
"You like me, you double-complete like me" - Paul Vasquez
It has Kristen Stewart, so i must hate it But i has Topher Grace, so I must love it.
I hate to be professor contrary, over here and maybe it's because I saw it on a 12 hour plane flight from Europe, but I thought Winter's bone was this, but for adults:
This guy lady thing knows what you're talking about:
Is a year without a Larry the Cable Guy film even a year worth remembering? "You get some pee, and you get some pee, and YOU get some pee"
You raise a good point. I have never met anyone that celebrates Kwanzaa, but you watch TV every year, and it's like Kwanzaa is a part of the 3 major religions of The United States, when actually its just something 'Two and a half Men' viewers think all black people do in December.
Good Morning Iraq Afghanistan Iran North Korea!
Jay-z and Sbarro, that's how I start my week. Don't judge me.
Howard The Duck: The Quack is Back
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Scabies
An Incontinent Man
Being Jon Gosselin
Untitled Gwenyth Paltrow Holocaust Biopic
Fast Times at Wasilla High
Dude, where's my Segway?
Well think I speak for everyone when I announce my excitement for the most recent name removed from The Black List: Mel Gibson's 'The Beaver' "I can't believe it took so long for this movie to make its way to the $4.99 basket at your local Wal-Mart." -Jodie Foster, Director
Still better than Sarah Palin's Alaska. Oh Bing, why can't I have both?
I agree. I read the linked article and I'm shocked that he thinks Larry the Cable guy can be called an Artist, but games like Shadow of The Colossus are supposedly drivel. He says he's not sure why game creators want to be known as artists, but his article seems more like he wants to keep the new money out of the country club.
I'd have gone with this one, just for good measure. "Basil, this coffee tastes like shit!"
Who knew this guy was in to hunting?
He looks like a young Jack Nicholson with a fauxhawk
Also, Joel McHale as claymation: scary or extremely scary?
I don't use money, but apparently you can buy anything with it.
The previews for this movie made me realize that I've completely tired of Angelina Jolie. Every movie she's been in lately has promoted itself as 'A movie with Angelina Jolie in it!!!!', which I think is a bad plan because she is kind of boring on and off the screen. It's like she's still riding a wave of goodwill from Mr. & Mrs. Smith which came out 5 years ago (!!) and wasn't all that good in the first place.
"Obviously, when it's cold, you should just go to your house in Mexico early. Stop your whining America" -Gwyneth Paltrow
Those assholes, they told me that shoot was for a Pepto Bismol commercial!
I don't see a ring on Angelo's finger. I wonder if his mail order bride is hung up in customs. He'd better be careful, this guy knows what I'm talkin' about:
I'll split it with you as long as you don't tell me what your half was like.
Hiding in plain sight... Clever move, Mr. Assange.