
If you watch the whole thing it looks like Franklin's dad is holding the last sign.
Yeah I just found the imdb for the midget on the left (Phil Fondacaro) and at first I was embarrassed that the only thing it looked like I could've recognized him from was a bunch of Sabrina episodes, but then I saw he was in Mary-Kate and Ashley's Double Double Toil and Trouble. Whew! Dignity saved!
so last night was my dad's birthday and my mom got him thirtysomething dvds (gabe and my parents have so much in common) and a snoop dogg cd because his birthday was yesterday too. anyoldpeople, i am looking forward to re-reading these recaps aloud as we slowly watch thirtysomething AS A FAMILY.
uhhhh is that davey from newsies next to jadakiss?
here's my idea for a storyline wrap-up: Joan and Sal get hired at Grey then gReY-sTErliNg CoOpEr mergerrrrrrrrrrrr! rEuNioN!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!1!
those clown core kids are just trying to spread awareness. my (male) friend ate a luna bar once and still gets called lunaboobs.
yeah, i saw the headline and immediately thought OLD NEWS (not even old in that this is two years old but old in that gabe is 754 and this is news to him). oliver doesn't even know that miley IS HANNAH yet and lily and him aren't together. i'm 11 and my parents approve these comments.
I think the movie is about an impoverished Hmong neighborhood as opposed predominately Black or Hispanc gangs because the screenwriter is from Mpls-St. Paul which has a huge Hmong population but I don't know why the movie was set in Michigan. Maybe Clint Eastwood wanted to make this because it wasn't about populations where gang warfare is more endemic and, therefore, more publicized (Clint Eastwood + Boyz N The Hood = No Thanks), though I am surprised he didn't do something a little more mainstream considering it was his first move and all.
This actually made my day. I bought house on the cheap this morning and just found out that Vincent D'Onofrio played Thor in Adventures in Babysitting (where have i been??). Things are looking up! Thanks Gabe!
Those tears are made of sugar water.
uh someone should tell drake that a finding nemo reference does not help him look not 12.
so i am watching this with my parents and my dad just lied to my mom about kevin bacon and charlie sheen getting into a "scuffle" on the red carpet for no apparent reason. gabe, if you need a freelancer for fan fiction...
blake livey's hair reminds me of jar jar binks janeane garofalo: chris brown, are you gonna clean that up? chris brown: oh yeah, i, i just got...i don't have time right now janeane garofalo: clean it up, then come to my office for the meeting. chris brown: buhh i gotta...ahhhhhh (head roll)
we're all the same faggots when you turn off the light
the 9/11 mime mimes about the process behind 9/11 miming
Almost Cameron Crowe Bio-pic
Jay Leno, I don't need to watch your show to see Shaq race other celebrities becuase I am gonna be too busy watching Shaq Vs. on ABC. Zing!
idres elba is also trying to have a singing career. i am no Professor of Lindsay Lohans but i think this means the wire::mean girls as obsessed::i know who killed me.
fuck it, let's remake everything and then put some fucking vampires in it.
it's the little things, gabe.
girls are just boys who have laughed at raaaaaaaandy.
i'm not crying. i'm not. i just have allergies. IT'S ALLERGIES.
uh, because of the link on this i had a dream last night that ryan gosling was helping my friend move. and i was all, "ryan gosling is a really nice guy. i'd put his songs on my fridge." then i woke up. true story.
does this summer's disney blockbuster feature middle aged women in hoveround scooters? where was mickey? a dude dressed up as aladdin? I WANT TO SEE SOME BIG NAMES.