
The fact that this is a movie deeply upsets me.
Can they just create a "Best Performance by a Teenage Mom Playing a Teenage Mom on a Very Serious and Relevant TV Drama" category at the Oscars and then have the Oscars TOMORROW so Bristol can get some recognition!!?!?
At least she won't have to sneak into bed with Don. He's "staying in the city" because he was "working late" again.
"They were rambunctious and selfish and arrogant, but they were children." -my favorite line, and ain't it the truth.
How does he KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!?!??
"All we are is dust in the wind, dude."
You know, if they would just legalize eating poo poo, it wouldn't be cool to do it anymore.
"The city may be able to keep me off the subway, but they can't keep me from peeing on my scooter! RIDING, I meant riding on my scooter. Come on."
i'll be whichever bag fits most securely over my head when my girlfriend drags me to this thing.
i wonder if cousin Enus over there taped her for the entire six hours of the American Idol finale. Imagine that emotional roller coaster.
50 knows the academy loves this stuff. my only question is why did all the liquid he drank go straight to his forehead?
Oh man, don't let M.I.A hear about that redhead festival in Ohio.
Rosemary's Voodoo Goat Baby
I'm sorry guys, I had to. I've never done a "say a female actress is pretty before steve winwood does" before!
"Honey, if you're going to run the shower as hot as it goes all day will you at least take a shower at some point!?" "NO, all I want is the STEAM!"
it's a snickers ad. "People just aren't themselves when they're hungry........or are they?"
nothing like starting the day with some ke$ha guilt.
yikes, how did jay mohr get into the stadium with nikki cox's preserved corpse?
Pete Campbell tries and fails to imitate Mr. Cooper's signature robot dance move.
When I saw "The Forgotten" in Gabe's blurb below the video, I was expecting more people to be jumpered into the sky in the trailer. Nobody was jumpered, needless to say.
When Mr. Mirren leaned in and kissed the wax figure, he stiffened up and turned to wax on the spot. Madame Tussaud had finally gotten her revenge on that man-stealing hussy.
I like how the Topher Grave wikipedia page points out that videogum reports the latest Topher Grace news "in a snarky fashion" Gabe isn't just any Topher Grace chronicler, but a snarky one. Dare I say the snarkiest?
"I hope this helps! and i hope you can sense sarcasism when you see it!" - Abby This was my favorite part of the Yahoo answers. Well done, Abby!
Hey Gabe, we agree on who should have won best actor at the 2009 Oscars. Neat!
Once the T-1000 discovered its vagina, all it wanted was to optimize its performance. It forget all about John Connor.
I just wanna know how she handles the transition from explicit sex act back to stand-up. Sounds like a tricky one.
I love this picture, Animals are the best when they're expressive. I also love that this is now you're profile picture.
"She's indecisive; she can't decide." -Sean Kingston clearing up any confusion you might have had. Thanks, Sean Kingston!
in Finland they call dogs "lorries." (am i doing this right?)
knowing full well that it was a race against time before the camera lens fogged up, i think the cut from the cats back to Creepy Santa was a poor choice.
I feel like our relationship has been a bit rocky lately. She's always going on about Jesus this, and Jesus that and how all she wants to do is please him. I feel like Marcy doesn't have much time for me anymore. When she comes home from church we barely talk, and when we do it usually results in a fight, in which case she just runs right back to church. I just want things to be like how they used to be, before Marcy went to that Summer Bible Sleepaway Camp. *Sigh*
i turned the sound off and went back to what I was listening to before (old R.E.M.) and it actually made it not look so bad. Also, somebody call Industrial Light and Magic, SOMEONE STOLE THEIR LATEST TECHNOLOGY!
i wish i could give this picture so many more upvotes.
How many people are going to order this thing without realizing you need to already have an iphone? answer: everyone who orders this because they are all stupid jerks.