
Seriously. She's the reason I went and saw New Moon. I'm not sure if it was worth it though...
Totally not pathetic. I'm in love with Anna Kendrick. And I don't even swing that way.
He doesn't count. He's Canadian.
My friend was watching the preview for this episode last week and she got kinda outraged that it was called "The 16-Year-Old Virgin", because as she put it, it makes being 16 and still a virgin seem like something unusual and I was just thinking, DUDE, HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THIS SHOW BEFORE?
But... my MacBook is black!
Now that's a movie Sandra Bullock should've gotten an Oscar for.
Noooo, not at all a fat joke. I've actually known of her existence on the interwebz for a long time, and it's always shocked me that people are rude enough to make fat jokes. Especially since there are SO MANY OTHER THINGS about her that are crazy, picking on her appearance is beyond awful.
How can she be the world's biggest Twilight fan if she doesn't eve know that KStew is wearing a wig LIKE DUHHHHHHHHHHHH
I'm sure the millions of dollars will cushion the embarrassment.
Haha, I love that lyric, because it's so weird and makes no sense! I would kick them to the curb if they DID look like Mick Jagger.
I'm not gonna lie, I know all the words to "Tik Tok". It's awful, but I love it. It just makes me feel better, knowing how stupid Ke$ha is (or presents herself to be).
The best part is that it's actually Universal City Walk flashing behind him, and it's just as stupid IRL as in this video.
The fist pump: ur doin it wrong
I think the little English girl crying about Tony Blair wins.
Maybe we can petition Gabriel Garcia Marquez to ghostwrite it? At least that way it'll be good. And in Spanish.
There are puppets that look more like Robert Pattinson
Did he get a haircut? Can vampires get haircuts? That's literally all I can think about right now.
The BMX Bandit! I think I love you!
I would listen to 5 Benny Goodman Songs At 5PM. Sounds awesome.
This review is everything I was hoping it would be and more. Also, my friend said she watched this with her on-again-off-again boyfriend over the summer, and while she did not cry, he did and he hugged her and told her never to leave him and would not let her go for at least an hour. OMG CRAZY NEEDY. If that's romance, I want nothing to do with it.
"You cannot approach history unless you have empathy for the person you may hate," Stone said Um, actually, you can. Understanding the social, political, economic, and whatever other causes behind someone's horrible, reprehensible actions ? empathy Also, do people REALLY hate historical figures? Like, even my Holocaust survivor grandmother claims she doesn't hate Hitler (although she will call him all sorts of bad words in Polish), because he's dead and that's really not worth her time. Why not put our energy into hating people who are fucking things up in the here and now, like Sarah Palin?
The only redeeming attribute Lawndale has is this liquor store that doesn't card. But I doubt that means much to anyone over 21.
Um, since when does garlic smell like weed? Or am I the crazy one for not realizing the similarity?
Hahahha, oh Mexico. You are definitely the racist-ist. (They probably aren't the racist-ist. But they are pretty racist.)
Aren't electronics supposed to be off for that part of the flight? GOOD JOB CRASHING THE PLANE, PERSON MAKING THIS VIDEO.
Stephen Fry would be my boyfriend if he weren't... well, a homo.
I wish I could upvote this forever. QI ftw!
The kid from the Taylor Swift music video. I still can't get over that.
I love the Hispanic lady. Because if English isn't your first language, how can you be raciist?!?!
I feel like that show would just be boring. If I want to feel better about myself, I can read MLIT.
I think my favourite part of that is that she felt the need to clarify that his penis was manly.
I think my favourite part of that is that she felt the need to clarify that his penis was manly.
I can not wait for The Notebook. This is going to be fun.
But it wasn't even a revision of Romeo & Juliet. They just reference it and draw comparisons for the sake of trying to look smart because OH LOOK IT'S SHAKESPEARE GUYZ!
That was definitely the best part of the entire book. Still didn't make it worth it though.
So I now I know that even period dress could not get me to watch The Hills. Thanks?