
Conan = awesome human, moderately entertaining talk show host. There, I said it.
David Letterman = greatest late night talk show host ever:
Nothing says big-city-slicker-reporter like wearing a coat over a jacket while the rest of the towns folk are in t-shirts and shorts. He's what we call yella'.
"I know when I hear a certain song, it can make me, like, want to change my whole plans for the night." It's like every time I hear Ice Ice Baby, I have the urge to go repaint my master bedroom.
That is definitely not dad. That is sadly-out-of-work-uncle-Ronny-who-sleeps-on-the-couch.
Ha! Sucker! He was playing a character who was playing a character who was filming an online sketch who couldn't control his laughter. GENIUS!
Someone say 40 year old British rapper? Of course in England rappers are called...rappers:
I logged in just to upvote this. Where the hell are the thumbs?
Sweet Moses that is grand. I would have traded all my GI Joes, He-man, and Thunder Cat action figures in a heartbeat, for a get-up like that when I was 7. If that didn't work, I would have even thrown in my Garbage Pail Kids.
All good fights include running commentary and allusions to West Side Story. ALL of them.
If I knew how, I'd insert this picture here:
I'm starting a campaign for this post to win. Its clever and the photo makes me laugh. Plus, Britney is wearing Elvin jewelry. Thus ends my campaign. If it proves successful I want the Traveling Candle--which probably smells like Gandolf's beard.
Greatest comedian of all time, hands down, thumbs up.
I think Gabe is just mad that Ellen can squeeze into a smaller shirt than he can.
I for one look forward to the day when Casey Affleck makes a documentary about Gweneth's attempt to become a rapper and join Uncle Jay's posse. This film seems like the first step down that rocky path.
Wow, this song blows. Even Jay and Justin. Bummer...
Why is your post missing thumbs? I want so badly to upvote you.
When does this guy go on at the Videogum “Back to School” Comedy Show & Party? He's headling right?
Hot debate happening here folks!
Why are they putting her in the drivers seat? Dumb lady cops and their bright yellow vests.
Born On The Fourth of Julie Klaus Encounters Of The 3rd Kind Full Metal Jackie The Elephant Manny The Wizard of Ozzie The Matise Falcon Rebel Without A Roz Raiders Of The Lost Art Much Ado About Nathan The King and Irene Monty Python and the Holy Gail
Speaking of rape. Where is Steve Winwood when you need him. This HOPA is killing your original material:
At least Peregrine can spend more time with her family/friends at the Flow Temple.
OK, videogum has met it's quota for dancing men in uniform. Back to the adolescence's dry humping ottomans please.
I hope this is the project that finally launches Will Ferrell's career.
I hope everyone stuck around for the surprise-after-credit-teaser; "Tinier Houser: there isn't enough space in me bedroom for sex."
"I want you to render me in photoshop the same way you render those other girsl in photoshop, Jack."
Having just watched the trailer as well, and noticing three total 3D companies credited, I can only assume this film will be shown in 9D and will undoubtedly include a dimension that involves extremely violent puking.
I care less who he is after googling him.
How dare you besmirch the fine people of Colonial Williamsburg. You nazi bastard.
Me thinks I see a sequel for "Facebook: The Movie" in the works. Holla!
The University of Kent in Canterbury, home of the fightin' periwinkles.
Behind Enemy Line Item Vetos
Declaration of Independence Day