
today has been pretty ok! i'm going to a pumpkin carving party tonight, which should be A+ fun. and this weekend is nothing but fun social events- cover band shows, fancy dinner with a friends parents, knitting circle, bike rides. i'm pretty into it.
i wish i hadn't watched that video. that was just a huge plate of sad, stupid shit i just ingested.
i was just going to say every roseanne halloween episode and every home improvement halloween episode.
mmmm, i don't want to be spoiler-y, but i just felt like the transition from the magical 30s / 40s to the restrictive family centric 50s was done in a way that sort of diminished both parts of the book. and perhaps that was commentary on growing up / growing old / making compromises, but i just didn't like how it was handled / realized. i thought it should've ended after the situation in the arctic. i think that was the last section i truly loved.
the buffy episode where everyone turns into their halloween costumes!
just like any white male from the 50s, superman is 10 years behind in trends. good luck getting a byline in gawker, clark!
i really liked the first half of that book. second half, not so much.
1. in recent history, i've been a perfectly executed log lady from twin peaks, a reproduction of a frida kahlo painting, and for mardi gras, a wearable stack of pancakes complete with syrup, a bat of butter, and a knitted bacon scarf, and once as the season of winter. 2. the pancakes were the best so far. they were about a foot and a half tall, and were sewn and stuffed with a hole in the middle so i just wore them around my middle. 3. in new orleans, you just go to the french quarter/downtown and strut around. everyone is out, you can drink on the streets, and its a huge party. 4. i've worn the pancakes to other events, and other pieces i've assembled (such as a crown of branches trailing snowflakes from fishing line with cardinals perched in the branches from the winter costume) i've worn for other occasions. i also loan stuff out sometimes.
so, you're dressing up as your avatar?
what, you're not into necrobeastiality?
yeah! i just posted about this in the how are you doing thread! i am going to be dead rotting deer. i made me a deer jumpsuit, with the stomach split open with intestines and maggots (also handmade!) spilling out. and i have fake crows that i am going to mount on my shoulders. and i made antlers. because i am a crazy person, and new orleans halloween is competitive, and i am in it to win it.
i do not fuck around for halloween or mardi gras! costuming is COMPETITIVE in new orleans. i'm so stoked- i didn't dress up for halloween when i lived in brooklyn last year because no one i was friends with seemed remotely interested in it. i spent the holiday at the gym. it was totally sad. so the fact that i am back home and get to spend a ridiculous amount of time putting together an elaborate outfit that will be completely appreciated makes me so very very happy.
my costumes are always ridiculously elaborate. but here's a relatively cheap / easy one that i've been holding onto for a few years: bunny ears + vampire teeth = bunnicula.
ah! unsure if anyone is still reading this. i'm going to be a dead, rotting deer. i made a deer jumpsuit, and will have fake intestines and maggots (which are also handmade) spilling out of my tummy. i've got fake crows i'm going to be mounting on my shoulders, pulling out more innards. and i made an antler headdress. i am SO EXCITED.
a few months ago i had an epic bike wreck under similar circumstances outside of this very busy bar. and i was laying in the street dazed and bleeding, this woman tottered over to me in her heels and i thought to myself, "oh, she's going to help me, how nice of her". and she got within 10 feet of me and just started vomiting profusely. it was a pretty special moment.
aw, thank you! a friend of mine read my tarot the other day (NO JUDGING IT'S FUN) and the whole thing was "doom doom manipulation doom anxiety doom" so i figure that i just need to keep plodding along and eventually things will get so hilariously, tragically bad that any slight improvement, such as finding a dollar on the ground or going to the grocery store and seeing that my fav cereal is on sale, will be a life affirming moment. maybe this is all about teaching me to appreciate shit! actually i think it's the confluence of lowest common denominators, and i will just bottom out soon, and reboot. yay positive thinking!
i've been having a string of bad luck (wrecked my bike, car broken, traffic tickets, family strife, weird romantic encounters that are producing anxiety), but somehow i feel pretty positive. it's the best time of the year in this city (82 and sunny today!), halloween is right around the corner and my costume is going to be amazing, and i'm incredibly lucky to be surrounded by beautiful, hilarious, amazing friends- most of whom i've known for almost a decade.
my friends and i have "vampire baseball" as a card in our apples to apples set. it wins every time it gets played.
i think the first lady who spoke said, "i'm so proud that my husband died in the gulags so you two can be free to be the nightmares that you are".
