
Will you make Gabe Delahaye be friends with me?
Gabe, you can have my evening tuxedo, but I want to keep
Just in case you were wondering, that's Jon Wurster, part of the comedy duo Scharpling & Wurster. He also happens to be one of the funniest people on the planet not named Gabe:
I'm glad to see that Jon Wurster is in this video back to doing what he does best: threatening to or just plain committing murder.
Wait, Chelsea Handler(!) is hosting this??? That is NEWS to me! Also, WHAT????
Oh hey, I've been so absent from here lately that I forgot to wish you a happy nuptials. SO HAPPY NUPTIALS, YOU GRIM REAPER YOU!
Gabe, are there any plans to turn this even into some sort of DVD package available only for monsters? Because I need to see these standup performances. Seriously, I NEED to see them.
"And always twirling, twirling towards freedom!"
I'm from Texas, so we only know about book burnings. Not book-giving-outings.
To the dilemma: I tried very hard to upvote your comment. But my finger slipped. And "I made a huge mistake". I offer this post as a peace offering for the Videogum democracy to downvote at will. I hope that you will get multiple upvotes to make up for my fat fingers. Condolences, GF
How were you able to both accuse people of being gay in a condescending manner, while also accusing them of being homophobic? Keep fucking that chicken (i.e. continue being crazy), grandma.
Even though I've witnessed this THING, sorry fourisfive :-(, the YOU MAD picture more than one million times, I think that this is just great placement and timing for it. It caught me WAY off-guard, and I started laughing like a ridiculous hyena when I saw it. Good job, Liz.
Ricky Gervais looked hot. No Pilko.
"Christina Hendricks and friends". #jaylenogum
I'm glad I was there to see it's tip-ception. Yay for you and Nora! #highfivegum
Burgy, I am seriously lol'ing IRL at this poster. Well done.
Oh it's not there anymore! Now I'll never figure out how far I would have made it! I could have been KING of Videogum, I'm sure.
Differentiating thumbs are the first signals that SKYNET has become aware.
I think this is the one time I'm actually thankful for the Bing ads. "YES, I will search for more info on Christina Hendricks' cleavage. Thanks, Bing!"
Except really excellent ones like this.
Gone with the whoa! Josh is Like Germany and S.A.M. The Funtastik Four Caring is Cool Hand Luke The Chereth Neverending Cutestory
Kiss The Panic Room Carrie The Hlebtastic Mr. Fox An American The Patriot Grace6697 of My Heart Max Payne, King of All Wild Things
I'll throw HER in the garbage. check and mate.
Also ready
Okay, now YOU'RE OUT OF ORDER! One more, and I'll hold you in contempt. (See above joke for reference)
That's awesome. I kind of wish I had kept this going, but I don't know if it would have traumatized "Whitany" or not.
Ummm....Well I was talking to Godsauce, but yours was mean and funny as well.
This was incredibly mean, but also incredibly funny. Upvoted.
If ever there was a need for the bad idea jeans tag, I think this would be it.