
This was the only needed response to anything I said. Or just a "yeah, does kinda seem shitty..."
Apparently it is unfathomable to the majority of people here... That was literally the entire reason for the rant. This site reeks of gaslit incels and spiteful femcels. Not sure who is more pathetic. and btw no one gives a fuck about the butt pic. If SG melted down whenever a female musician showed her ass, this site would've crashed non-stop the last few years.
Lol the whole point was I don't need to rage quit a site that has a terrible interface and literally barely works. also as toxic internet culture continues to invert gender roles instead of subvert them, the jokes gonna be on you bud... Enjoy girlbosses carrying the torch of white supremacy and capitalism in America into the 21st century.
Did NOT get that from that. genuinely, sorry to hear that.
It’s a shame how much time will prove me right but this site will be shut down well before 2030 lmao. At least this t shirt will be niche. See you all on YouTube comment threads!
Not sure why I ever expected intelligence and empathy from internet message board losers. I'm gonna go outside and cough on some boomers.
A cruel, simplistic answer for cruel, simple people looking for a simple answer. I'm sure it seems like that but my mom is very sweet luckily. If you met people with narcissists for mothers (or fathers) like I have though, you wouldn't find that super funny. You can tell this quote to the entirety of the generation that comes after Z though, if we make to that point as a society...
didn’t we all agree that a Full Kunkel leads to a commenting ban? which makes this somehow even funnier. For real, I hope none of you encounter the number of toxic narcissists, regardless of gender, that I have so far in life to the point where you can spot them a mile away and be triggered like crazy when someone on here defends them. Speaking of narcissists, looking forward to new FJM. Happy Holidays everyone.
“Some men just want to watch the world burn…but only men ever.”
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, Gum Downvotes Hail to the king, baby. Listen to the new Whack instead.
I wish you understood how similar we truly are, WS. Really. The main difference is, I don't step in to defend shitty male musicians on here when they act toxic & terrible and I certainly don't celebrate them acting like that. I cheer on, respond and silently upvote commenters like you who rightfully tear them apart on here with the same level of aggression. Yet, the only time you interact with me on here is when I start criticizing any female musician so you can defend them and accuse me of misogyny and sexism. I know I am an asshole about it but I am not old & married like sandro or something where I can make a little joke about it and move on because I actually have to interact with women like this and it isn't funny or a game. Emotional manipulation and abuse leads to men (or anyone) going onto long tangents like this. Make it your next single cover.
Purposely avoiding my point completely thanks. I didn't once mention clickbait in my comments. Why would I care that much about clickbait? Maybe consider my mental illness is due to repeated emotional abuse from narcissistic women just like this throughout my life. You should understand more than most on here how being gaslit continuously will lead to mental illness. Which you've done aplenty on here. Well done sneakily mentioning my "mental illness" to insinuate I am crazy. You are no different than the men you project on. I'm not gonna YAS a woman's shitty behavior because it makes me feel less powerless or because the culture says it's ok. Also sorry for accusing you of being a Swiftie. I like her music quite a lot but you've always defended her on here (multiple times!) whenever I've criticized her so I figured you were a fan but I guess you hate just seeing any woman be criticized at all. Thanks for proving my point more though. You clearly have no idea where that middle ground is and I hope my "insane" tangent helps you find it for your own sanity/peace.
lmao hell yes and I hope you get it. I'm well aware no one wants equality. They just don't want accountability. If you all were actual feminists, a lot of you commenting would view woman as equal, fallible human beings like everyone else instead of merely trying to put them all on the MADONNA side of the Madonna/Whore binary. thnx bye.
Of course you do. You are more concerned with gender roles being inverted than subverted. That’s why you love Taylor Swift, the female version of the classic male toxic singer songwriter archetype.
no but it’s the same psychotic logic. also…continuing to manipulate peoples words and twisting them out of context (like you just did) is what drives men confused & frustrated by the constant logical contradictions of the internet (like that dude) into the arms of misogynists. Why has Rogan exploded in the past decade in popularity? What gravitated men like this to him? Was it feminism or just female chauvinism? Have an ounce of accountability.
Than why was the singer of Camp Cope on (once again) another date with a red pilled douchebag like that?... I hate shit opinions like that too but clearly it hasn't been invalidated by the women this dude has met and dated... Go ahead and keep demonizing men without any self-reflection, it has clearly been working out for women. That's why our last president was a woman and not a sexist pig OHWAIT
explain how I’m wrong then, go ahead.
Bingo. instead of asking people questions and if you don’t like the answers… putting them on blast and shaming them. If this man wasn’t a sexist before, I’m sure he will blossom into a full blown misogynist now. So how exactly is this good for women or anyone?…let alone a “public service”. Demented and cruel.
I’m not gonna be gaslit into thinking this behavior on both ends is ok. I know I may sound loony but you guys hold shitty male musicians accountable aplenty on here as you should but GOD forbid a woman is accused of being not saintly. The downvotes only prove my point more. A lot of you have some very teal internalized sexism and misogyny and you’re NOT gonna project it onto me.