
especially the last scene. i got teary eyed when i watched it.
this makes me totally lose faith in just about everything... just.... just game over man. game over.
game of thrones brought us "tyrionfaceslash" and trueblood brings us "boningmyvampiresister"
PLEASE BRING BACK GABE'S TRUEBLOOD REVIEWS!!!!! yes i needed that in all caps, that's how much I enjoy his dislike of the show.
why has no one mentioned how even more awesome Game of Thrones would be if Thor stumbled into Westeros? seriously, could he have all the sex scenes with everyone?
no there is only team dick! all dick, all day. dick dick dick!!!
oh i want this for christmas...
i didn't know Cris Angel and Adam Lambert had a kid... well congrats to them both, just hope they remember to share the eyeliner and man-scara.
it might be the fact that i have a thing for southern/country accents but i thought the video was cute. and kudos to him being brave enough (although some might say stupid enough) to post that vid of him crying and attempting being inspirational.
I heard Abe Lincoln ate only an apple for lunch because he ate vampires for breakfast. because you know, vampires are pretty filling.
(in best jerry seinfeld voice) What's with all the diabetes!?!
no... i'm african american and i found that absolutely hilarious. i can't speak for all of us but i though it was funny.
why is this a thing? seriously? okay i'll give MTV one for making teen wolf into a show because all those dudes are shirtless like all the time and that's just good tv, but how are they going to have a (i'm assuming) multiple season show about a highschool serial killer terrorizing the town of woodsboro?
i know this is obvious but i like how season 1 ended with fire (the dragons) and season 2 ended with ice (the white walkers). i hope the show ends with some epic battle between Dany (returning to the seven kingdoms) with her dragons (preferably riding a dragon into combat) against the white walker army. i hope that the destroyed throne room filled with snow that we saw is a subtle glimpse of this coming. I don't know, i totally just geeked out right now.
Oh Sam... even the white walkers don't want you...
i heard they call that the "winter is coming shuffle" in King's Landing or the "stark step-bitch!" up in the North. Arya be keeping it real.
me 3... lets just say i can wait to see Sansa and her special hairdo if it's like the book.
i miss drogo too... but i like the resolution they gave us with his cameo and i think Dany made him proud by setting her enemies on fire and putting the surviving ones inside a vault to die and then ransacking said enemies home like a real Dothraki. I'm sure he is smiling and loving her from the night lands.
am i the only one who thinks scrunched up butt hole when they see that mouth?
i know... he turned around and then that creepy guy was there and i'm all like..."Ew! no game of thrones, no!" cause seriously, that actor playing him is all kinds of hot.
Yeah, they kinda took me out of it for a second because i loved how scary they were on the first episode, never read the books and was a bit weary of the promos, but watching the White Walkers in the first episode generally scared me shitless, this seemed a bit like a let down by fully showing us a mummy with Doc Brown Hair.
i imagine a lot of scat-play starts out like this. and that is not a clever joke on my part, i just imagine there's a lot of face smearing and nightmare fuel.
instantly upvoted because of the words JON HAMM and DICK SIZE... i just day dreamed a little.
i agree... i work with a guy who is a hardcore religious type who thinks gays are evil and premarital sex is the devils whammy and masturbation is for sinners. It's completely entertaining to see everyone at work make in fun of him and talk about he's a sexually repressed puppet of his religious nut pastor father and stepford mother (his parents visited him at work once). I feel sorry for people who live with such a rigid and unforgiving mindset like that, "Gays go to Hell, that's why their called fags because they make great kindling for hell fire." Like i can tell that he kind of believes this but at the same time it's obviously not his own fully formed opinion but his parents. I don't know, when i just see hate like that so ingrained in people and they never second guess it, it just makes me sad.
horrible thing is i've seen all these dances done by douchey guys in the clubs and it always makes me drink heavier. oh and what about dry humping? is that not a dance, because a lot of people seem to think it is.
you might not like what happened to buddy...
everyone knows "working in a steakhouse" means "giving blow jobs for black tar heroin and untrustworthy strippers." ( cue obnoxious eye roll)
I don't care what anyone says, spiders are evil. Only something inherently evil needs that many eyes, and skitters when it walks. ugh!!! Funny story: when i was a kid i wanted a pet spider, instead my parents let me watch "Arachnophobia." needless to say, my parents are assholes.
I don't care what anyone says, spiders are evil. Only something inherently evil needs that many eyes, and skitters when it walks. ugh!!! Funny story: when i was a kid i wanted a pet spider, instead my parents let me watch "Arachnophobia." needless to say my parents are assholes.
i had a brown recluse thrown at me once... i swear to god i totally did a video-game like double jump. i kid you not , i jumped up and managed to jump again in mid air on absolutely nothing. I DO NOT FUCK AROUND WITH GRAVITY WHEN IT COMES TO SPIDERS!!!
an instead of claws, he'd have retractable penises come out of his knuckles...
Bronn (is that right) v.s. The Hound, i would totally hate to see that, their both such badass characters and one of them would have to die. Also, i jumped out of my seat clapping when The hound said fuck the King, because that took balls and Jofferey is such a little pinched headed asshole.
schwankee? more like sch-wagger! - I'm not proud of that at all. sorry.
"nah man, it's cool. god is totally okay with hetero-sexual do overs"- that girls logic.