
"something something egged like a Ukrainian parliament member."
While I agree that you often have really funny things to add AND that there's more to life than upvotes, I also think there's more to it than hassling other people over their comments on a blog, too. There's a real person on the other side of every one of these avatars, you know, and being cruel just because we can is a temptation I think the better half of every one of us would like to avoid. Okay, I'm off my high horse now. Downvote away!
You know, you could always just read the posts and not the comments. Just sayin'.
If I had my security Larry King with me, I'd fall right to sleep, too.
You laugh, but this is seriously what I picture every time I'm afraid I left the stove on.
"I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout." - Gwyneth Paltrow's Modest Proposal.
"See? It's like I always say, 'The only good communist is an egged communist.' What's that you say? The Ukraine has been a democracy for almost 20 years, thus making the allegation that some one is a communist almost totally irrelevant? Eh, still commies in my book." -- Some Teabagger.
What is up with all the Communism ranting of late? I mean, I know the 80's are coming back in style and all, but geez. Couldn't you just get a Flock o Seagulls cut instead?
""Actually, my direction often would be, 'Hey, Hil, a little less Amelia please,' " Nair says, chuckling." Well, that just about says it all, doesn't it?
In Gabe's day, almost no one finished grade school because they all had to skip to help out with the trampoline harvest.
I once had a neighbor who claimed he had drank his own piss on a dare (while drunk). I don't think even he would have picked his gum out of vomit and continued chewing it.
I like that you're reading this post without your knickerbockers on. And on the good parlour furniture, too.
Thank you to whoever just upvoted that. I just went through and put back all the -1 comments to 0's, too.
Touché. It's hard to decide which one I want her to be more: Constance or Sue Sylvester...
Yet another article that makes Miley Cyrus look like the benchmark for sanity by comparison. I DON'T LIKE THIS FEELING.
Man, talk about hypocrites! I mean, when I think about all the times I was denied sweet roles like "Shepherd #3" and "Peer Pressurer #1," it just makes my blood boil.
Raindrops on roses and T-grace and puppies! Steven Seagal and a sex slave and money! Stupid Scott Baio ruins everything! These are a few of my favorite things! Betty White's hot dog and Charlie Sheen's disguise! The faux-British emptiness of G. Paltrow's eyes! 2012 will come, and the end it will bring! These are a few of my favorite things!
Really? No "...but I gotta masturbate at least once DAMN" comment on here?
I just hope it's better (and less mandatory!) than Coupon: The Movie.
I for one find it shocking that someone who believes that all people receiving government assistance are lazy could be so filled with vitriol towards the pettiest arguments and most defenseless subjects! Man, what a world.
"The man has a PONY TAIL, your honor. I rest my case."
Betty White at the premier of her new reality T.V. show: "What will children of the Depression eat for a nickel?" Premiers Sundays at 4 pm, right after "How much tinfoil has my Grandmother saved all these years." For realsies, though, I kind of love old people and their thriftiness.
"Hope you have a big _______ cuz I'm gonna put my _______ in it." - The 40-Year-Old ________
All I can say is, thank goodness for Rich FourFour's ANTM recaps on Mondays. That's right! I said it! I'm seeing other blogs now!
If being in jail will keep this guy away from me, then I accept your jail cell offer, Gabe. However, I can only pay 5 cigarettes for it.
Or other unnamed physiological reactions?
*Tell me. I was just so excited to get to that bug bunny part.
Cameron: "Tell, just where did you get your hair done? Exquisite!" (I envision him saying it in the voice of Bugs Bunny when he's doing that big red hairy monster's hair.)
I've never been to a live taping and so I've always wondered how they dub in all that The Worst.
Oh man, my insides just went squeeeeee!
I can remember the specific moment when my Kevin Smith like turned into hatred and that was the "porch monkeys" scene from Clerks 2. I didn't even know what that meant, for God's sake, and after I had it explained to me, it seemed like the most God-awful, tasteless and just plain irrelevant thing to stick in the movie. Gross.
So true! During the fingercuffs scene I was like, "is this what high school is going to be like?" and felt somewhat terrified since I hadn't even made out with anybody yet...
I guess that song is rather POLARIZING, huh? (Wakka wakka--magnet humor!)
Ellen DeGeneres' staff includes a warlock who collects nematodes and rooster's toes.
Ellen DeGeneres is constantly exhausted due to her strong belief in nihilism.
I turned 19, and it was the most interesting time of my life. That being said, however, I am also an eggplant miner.