
This movie looks depressing. Not even one ray of sunlight in the whole thing.
Is this the one where Jack Back gets green slimed?
He always made me laugh and gave me the heebie jeebies. I guess that equals the hehe jeeebies.
What's the big deal? Just don't suck on/lick and chew/break and eat/crush and snort/sit on naked/or drink from the glass. I don't get it.
Also, definitely worth pointing out that this movie is for KIDS. The premise is that he tells a lie and then lands himself in a bit of trouble, and everyone (except for dummy kids) knows that LYING doesn't get you into trouble, lying makes you $$$RICH$$$!!!!!! ... But he probably winds up rich in the end with that woman on a big ol boat, so therefore, adults, and Lock the gate Fandango!
"Black Is the New Big." Psssht. Quit acting like you invented a stereotype you innuendo/tag line!
"This has nothing, and we mean NOTHING (everything), to do with Spielberg being a top general in Jew-run Hollywood. Nothing. (Everything.)" - Rockrageous Ministries
Anyone ladies looking to purchase Ke$ha's lipstick color can go to Hot Topic and search "I'm Blowing C3PO Gold."
Don't you hate it when people pronounce the names of other countries the way said country's natives do? The way she said, Cholula from "Meh-hee-co," for example? GRRRRRRAHHHHH!!!!! So obnoxious! It reminds me of when I was a kid and traveling missionaries would visit our church to show slides and tell stories about their trips to Brah-zeel and Chill-lay during these we've returned with our heads and bit of hepatitis victory lunches. My dad would always corner them afterwards and say, Hey now where is that you went again? over and over, Where?...Where now? Where?! Until they'd finally get the point and say the English language versions, and then he'd laugh sarcastically, look at me and go, "Right." Like Viggo Mortensen in the Road, love you, papa.
I'm the handbag that fits my bullets and my Sassy Pup! <img src=",%20Lucy%92s%20Luxuries,%
More than likely he's reading Andrew Keen's "The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet is Killing Our Culture," hence his proper usage of the phrase, "He gonna put that on the Youtube."
His spacegrandkids are groaning about this one.
Yes, please, and thank you. I was an eighth grade English teacher for one year you know. It was just before I had your mother, shellbomber! Remember that when I'm gone.
Lauren, the intern. I am a fan of your grammar.
My dentures will not go see this with me.
You are so right! And it's always such a tickle when rich people (Edward Sharpe and all his zeros for example) dress like penniless gypsies and call it fashion. Remember Andrew Carnegie?!
The part where Gabe acted like he thinks Jaegerbombs are a silly drink order.
Thank you for explaining this bananafana now where'd you put my television? I remember when Banksy was just a boy! Just a BOY! Not a troublemaker, just a boy! Such a sweet boy... Not a troublemaker, bananfana where'd you put my television?
I don't think the girls in that movie trailer were dressed very nice. ... Now, where did I put my clothespins? ... But the boys with the beards looked like nice young gentlemen.
Yes, and Faygo is slang for Nyquil now why were you yelling at Me?!
Yes, and Faygo is slang for Nyquil now why were you yelling at Me?!
She makes the Lindy Hop look classy.
You can be my wing man any time space dementia.
My VCR didn't tape this, Gary. Thank you, honey... Oh. Which one is he? Gabby? Gundy? ... Oh, Gabe, honey, I'm sorry. My mind sometimes! Now what were we talking about?
Jay Leno has a big, big silly ol' chin! Only one biscuit each now... Conan O'Brien is the new Jack Paar!
Is the background of that graphic supposed to be an erased chalkboard or the back of Obama's head? Either way... Great choice!
What family of sharks did those girl dolls murder for their eyes?
What family of sharks did those girl dolls murder for their eyes?
No, no I say if you have a problem with the picture posts take a night school class in basic Photoshop and jump on in! Your new favorite show is Community on NBC anyways.
Whoop whoop! Whoop whoop! Fun police just hired a new rookie! Party at the Blue Oyster!
"The opposite of cake is doo doo pie." - Tracy Morgan
"Monopoly has a wonderful history"? Not in my lifespan. Older siblings "robbing the bank" while you get more Kool-Aid. Never getting to be the fucking race car. Fuck! ... I do like Wilfred Brimley as the Monopoly man though.
Time Traveller arcade game circa 1991, y'all! What will Tokyo come up with next? Mother fucking blue jeans?
His wife must be a frigid, humorless troll with a massive Carrot Top "in concert" record collection. What other kind of horrible woman would leave a comedic godsend like Louis C.K.?
If Kim wants to REALLY get one over on them bitches, she should go see "It's Complicated" BY HERSELF! And then when anyone says anything to her about ANYthing she should flip her hair and be like, "It iz comp-lick-ated!"
Movies about making movies. . . Didn't Ed Wood already do it best?