
Mtv+Fox News=Television for retards.* *I say this not be offensive to those with special needs. I am referring to Sarah Palin and how she said Rahm Emmanuel should get fired for using the word retard. THEN Rush Limbaugh said he was right because he was using the term for liberals. THEN she went on Fox News and said it was OK to use it. My head just sploded.
Mtv+Fox News= Basically everything that's wrong with America.
I see a new sponser in Iron Chef's future. Pajama Jeans.
What's next? Secret ingredient... Mountain Dew? Food network is officially entered the "ow my balls!" category along with the History Channel. It's all WT Iron Chef and Sandra Lee (and her scary "tablescapes") from here.
It's all out war between Sawyer and Jack!
Although, it does remind me of this...
Low self-esteem jeans. This is like an episode of what not to wear. I had to stop watching because I wanted to punch some of these people in the face. These people have no self-respect.
I have the same thoughts about the Chanel bag (cringe). And why does Sammi always wear the same outfit to the club?