
The film you're referring to is actually "Repo MEN". "Repo MAN" is a fucking awesome 80's sci-fi punk comedy cult classic starring Emilio Estevez and Harry Dean Stanton. That almost certainly explains the downvotes. I honestly would've downvoted you as well had I not seen your second comment.
I watched like, ten minutes of it last night, and I think I set a new world record for number of times you can almost throw up in your mouth in ten minutes or under.
LARPing is Role Models, which was an awesome movie. I Love You, Man was merely a somewhat amusing movie.
I really wish I was the age I am now (23) in the early to mid 90's. I would've loved to experience stuff like this first hand. Oh well. In any case, it always makes me happy when you get genuinely excited about something, Gabe, so a round of high fives for all!
As a Philly resident myself, I can honestly say he fucking nails that character perfectly.
Gotta love Spike Jonze and his kooky publicity stunts!
He just wants his kids back.
"Take it from me, a guy who has sores"
"Whoa! Hey, wait! I was just trying to brush some dirt off your shoulder! A simple thank you would've sufficed!"
"He's young and he's black and his standards for choosing friends hangs low."
Maybe Alvin Greene will hire him to make Alvin Greene action figures?
Yeah I liked it better in the first one because one of them isn't dying and they're both just total assholes.
This movie is basically "Jerry Maguire", but instead of sports, it's boner pills. "Jerry Maboner"?
You win this time, Winwood...
Step right up to accept your Redundancy Award of Redundancy!
I hear Alaska is pretty much always looking for new public officials...
Not many men have the courage to wear a fake plastic police badge that they got for $2.50 at KB Toys for no discernible reason. Basil Marceaux does. At the end of the day, that's why he has my vote.
I don't think I've ever been more jealous of another human being than I am looking at that picture right now.
The strangest thing about this to me is the fact that it's 2010 and people still use livejournal. What's up with THAT?!
Once you know where it is, there is no way to UNknow where it is. Unfortunately.
"If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" "If You Give A Moose A Muffin" If You Give A Pig A Pancake" and now... "If You Give An Opossum A Pedicure" woooo children's book jokes! 2010!
I was about to say, is that the longest she's ever gone without throwing a blunt object at someone's head? Someone call The Guiness!
I hope this case leads to wacky courtroom hijinks involving Jeremy and Jason dressing up like each other, running around in circles, and being like "Ha! You can't persecute someone if you CAN'T TELL THEM APART!" And the prosecutor will be like "I rest my case!" And the judge will be like "Sustained!" And Wooderson will be like "Alllllllriiiiiiight!" And Jay and Silent Bob will be like "Snooch to the nooch!"
Well, if we're lucky, with the help of Stan Lee and the three-nippled topless fortune teller, everything will get sorted out in the end, and Ben Affleck will go to jail.
"Londonception: Your hat is the scene of the douce"
I remember very clearly the moment I decided that I was okay with homosexuality. It seems kind of quaint now, but I was watching "Access Hollywood" with my elderly, Italian Catholic grandmother. They were showing a clip from the Harrison Ford/Anne Heche film "Six Days, Seven Nights" (!!!) and my grandmother, quite frankly and with a lot of vitriol, informed me that Anne Heche was an evil person and was going to hell because she had a relationship with another woman (whose name I cannot recall and clearly went on to do nothing in comparison to what a superstar Anne Heche is today). This did not sit well with me, because at Catholic school they taught me to love everyone no matter what, and treat others the way you would want them to treat you. So based on those simple principles, I told my grandmother that I saw nothing wrong with what Anne Heche and her nobody girlfriend were doing, and that they should be allowed to live their lives without being subject to persecution, because, hey, they weren't persecuting me for, I dunno, being a fourth-grader who had nothing better to do than watch TV with his grandmother. I'm sure she was horrified, but I was her eldest grandson, so, by ancient Italian law, she was required to accept my position without question, and go make me some spaghetti and meatballs. Even though I turned out to be straight, I always sympathized with the Gay Rights cause, not because being gay is "cool" or anything (I'm pretty sure if something about you causes people to want to beat you to death, it's not really that "cool" at all), but because I would never want someone to tell me how to live my life. I can't imagine the horrible scrutiny and ostracizing that comes with coming out, and the baggage that comes with such a large part of society thinking that some part of your whole being is ugly or wrong or makes you less human. It would be like if I was denied basic rights given to people who aren't overweight, or don't have beards, or aren't of Irish descent, or aren't from New Jersey. If someone was fighting to take away my rights, I'd fucking fight to the death to be treated with equality, and I would accept the help of anyone who wanted to join the cause. Equality should be for everyone, including, yes, people who came out after 1988, and people who see something "cool" about being gay. Honestly, this comment comes across as so hopelessly elitist. It almost reads as someone being upset that jocks are now into that one obscure band you started listening to three years ago. People should understand the struggles it took to get to where the Gay Rights movement is today, yes, but at the same token, people can't help when they were born. And I'm sorry that I'm straight, and that you think that I care about Gay Rights just because it's some flavor of the month, but I'll always fight for the equality of those who don't have it. We're all humans, and if we all want to be treated solely as humans, we all have to work together to attain that. Call me an idealist, but that's just the way it is. Can you imagine what would have happened to the Civil Rights movement if Martin Luther King, Jr. denied the help of white activists just because he thought they were trying to jump on some sort of bandwagon? ("Hey, cool! Let's get attacked by police dogs too, guys!") A movement against discrimination is no place for discrimination.
I always thought Ruth Bader-Ginsberg gave off kind of a "Jodie Foster Fanclub President" vibe, myself.
I think they mean cool as in coffee that is made specifically for clowns.
I think you're thinking of someone else?
Leo, in that one flashback scene with Mol.
"It's a shark's open mouth. Jump into a shark's open mouth."
"I got the results of the test back. I definitely got bitten by a shark."
"Stop staring at the zit on my nose!"