
Remember when Little J later let Chuck take her choice??? Such a great show!
Can someone please talk about Breaker High with me? I feel like no one else in the world remembers it and I know I didn't dream up a show about RyGos going to high school on a cruise ship! Someone help me validate the fact that I used brain cells to remember this madness.
Hilary Duff's fake boyfriend from her fake vampire movie. Serena pretended to date him for the tabloids.
Dear Kelly, I feel like we are soul sistas you know? You all the tv shows I watch and geek out about all the stuff I geek out about. And in the spirit of sisterhood...could we please get the Gossip Girl recaps back on Videogum. I MISS them. You should totes do them. Pretty please! xoxo, Sota
Hey Dude just came out on DVD if you really have an itch to watch it again.
He was probably in rehab with Jessie Spano while she was getting over her caffeine pill addiction.
I went and saw Friends with Benefits this weekend and during the part where they have their hands on the ipad and are making their sex friends pact some big deep (possibly drunken) man voice goes: "THAT IS SO COOL." The whole theater burst out laughing.
I know that I am supposed to love Chris Evans hot body and I do...but seriously...can someone wrangle me some Sebastian Stan? He is gorgeous. I was so bummed when he kicked the can.
That he's a nevernude?
Send your brother over to Thisismynightmare.
Mailman, I think the first time you must have accidentally picked up James Franco's notebook.
Harry and Ginny just have zero chemistry. It's the way that Ron and Hermione annoy each other that gets their friction up. It's no surprise that their kiss blew Harry/Ginny's out of the water.
Brothers don't shake hands! Brothers gotta HUG!
I know that the interwebs are exploding this week with the groundbreaking news that Neville got HOT (WILF...obviously), but has anyone noticed how tall and handsome Dean Thomas ended up being? Go Luna!
and Liz Lemon with the rubber chicken! Or did it end up being Jenna? I forget these things...
Also from Minnesota: Rachel Leigh Cook, Josh Hartnett, Bob Dylan, The Coen Brothers, F Scott Fitzgerald, Garrett Hedlund ...there's more...I'll think of them...
Does he seem like a poor man's Joey Tribbiani wannabe to anyone else?
Can we have JGL in more perfectly cut suits and vests a'la Inception? Because that I would definiately watch.
16 cups of mayo....and there was definitely a potato chip layer!
I love the twirly propeller!
The main advertising sponsor for Carsmore will be Car Fax, hosted by the Car Fox.
That's like asking David Caruso to use more than one tone with his speaking voice. It's just never gonna happen. That's not how the world works.
Thats when you know you have MADE IT. Someday when there is a popsicle version of me I can die happy knowing that I have finally achieved the ultimate fame.
It felt like Britney as Christina circa Diirrrrty to me.
Eighties movie's Tom Hanks is the best Tom Hanks of all the Tom Hanks.
Oh is that what that is? My bad. I thought it was tinfoil from yesterday's leftovers that got caught in her weave and she was unable to get out.
He's going to make him tons and tons of waffles because he's so proud!
That policeman has his red sharpie out and ready to go in case he sees any players he can get an autograph from!
Is that kid's father (in a matching shirt) Jason Bateman?
Agreed. And the way he's sitting/leaning on the table... Hello Mr. Slouchy! That pose is not making you look more like an adult and less like a child.
My future just flashed before my eyes.
I take that back....I am beginning to think it is really the ghost of Bart Bass.
It's kind of perfect, Democrats will vote for Alec Baldwin, Republicans will vote for Jack Donaghy. He's the perfect running mate for himself.
Seriously why do they ugly up Vanessa so much? Jessica Szhor is gorgeous!
JACK BASS! Oh my god it is totally JACK BASS.