse me". justice. has. been. served.
i thought crank was the transporter 3
what! i loved chandler: the movie
i thought everything after the fragile was fantastic, im not much a fan of his earlier work, but thats probably just due to the 90's-style production which im unfond of
jesus, even *i* knew it was an ecospheric starship
friday fight is the apex of civilization
i can tell you're really proud of that picture
i bet if it was robert downey jr vs hugh grant AND colin firth at the same time, RDJ would still win
i think this is a great album. x&y overdid the whole arena rock thing, and there wasnt much substance, but viva la vida is sort of like what *should* have been their next step forward after rush of blood to the head. "yes" is the best song they've written, period.
um, i don't know if you've ever heard the dillinger escape plan, but to say they're a) pop rock/metal or b) carbon copies of ANYTHING is ridiculous. they're some of the most talented musicians i've ever seen playing some of the most complex songs i've ever heard - songs that i'm unable to compare to ANYONE i've heard before. listen to panasonic youth and give me one band you've heard that is even physically ABLE to play something like that.
that's the worst thing i've ever heard. i want to punch a baby
no, prince removed himself from the list due to copyright issues
holy shit i saw that version of i'm good i'm gone, it was mad beans. lykke li is pretty much better than chocolate cookies