
I can't log in to FB to comment at work (blocked), so can I do this anyway? If I had to smell like one food for the rest of my life, it would be Betty Crocker Funfetti cake. Now please give me this perfume. I'm married, so I won't go on a date with it or anything, but I'm dying to wear it to work. I have one particularly annoying co-worker that has smelling superpowers that I would like to mess with. "What is that smell? Does anyone else smell that?" - this is said at least once a day
This. I love you Louis C.K., you seem like you'd be cool to hang out with and have a beer, but you are wrong on this. Trying to decipher what is in a person's soul is like trying to decipher the tone of an ambiguous e-mail - things are not always what they seem. It wasn't funny (and I think everyone agrees with that point), but more importantly, it wasn't comedy - it was a diatribe of hate that seemed to be fueled by the reaction from the crowd. This is far different than taking a controversial topic and making a funny (but possibly uncomfortable) routine out of it.
I wish I would have known 911 was an option last week when I asked for 2 bags of Chinese tea to be put in my takeout order and only received ONE.
Oh baby Jeff, Jeff's got what they need, but they say he's just a friend, but they say he's just a friend...
This will be my entry into the Friday GIF dance party, every Friday:
The teen stars from the 90s made me think of David Lascher (Ted in "Hey Dude"), which made me look him up on IMDB, which led to this discovery - "Hey Dude" is out on DVD July 19th!!!
This baby's terrible at playing the harmonica and terrible at being on camera. Stop looking at yourself, you narcissist baby!
SpongeBob SquareDance
I wanna eat you like an animal. - Lion
This movie is Nell on Earth.
How does this not have more upvotes? ALL THE UPVOTES TO YOU, Stupendous Man.
Russell's pregnant with his own baby boy that is perfect even with his foreskin and it's called attentive parenting. Wait, what.
I thought the same thing at first - "I only thought creepsters said this to girls as a lame come-on, but dudes get it too?" Kelly, we feel your pain.
This horrifies me, only because I know there is video floating around of me doing numerous horrible dances, either at home or at dance recitals. Excuse me, I'm flying to GA to burn all of my mother's tapes before she figures out that you can transfer them to DVD and upload them to the Internet. On a side note, was this done at Six Flags or something? Remember when they had the recording booths and video stuff like this?
Nice cinematography, Ralph Madison. You got the lighting just right on all those asses jiggling. Morris Day would approve. #purplerainjokes
Georgia Theater is reopening!
You live in Athens? I went to UGA and am thinking about moving back.
"...and then she turned into a real girl through magic and/or JPEGs?" I don't know, I think there are worse movies with this very plot:
Awww, we (old skool monsters) miss you Lindsay! That made me go back and read my other favorite double dog: Double Dog needs to come back. Like today.
Bookworm's E! True Hollywood Story: Both Alec Baldwin and I were in a Kinko's in GA together once (back when Kim Basinger owned that small town there), and we were the only 2 people in there, besides 2 employees. He walked in, and the employees fell all over themselves helping him with something, while I sat at a table and filled out a job application that I needed to fax. He had his sunglasses on and kept looking at me, I guess fearing that I would recognize him and (GASP) speak to him or something, but I wasn't paying any attention to him. After he realized that I didn't care who he was, he started looking at me with this annoyed expression, like he wanted me to recognize him? It was really weird. Celebrities, always wanting to be left alone but recognized at the same time.
Vote for me, you selfish pigs. - Alec Baldwin's ad campaign
I don't have a tattoo, but I wanted one in college. I think I remember my mother's exact response: "If you get a tattoo, you better get it in the crack of your ass, because if I ever see it, you're never getting another dime out of me." It scared me enough to not get one at that time, and once I got a little older, I didn't even want one anymore. At this point, I can't think of anything I'd want embedded in my skin for the rest of my life.
I loved the Smurfs but went to a crazy Christian school where they denounced my Smurfette lunch box because the Smurfs are demonic (because Gargamel and Azreal are demon names?). Of course, they thought Duran Duran and Stephen King were demonic too, so I think that was their go-to reason for sucking the fun out of everything.
"Well, the yearbook supplier originally thought of using regular tape, and we said no, because we knew it was see through. We all decided duct tape was the best choice. I can't believe it didn't work." -Superintendent Dumbass
I look forward to seeing how that scene translated into film.
Silly Gabe, the pregnancy happens just after a couple of bangs and then it's all about that. Because if God hates anything, it's banging for pleasure and not procreation. #twilightlessons
You make my dreams come true, FLW.
"Seeking good times & hard rhymes" just ended up on every Juggalo's profile.
OR post pictures of Jordan Catalano jewelry:
I must have missed the terrifying baby masks earlier this week. Congrats creepy baby mask, you have replaced this as my nightmare: Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Carson Daly. I think his deadpan delivery would be a nice contrast against people lying in a tank of scorpions.
YES, THIS! I was going to post this at the bottom of the 8,000 comments here, but I think more love/hate watching on instant Netflix would be awesome. There is so much bad stuff on there! There is so much good stuff on there! You could do it with TV shows and/or movies. Maybe have some Monsters write some content? I just watched Purple Rain last night, and I'd have many funny things to say about it.
Re: Buffy (stupid brain programmed by WORK) - I think that was me!!! And if Gabe is too busy to do it, I humbly nominate myself! My husband will be sooo excited to watch Seasons 1-7 on instant Netflix again!
I like the idea of "comment of the day" like Gawker, but I don't want to abandon the Ball. It's kind of like the lottery at this point - I keep playing even though I'll probably never win (sad face). But I agree with the overuse of in-jokes and laziness of repetitive jokes. We should all make an effort to be more original/insightful in our comments, but maybe the reason we aren't is that we are all, at the end of the day, vying for upvotes? This whole thing is an ouroboros! Maybe we should get rid of the Ball after all.
"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good bargain at your side, kid." - Han Solo, AARP style