
I would like to get werttrew's view on all of this.
what the HELL, you guys? I barely had a chance to check v-gum this week because I started my awesome new internship/job that actually has me busy from the time I come in until the time I leave, and then I see this stuff about the Machete post, and AnAmPat serving Steve Winwood like no one has been served, and I'M OVERWHELMED HERE. You guys are great though, and I'm sorry that I can't be as immersed here as I would like. Hope you have fantastic weekends, and thanks to the monsters who wished me happy birthday last weekend. - xoxo Brosworth
To be fair, recorder is pretty much an impossible instrument not to sound terrible on.
The assumption here is that the child is asleep due to the length of the baseball game. The truth is that she had just been interviewed by Larry King for 20 minutes, which would put anybody to sleep.
Not even a million Home Improvement wipes can make me enjoy Wavves.
I hope this is just an introduction to Birdie's new weekly column, "Hey, what's going on with Birdie?"
That's my middle reliever?
Professor Comedy at the end there.
On the list of people whose opinions on movies I take at face value, I'd say Sony executives are right near the bottom next to fans of Twilight and my aunt who hates any movie that isn't "feel good."
The one thing that I'm left with after watching this is that I really want a globe bar now.
Yiiiiiiiiiiiikes. I am way too white to even make a snarky comment about this.
Oh okay, so basically every Saturday night for me. I don't feel nearly as anxious now.
I'll be there! I think! I was going to bring someone with me just in case things got TOO REAL, but he apparently can't go now. I still want to go. I just hope I've posted here enough now (I was thelifeofthemind before v-gum 2.0) that at least some people kinda know who I am. /socialanxietygum
Is it bad that I still thought he was Jason Sudeikas until I realized he was using a puppet?
Beck to Cameron: You're the anti-Christ. Cameron to Beck: You're a fucking asshole. Guys. Guys. Why the fight? You're both right! Now step a little bit further to your right so we can drop this comically huge anvil on your heads.
We've got an angry downvote monster on our hands. Happening in all of the other threads as well. It's a big fucking deal.
I for one am glad to have our vice-president be a constant unintentional comic relief rather than the embodiment of pure evil that the last one was. The way it should be.
Everything that can be said has been said. Keep up the good work, friends.
I use firefox, and I have had zero issues with the new site design. What kind of problems are you having?
I hope you all can enjoy this thread for what it is since everything is going to change tomorrow (FOR THE WHOLE WORLD) due to the healthcarepocalypse. I've got my bunker stocked so those DAMN COMMIE SOCIALIST LIBURALS can't tell me how to stay on my parents' insurance plan until I'm 26. SHUT UP GOVERNMENT GET OUT OF MY ROOM.
Oh man, this is suddenly turning into awkwarddrunkenconfessionsgum. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE BIRTHDAY PARTY, YOU GUYS
You crazy for this one, monsters. But I'll love you with or without the crazy gif-posting. NOW GO OUTSIDE AND ENJOY THE BEAUTIFUL SPRING WEATHER OKAY? <3 Brosworth
:O:O:O:O:O Not enough smilies to express how excited I am by this. This is going straight on my calendar! Official and stuff.
Can your doggy and my doggy be bff? I want to pet him/her. :3 Also, posting an image on the new v-gum for the first time. Did it work?
Little does he know this trip ends in a dark, mysterious, terrible place. Mertyle Beach, South Carolina. And the Twilight Zone.
Yeah, I can't watch this whole thing. Forget that it's obviously made by a crazy person, but the incredibly dumb, misleading, and outright incorrect things it says are making me want to send the Barbara Boxer blimp monster to Carly Fiorina's house and crush it.
Definitely not the worst episode of the season. It was a bit hit or miss, but I laughed a lot, which is more than I can say for most of the episodes. Agreed with all of the sketches and segments everyone's mentioned (though I'm surprised it took them that long to make a Brinks Security parody when I've been saying essentially the same thing for a year). And I know you're pretty much required to hate everything Seinfeld does at this point, but I didn't think he was THAT bad. I laughed during the segment.
Oh come on. Clearly not serious. Baseball jokes. Spring training, anyone? Go enjoy your weekends, monsters. I'll go stand in the corner and think about what I've done.
I think we may need to consider installing an upvote cap. We need to make the system fair for the smaller market profiles!
These are some next-level keyboard cat beatz! Get Die Antwoord on the phone!
network: Gandalf69 password: Frodo69
Holy moly good. The next few months are shaping up to be ridiculously good release-wise.
The feelings watching this are unapproachable.
I think we can all agree on one thing, and that is that Lindsay Lohan is indeed a baby. case sustained
Whatever, I will still gladly watch this when it comes out. Don't all act like you won't.
Those damn short categories are what killed my chances pretty much. That and probably a bunch of other ones. :(