
i'm kinda sad that, when i lived in boston, i didn't go out to the new bedford whaling museum's moby dick read-a-thon. but, then again, it happens in january, and for a girl who woke up to a 75 degree day this morning and thought it was a bit chilly, i remember that in january in boston i was too busy crying and cursing my life to even think about going anywhere.
breaking down walls = reference to the berlin wall falling, which everyone who watches fox and friends thinks ronald reagan accomplished with his own two geriatric hands.
human sexuality is a wonderful, beautiful, and often nightmarish, thing.
it's just so aggressively stupid. like, beyond even the tiniest grasp of understanding history, governance, and political theory. it's like watching monkeys smear feces on a wall and then pretending that somehow they managed to write war and peace. and the more that this bland, idiotic misinformation just gets blathered into our ears, the more unhinged the basic understanding of core tenets become. all you need to do in order to control the future is control the present dialogue, because then you can just make up whatever the hell you want and everything loses it's basic definition. ugh. i would pay good money to kick everyone who has their fat fingers involved in making that terrible tv show in the face. writers, producers, cameramen, spokespeople. they all deserve it.
the only explanation i have for that is that maybe time travel works in defined increments. so you will go back exactly 30 years from when you enter the box, regardless of when you enter it.
i found myself at a party this weekend in the house that was used as bruce willis' house in china! it was a very cool house! and i loved this movie way super a lot. especially how shabby the future was.
david gordon green is going to direct??? i absolutely love his films, but man alive does he make depressing, creepy movies. maybe little house will finally be as dark as it should be.
everyone should just watch the news hour on pbs. it's the best. the fact that news and entertainment have melded so stupendously is a huge problem, and it's really degraded how our society as a whole thinks and functions.
if there was one fucking phrase i could ban from the presidential election, it would be the phrase "middle class". hell, the other day on npr they were talking about FOOD SECURITY ISSUES being MIDDLE CLASS. like, it is now MIDDLE CLASS to not be able to FEED YOURSELF. jesus h. christ.
that's definitely more hemingway-y. A++
i know. he's starting to remind me of some washed up prom queen who is trying desperately to cling to some shred of sparkly glory, and it's all so sadly raymond carver-esque that it's making me feel some iota of sympathy for the bastard. voting for him at this point must feel awfully close to a pity fuck.
what an ego-maniacal goober.
i kinda hate all the 19th century lady novels. i actually just read wuthering heights, and wasn't too fond of it. the narrator was such a fucking goon. but nothing makes me hate so much as jane eyre does. oh lord, that novel is so supremely screwed up.
kate bush's ethereal wailing is good, but i prefer kate beaton's drawings:
linton heathcliff is also an adult baby fetishist.
have you listened to big k.r.i.t.? he is my favorite southern rapper. everything he's done is great, except for this terrible remix he did with ludacris on one of his tracks. ludacris is the worst, and i blame his stupid mediocrity for tainting a lot of southern rap.
something about the slow ass way he is delivering makes me want to kill things.
you know what they say: older siblings are die hard, neurotic perfectionists, and younger siblings are ridiculous care free spirits who just want to ruin everything for their older sister.
he's also politically repulsive!
ummmm i think that's mainly twaddle. there was no social welfare state until a very, very tiny one was constructed following the civil war in order to deal with the war wounded and widows. and we can also talk about how the government didn't really get around to even thinking about promoting general welfare until the 1960s. not to say that it isn't important that those words exist in that document, i just personally do not like holding up the bill of rights and the constitution as divine documents that support social equity, because it wasn't true then and i don't like trying to prove that it was.
oh, facetaco, there aren't enough swearwords in the world to accurately express how this makes me feel.
can we also talk about his "apology"? Mr. Romney said his comments addressed “a question about direction for the country: Do you believe in a government-centered society that provides more and more benefits? Or do you believe instead in a free-enterprise society where people are able to pursue their dreams?” WHICH MAKES NO SENSE. advocating for a stronger social welfare state DOES NOT EQUAL dream - quashing. and having a social welfare state does not imply that free enterprise does not exist. i am so tired! i am so tired of listening to this utter bullshit! but what's actually sad is that the removal of social safety nets and the removal of all government support actually does downgrade the lives and possibilities of millions of people. i just want someone in the political discourse to point out that what mitt romney really wants the US to be like is china- a hybrid of rampant capitalism and no public services. except he wants all us dumb freeloaders to willingly vote ourselves into that trap. geeeeeezus this dude. though gargamel will need a toupee.
