
I think my favorite thing over the entire series has been watching Jim and Dwight's friendship evolve. You always knew he and Pam were gonna make it but his relationship with Dwight has been kind of a surprise. One of my favorite moments was watching them work together on that sales call where they did they called customer service. One of my best friends is a guy I hated when we first met and I love watching that change happen. Gutten prank, Office. Gutten prank.
Didn't he leave his dream job for Pam so she wouldn't have to leave Scranton? That seems like a pretty huge gesture. Sure maybe he was being a dick leading up to that but ultimately he resigned himself to a job he had always wanted out of, and then said he was happy to be there because it made her happy.
Shrimp and grits. I will say this in Farrah's defense: The way things are with kids and the internet now, Sophia will probably know about this either through her friends or a series of horrifying Google searches for her own name long before she is 13 years old. I imagine her response to this revelation being something along the lines of "Yeah. Duh." I am, however, a little concerned with her saying she is going to "show" her daughter because that could mean all types of things and I'm already not very confident in her judgement.
I just want to go ahead and confess that this is my favorite video even close to such a category:
Apparently it is attracting tourists now who want to go there because of all the crazy things they have heard. They should change the name to Amy's The Room.
Grumpy cat jokes are still very cool and timely, right? Ok perfect.
Oh please! He is not even a practicing planet anymore and his contributions to it were not even that significant when he was. Sure, it's great that he is bringing awareness and creating interest, but there are just so many other guys out there that are way more important to planet.
"I guess it was pretty nice that a bunch of people wanted to use their particular limited skill set to help a complete stranger with a sentimental gift for his aging grandfather, even if those assholes should have been using Photoshop to cure cancer." - Gabe
You have to wonder what kind of geniuses are running the props department at GQ... "Oh you are working on a comedy shoot with James Franco? That's great because I have tons of stuff related to killing yourself."
So many possibilities for Trump related porno movie names...
"The truth is out there... but the FUN is right here!" --what I fantasize that Fox Mulder says on dates
They wanted to continue in that tradition just in an entirely new way.
I almost feel bad for her being a sad and confused young women who is somewhat obsessed with fame and money, but then I remember that her book cover kind of seems like giving a big middle finger to her daughter....
I had a Lunchable because being 27 can go straight to hell.
Crowded huh? Well geez now I feel bad for grumbling about how I spent my night working out a budget so I would know how much is left for groceries if I go visit a friend in another city this weekend. Really puts things in perspective. Thanks, GP!
I'm just impressed that she was able to make a full length music video with Blingee.
It's pretty gross that they show the door closing with a "Do Not Disturb" sign, especially considering how all the girls just left through the TV.
I imagine you guys could go in on a heist together, but things turn sour when you try to divvy up all the Werther's Originals you made off with. Then... Surprise! Gabe is an undercover cop trying to track down the woman who stole his grandmother's stacks of old magazines... and his heart. I'm sorry I totally lost track of what I was talking about here.
When I was in high school I was asked by a friend (let's call her Girl A) who I was going to prom with. I said I was planning on asking Girl E (Girl A's best friend) but she said that Girl E was probably going with someone else and then it came up that Girl A's date was maybe not going to work out. Being the awkward teenage male that I was (and mostly still am but older) I responded with "Maybe we can go together as friends then if it doesn't work out." I specifically included the "as friends" part to illustrate that 1. I was not really interested in her romantically and 2. I am terribly awkward at delicate social situations. By the end of the day, I heard from someone else that I was going to prom with Girl A. She was somehow shocked and upset to later find out that I was really into Girl E, and I'm still convinced that she did not have a date already lined up when I was thinking about asking her. All I'm saying is that there are worse things than asking someone you want to go with in an embarrassing way and it's probably just going to sound like a stupid high school story in 10 years anyway.
Damn you, photobucket. I give up. To be fair, I don't want to judge Megan Fox's intelligence based on her roles. I don't think I would cast her as an Elizabeth Bennett type even if she was the smartest woman on the planet. That being said, I just wanted to post that horse here.
Is she supposed to be reporting on yoga in this scene? Why is she wearing that outfit with her mic in hand? Is it just that she is supposed to be ready for news to break out at any moment? I have so many questions for her if she'll just answer one of my letters already!
A lot of serial killers got really excited and then really disappointed as they read through that headline.
I was also confused as to why Kristen Stewart was on the list as she seems too bland and uncaring to be a backstabber. Then I saw that "exceptional talent" was on the list of criteria and it made a lot more sense. Of course, then I was confused as to why "exceptional talent" is listed as one of the criteria for trustworthiness, but I can't really force myself to care enough about an arbitrary list of trustworthy celebrities to really puzzle it out.
Why was J Law wearing a black veil? Was the gala funeral themed and they just didn't tell anyone else?
Someone already kind of touched on this but is it any more distasteful than the people who have been passing around the original video as kind of a funny clip since it came out anyway? Especially considering that maybe it wouldn't be so bad to celebrate the hero in this story (even if your way of celebrating is kind of stupid).
I may be way off base here but I wonder if we are looking at this from the wrong perspective. We keep calling it a tragedy, and don't get me wrong I definitely think being held prisoner in a guy's basement for 10 years is a tragedy and that is probably and understatement, but how do the people involved feel right now? 3 young women were just rescued from a living nightmare (reports I have seen say they are all in pretty good health), their families are probably pretty happy that they are even still alive after some of them probably gave up on that years ago, and some really bad people are most likely going to spend the rest of their lives in prison. I get that all of this doesn't erase the horror of the past 10 years and a lot of those people have a long road toward feeling even remotely healed, but I also think that maybe celebrating a somewhat comical hero in a silly way might not be the worst thing. Again, I could be speaking out of my ass here but I was just curious what other people thought about this.
I'm very surprised as I had come to expect a certain level of integrity and respectfulness in the content produced by NDNSwag music.
I was more thinking of a joke involving a Pulp Fiction simulator but I feel like I've been a little too much with the gross jokes today and thought that might just push me over the line.
You should have said "Of course I don't mind!" and then started eating all their food.
Are those the Magnum ice cream bars? I do a double take every time I see them in the freezer section because their packing.... is surprisingly reminiscent to another product of the same name....
What's really weird is that she is familiar enough with the house to know this fact. I'm fairly certain this is not the first time she has used this tactic.
I realize that's a crude way to put it, but I think it's still less crude than pretending you are about to have sex with someone in order to steal their food.
Haagen-Dazs: Better than getting the D from Bradley Cooper.
When I was about 14, I dreamt that I was married to Jewel. I still find myself drawn to women with a snaggle tooth.
The world's most mediocre game show is Let's Make a Deal with Wayne Brady and that does sound kind of like the prizes they have.