
Alternately, the one where moses parts Jaden's hair into those sweet, sweet rows. Later in life, he hears god speak through Willow's burning tuft. Seriously though how styling are those little champs
Last night this episode broke a 10 year old record to become the most watched drama in cable history. Haha. Wait what.
You guys keep calling T-Dog T-Bone and you know what? I'm kind of glad. Because T-Dog is the most nonsensical thing that's ever hit my ears.
I believe this is a "zombie virus", not a "no room in hell day of the dead bullshit" situation, so that explains why they didn't come back as zombies. You'll have to ask the writers why they didn't get out of their cars before starving to death.
That makes so much less sense now that Gus is dead though....
Although honestly I'm sticking to my theory that he goes into witness protection in 515 and 516 is just episode 1 of Malcolm in the Middle.
Kelly, I will obviously still love you if you do the TWD recaps but honestly the only reason i want to see season 2 is because Gabe's recaps were so perfect. But you should do them. Really, you should. Also, please be teethface for halloween.
What if Mike is secretly romantically involved with Gus!? Read my fanfic here: just kidding I'm not finished it yet OBVIOUSLY #laborOfLove #HashTag That was supposed to accompany that I don't know how images work hi everyone
Kelly wanna be these kids for All Hallow's Ween?
In Season 2 when they cook the ricin for Tuco, Walt describes it as flu-like.
I... feel like it's not that weird to not want to talk to someone who just said, "Oh, your son is sick? For some reason I feel like you should tell the doctors about this rare poison ttyl"
I'm pretty sure at the end there he's saying that Don't Ask Don't Tell goes both ways. Anyone who acknowledges the existence of sex is out. WORLD PEACE
I feel like it's pretty clear that mike saw Handsome Gabe a-comin' for him and tried to get a cap off before he got shootered?
I was under the impression that she wasn't aware of what she was doing, but I guess that would make her kind of bad at her job, huh.
"And remember, ladies: A little acrylic goes a long, gnarled, disgusting way!"
Alternately, this superb scene from Dexter's Lab:
The Rugrats Movie!
The Indian in the Cupcake
Rise of the Planet of the Cakes
I’m not really sure how even got stuck in there! I can barely.. I can get my head in there.. and my shoulders.. and oop.. okay… okay wait call the police I’ve figured it out! I always accidentally post on here with my facebook account what the eff why can I even do that
I keep accidentally posting from my facebook account. WTF.
Let's see what this guy's got.
aaaaand cut to waves crashing... yes. We got it.
I can't figure out if this would look as bad if it weren't connected to the Planet of the Apes franchise.
I am bad at comments. First a bad joke and then another bad joke that is invisible. Sorry videogum.
to be fair, if anything will make a little boy gay it's tickle me elmo.
Liberals think their morality is so damn superior.
haha I don't think that's what it is but I see the similarity