
Ph no, I just found out that the comments aren't all on one page anymore, and I'm all alone. :(
I am just impressed by the chocolate LCD screen. I takes a lot of work for people to move the pixel-sized peices of chocolate around that fast.
Mine involves people falling into hot pools in Yellowstone. Or people/pets falling into hot pools that have inexplicably formed in my dining room.
Well, it's not as overwhleming as the stereogum make-over.
Hey, can we keep in contact? SOOOOOOOOOOO romantic!!! *swoon*
I love the Olympics, especially the winter ones, but I HATE HATE HATE ice dancing. That is not a sport! It's just the people who aren't good enough at skating to be figure skaters, and not good enough to be ballroom dancers either. A few of them are okay, whatever, but personally I find watching it like pulling my own teeth. Most of them just flail their arms around like the place is full of mosquitos. I have actually enjoyed ski-jumping this year though, which is odd because I used to find it boring.
Curling is awesome! Too bad I can't watch it because I'm poor and I don't get the channels they play it on, grumble grumble. I'm missing all the crazy curling pants too.
I completely agree. The summer Olympics are dull. The winter Olympics are where it's AT. I think it's sort of sad when people don't care at all. I mean, this is some crazy stuff these people are pulling off.
Ah! This is very distressing. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but right now my mind is reeling. It's all very pretty though. I miss the mp3 tag.
UP VOOOOTE! So true. If I were my cat I'd be eating the butter on the counter.
What did you think made them frisky? Vitamins and nutrients? This is too much effort to put into a people-food ad much less a cat-food ad. Kinda epic and colorful for a slurry of Z-grade animal parts mashed into a goo and splurted into a can.
It's funny when he pretends to do the moonwalk and takes one awkward step backward before the video cuts away. That's cool.
Who would agree to act in this?
It's beautiful. Like a fairy tale.
That is mesmerizing.... is that real lighting?
Apparently this is the only witch they didn't just kill. All the others got burned for refusing to confess but they're going easy on the one with the actual POWERS OF HELL. She can repent! It'll be great. As long they can find someone who isn't a witch-cursed zombie. There is so much era-mixing here... and not one of them accurate. It's making my history brain curl up and twitch. And would it really kill Hollywood to create realistic historical costumes for a movie that isn't about Queen Elizabeth? Gotta have us some super cool quilted pseudo-medieval leather jerkins, yo! And lastly, it's cool how Cage doesn't even attempt an accent.
You took the words right out of my mouth!
Chickens love Avatar too! yikes (please let this work....)
Check it out:
By far my favorite crime-solving tool. Okay, zoom. Zoom. Enhance! Rotate 95 degrees! Zoom! Travel back in time five minutes! Turn into a movie! Well there we go, we just watched the murder happen. Photoshop is awesome!
What a bunch of disks.
Blood splatters all over an anti-fur poster. That makes sense?
The videos are down and that is the only thing that saved me from a hideous fate. Curiosity is a dangerous thing.
Dammit! I missed the initial conversation. And after I nominated this about ten million times. It's not like I could even begin to comment on all the horrible things in this movie; there are juat too many. And thankfully the hand of time is slowly washing all memory of this travesty out of my mind so I probably wouldn't even remember the best (worst) parts anyway.
Words cannot describe how glad I am to finally see Beowulf on this list. Thank you.
You may be capable of handling the truth but probably not!
Did you ever pause to think maybe the blogs are giving the people what they want? Last time I checked that was how the world worked.
I actually think it's fun to wtahc people play certain videogames. It's fun to make snarky comments through the whole time, and we all know how much we love doing that.
This band is so disgusting and they need to go away. They are so aggressive to all of the women, who are obliviously nothing but objects to them. Their music sucks but more than that I really loathe the entire aesthetic of these predators.
Baby rodents make me angry. I had to clean out breeding mouse cages for a year and I got so sick of those damn pinkies EVERYWHERE. I'm horrible, I'm sure, but I can't help it.
That is an alien. We have confirmed life exists beyond Earth. Creepy creepy creepy.
... ... ... I just don't even know what to say. My brain is reduced to brain chowder.
I knew.,designs
So does he throw away entire chunks of perfectly good food very single fricking blueberry night?
This just makes me laugh so much. I love it.