i don't want my dad's dad at the polls this november because he is a CRAZY RACIST who loves glenn beck.
if by "chicks", you literally mean baby birds, well, then yes, they will definitely be terrible as they are not very good at using keyboards and knowing language.
oh god, how many terrible academic papers on medieval feminism will be written about hansel and gretel: witch hunters. paging camille paglia.
i think she is a pretty perfect symbolic iteration of the stock market- a completely deluded joke that fucks people for a living, and that no one understands how it perpetuates itself.
ugh, i wish i could edit that.
i think leto is just pointing out the physical embodiment of his aging and ugliness, since obviously he's on got some creepy picture of dorian grey deal going on.
i read the much vaunted "team of rivals" about lincoln and his cabinet, which was pretty good, though i recently read that most historians hate doris kearns goodwin, because she has poor methodology and does a little too much embroidery in her writing. and i totally read clinton's autobiography, which struck me as too middle of the road, much like the guy himself. and in general, for other good biographies, i always recommend 'american prometheus' about j robert oppenheimer, the father of the bomb.
i've only read the first of the lyndon johnson books, which is a huge misstep, as johnson is definitely in my top five presidents. maybe top three. and maybe, if certain things are discounted, number one. ugh, such a nerd. i haven't read the moses book for a handful of lazily justifiable reasons involving my complicated relationship with both urban planning and new york city. a friend of mine on facebook had his profile photo taken in front of moses' grave. is this my worst comment, or is today my worst hangover? great mysteries.
did you read cord jefferson's pieces on the strange placement of black millionaires, especially hip hop producers and stars, in the political milieu? they ran on gawker and the awl a bit ago: ; in short, you cannot dismantle the master's house using the master's tools, especially if you become a tool in the process.
they conflate socialism and stalinism, basically.
also, last night i was watching super 8 for some stupid reason (actually, i didn't even finish it because it was irking me too much), and there is point where a town hall occurs and some lady stands up and complains about how the invisible space monsters or whatever the fuck they were stole 20 microwaves from her store's inventory, and she was like "THIS FEELS LIKE A SOVIET INVASION" because yes that is what a violent invasion of the US would look like, stolen microwaves, and sadly it didn't seem like a joke, it seemed like the actual herp-a-derp mouthbreathing that is trying to pass itself off as legitimate political debate in this stupid stupid country.
i know that this is a common complaint, but i just DO NOT UNDERSTAND republican women, minorities, and queer folk. i just don't get it. has everyone read "the handmaid's tale"? it's a. GREAT and b. set in a future america where a very repressive regime that is pretty shitty to women has taken over. and there is a passing moment where the narrator talks about how a woman she knows used to be a great big televangelist who would always talk about how a woman's place should be at home is turned into a chattel slave like every other lady once the new regime takes over, and how she seems mad that someone "took her at her word". and that's all i can think about when i see people like this. begging to be repressed by rich white males while not being a rich white male is the WEIRDEST political identity i can fathom. though i guess it makes more sense when you think about the religious overtones present in the whole mess.
whoa, wasn't aware that dennis kucinich IS frederick engels.
well, we live in a country where public education has been dramatically retooled over the past twenty years, and teaching things like "civics" and "comparative political systems" is basically non existent. chuck norris was wrong (i cannot believe that i'm typing that in earnest) when he mangled that quote about evil only needing good to stand aside in order to triumph- all that really needs to happen is the systematic spread of ignorance throughout the populace so that actual understanding of how our system is supposed to govern, and then actual ability to critique how it is or is not running, is nonexistent. because, you know, "good" and "evil" aren't actually policy points, unless, of course, you base your entire world view on religion, which should not be the basis of any "free" society.