also, because i live in southeast louisiana, a portion of the country that is already getting fucked my climate change and man-made disasters due to oil drilling- the 2010 oil spill, the 400 foot wide sinkhole that is just eating a section of assumption parish and leaking oil into the bayous- i certainly give a fuck when obama brags about being friendly to oil and gas companies. fuck that. i'm not going to be held hostage by the center left.
i live in louisiana. it really doesn't matter if i vote for obama.
i was also knitting a sweater and drinking a hot toddy!
also. y'all. the phrase "TRICKLE DOWN GOVERNMENT" is just so mind-bendingly awful that i don't even know how to parse it. romney keeps saying it and saying it with so much obvious "haha, i've really turned the narrative around on this one! look at my witty repartee". just. ooooooooooh.
yes! i was basically just yelling "PAID MATERNITY LEAVE, OBAMA, SAY PAID MATERNITY LEAVE" at my radio after mitt romney said that his stance on women in the work place was letting them go home at 5 to take care of their kids.
i think jill stein won the debate last night after she got ARRESTED trying to get into the debate hall and then spent eight hours HANDCUFFED TO A CHAIR in police detention. and i'm voting for her, because the "no, i want to rape the environment harder" pissing contest that occurred 10 minutes into the debate made me see blood.
someone with photoshop please insert glenn beck's goofy face: onto this american apparel ad:
i listened to it on the radio while i drank beer and worked on my halloween costume. my problem is that paul ryan just kept saying that they would do things like get growth going to 4% per year, and employ 12 million people- and like, a. how because b. for the government to do that you would need direct government intervention in the employment market and c. since you're against that i'm assuming you're reinstating child slavery with d. all of the babies you are personally save from abortion.
when thinking about how he's using a fictional reality to underpin his also fictionalized political campaign and platform, and how he's purposefully using a show that everyone would probably agree highlights aspects of americana- and aspects of americana that he himself is not derived from- yeah, that's post-modernist to me. sorry if my academia underpants are showing.
i just find it distasteful either way. someone running for president using a TV slogan as their own is just way too post modernist / late state capitalism for me. it's just tacky and gauche.
well, since a core theme of the show was the crushing of civil society and equal opportunity by the petit bourgeios, perhaps thats why romney thought it was so relevant to his interests.
really feel like romney's just reaching for any attempt for emotional resonance with an audience that he's now literally borrowing the resonance of a popular heartland-esque TV show, probably on the advice of a marketing major.
have you read lynda barry's "worst boyfriend ever" comic about dating ira glass???
maybe kurt's comment was a dada-ist critique that just calls into attention that all of the questions facing the candidates are just as pointless as knowing their preferred pizza toppings, as this is all pageantry and has no actual grounding in real policies, priorities, or governing actions.
a friend and i had a convo last night about the notion of "talent" and "great art"- how some people intuitively use their talent and produce art in an almost unknowing fashion, and how some people intellectually approach creating and, through a rigorous process, build towards creating interesting art. and then there are people that have created a talent through a rigorous process, but somehow just create shlock. we have started calling such creatures "try hards". this is a pretty perfect definition of someone trying very hard and practicing very much and having some semblance of a talent, but producing awful shit.
if they didn't think it was going to emotionally move the audience / serve an important branding purpose, why else would they make it and plaster it all over their network?
i dunno if i think this video is sincere. it's manipulative and gauche, and uses stock images to pander for emotional responses that are way larger than the concepts they're hamfistedly trying to push. so in a way, it is a pretty cynical video. it's basically like, "these rubes are just going to eat this beautiful shit up and lick the plate clean. look at these happy black kids! playin on a chair cuz maybe that's all they've got!" fucking gross.
a few months ago i was listening to NPR, and they interviewed an activist who was heavily involved in the egyptian revolution that overthrew mubarak. and the journalist asked the activist about facebook, because the west has this idea that facebook was hugely influential in galvanizing people to participate in the occupation of tahrir square. and the activist said something along the lines of, well, what would happen is that someone would read the local newspapers and post events on facebook, and then foreign journalists would find the events because it was the main way that they were reaching out to the community, and then the journalists would all mob whatever activity they all had found on facebook, and thus the news they would report back to the west was derived from that sort of cyclical activity. and it's why a lot of things in the revolution were just not covered by western media, because they were only paying attention to facebook and thus directly involved in creating news, basically.
and in a city where almost 40% of households don't have internet, i'm glad facebook chose new orleans as one of the places to shoot this numbnuttery.
roughly ten minutes in romney said the phrase "economy tax" and i promptly had an aneurysm and died. i'm actually posting this from the morgue.