
YES PLEASE. Or at least an open thread? I will refresh it hundreds of times. That's how you guys make money, right?
he is the cutest.
recent photo of Gabe's mother:
man you and bubbles are saying it better than I can right now, so i'll just be back here upvoting.
All I remember about Gak was using it to make hilarious fart sounds, which totally applies in this case too.
Is it weird that I am a vegetarian who thinks cleanses and detoxes are a hot load of bullshit? Should I be pounding bottles of olive oil over here? WHY DO WE HAVE A LIVER AND KIDNEYS, GWYNETH?
I know! I feel like Slow Loris with a Tiny Umbrella came out in 1974.
Battle of the Hollywood Super-Hunks!
I completely misinterpreted this. I totally thought TLC was making a movie based on the Katharine Dunn novel and that the guy in the video was vlogging his displeasure about them inevitably ruining it.
oh what's wrong, website? you don't like hotlinking? I don't need you.
“Yeah, but after you watch the video a bunch of other videos pop up of other bears doing the exact same thing.” OH, WHAT A TERRIBLE PROBLEM TO HAVE.
not if this guy gets there first!
my brain shorted out from pure excitement and I thought it was "more, more, more" by The Andrea True Connection.
she gives mad props to Leni Rifinsinfindfenstahl
yeah, the imaginary fiancee totally would be named Gregory, wouldn't he?
Jesus I wish I had more than one upvote for this, badideajeans.
yes, she is. Her costumes for the very silly Bram Stoker's Dracula were totally awesome.
I like her eyebrows. COME AT ME, YOUTUBE BROS
welp, that was the Snow White movie I was hoping would be good, so I've lit a lantern and am now descending the steps to the Shame Cellar.
I too only care about treats and snoozin'.
I don't really see anything wrong with it either. She had clothes on, she was reading a book, and I just don't have the energy to care about anything anymore.
I am super excited for the Tarsem version of Snow White because it looks bright and kind of kitschy like those Russo-Finnish fantasy movies from the 1960's and the dwarves look like they're from Time Bandits.
This is my dream. I want to get this job and just bomb at it with normal slovenly person advice. "Baby wipes are great for taking off your makeup when you've been drinking Yellow Tail Merlot all night!"
speaking of Hannity and terror, did anyone see that GQ interview where he reveals what his lower hald is clad in under his desk?
this describes my own Dad's political beliefs pretty well, he's pretty science/tech inclined and I've often wondered how he could reconcile that with being conservative and growing up as an Evangelical, and I think it's for most of the same reasons you described. The weird thing is growing up in the 60's he WORSHIPED Martin Luther King and when I try to equate things that are going on now with the Civil Rights Movement back then, it's like talking to a brick wall.
Yes. I had to turn off the TV and sit quietly after I saw it.
I also got creeped out by such a harsh critique of photos we weren't supposed to see. "This stolen car doesn't handle all that great."
I got annoyed when some wag on twitter described it as "underwhelming." Shut up twitter guy, it was fine, you're a jerk.
Maybe the bar has been set low because of people like Paris Hilton wearing Leg Avenue Sexy Dorothy costumes every year?
"I hear kids are trying to see how many of themselves they can fit into phone booths now?"
Gretchen Carlson looks like Bruce McCulloch in Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy. I know I've said it before, and I don't care, I'm saying it again.
Maybe they took down the Madonna one because it's that incoherent mess of a movie she made where she thanked Leni Riefenstahl in the credits and spelled her name wrong. LOL, Madonna!!
I heard the herpes monkey was actually eaten by a tiger who was then shot? I don't like this animal story.
I got so excited for a Rob Dyrdek reference.