
In the same vein:
In the same vein:
Also, isn't that the same sped up music from A Clockwork Orange? That was the best cast introduction since The Ten trailer.
Oh my god those live action turtle costumes were the greatest. I think that's why a lot of us from that generation went apeshit over the Where the Wild Things Are trailer: they opted out of CGI and put some people in costumes.
You forgot Lafayette's next level ottoman humping when his leg was fixed. Also, I guess when you're a vampire your southern accent is free to come and go as it pleases.
Once in my neighborhood a cat got its head stuck in an empty cat food can and the owners couldn't get it off. So they opened the other end of it with a can opener and the cat flipped the fuck out and got away. There would be sightings of the cat crossing the road and such with the can still on its head. Legend has it it's still out there. Sometimes I can hear it clanking against the porch railing.
The new trailer that played before Bruno actually took out the Hallmark cancery part entirely, which I would say is a good call if I hadn't already seen it, so now I don't care. But the RZA made me laugh for real.
Apart from the harmless LOLs (Hitler photo shoot), I ultimately found the movie to be a little misguided. As a morally conscious adult, I could seperate myself from some of the dilemmas and just enjoy the show, but I did feel bad for Ron Paul and the redneck hunters because we were pretty much looking at a form of sexual assault. I mean, the Ron Paul scene wouldn't be remotely funny to anyone if the victim were a woman. So, yeah, creepy. This article might be of some interest to you guys:
There was definitely also an anal cherry joke. Class act.
I'm gonna wait until it's available in mass quantities at a Dollar General near me.
" containers, same amount of applicatioin OH GLAVIN!!"
"It just makes sense to use that wetness to clean where it really counts because logic."
Billy Dee Williams and Louie D. Phillips, together. So ahead of his time in predicting staged reality TV and forced celebrity camaraderie.
I wonder if Bill Cosby's kids ever forwarded the House of Cosbys cartoon to each other.
Who exactly is it that's supposed to be making these good girls go bad? Is it the guy with the thick white glasses or one of the other hipster impersonators at the party? That's a bold statement and you'd think it would be coming from some classically good-looking douche. And who knows, he might be classically good-looking, but I can't tell BECAUSE OF THE WHITE GLASSES. You can't have it both ways, Cobra Delta Strip.
It's a rape scene that knows it's a rape scene.
Where did this new frog-throated Ashton Kutcher come from? I'm loving this new you!
Matt Fucking Besser somehow managed to be unfunny in Year One.
Is Victoria Jackson bus driver Stu's girlfriend from Pete and Pete? Year One made me real sad. So many people that we've rooted for for years; the underdogs that just needed to be given a chance to step out of their supporting rom-com roles, etc. So they're finally all assembled in one place and the results are Disappointment Central Station. I think putting Harold Ramis in charge was the first problem. Gabe and Lindsay need to bake Harold Ramis a cake. BAD director. I think he was going for that kind of movie where at the end you're thinking, "I can't believe we've ended up here from where we started!" but we've actually just been staring at confused extras for the entire movie. I wish I'd seen The Proposal (actually, yeah, because I caught that movie Waiting on Comedy Central the same day and that guy was surprisingly funny in that movie that was surprisingly ok.) The only redemption came with Bill Hader's DDL impression in the credits.
Strickly 4 da ladiez
Anna Paquin might have something to do with it.
I guess A&E is trying to get on board the Orwellian, "TV stations featuring content contradictory to station's name," trend. That's a good dollar.
Hang the guilty as They stand for the punishment Of a rape victom
I love that the chorus/punchline is just, "CRAIGSLIST!!" Styrofoam peanuts part kind of funny.
What about a Guitar Hero movie? Oh wait...
I was in a first grade classroom not long ago, though, and they really do go apeshit for High School Musical.
Yeah, I posted before I'd actually watched the trailer, hoops!
Sometimes I lay awake at night thinking about all the crazy shit I missed out on before youtube was around.
I think I remember from the book (or the back of the book) that the six-year-old girl is her (McAdams), hence the time traveling. I don't think this is much of a spoiler though.
This is the kind of thing that used to annoy me in school, the assumption that everyone actually WANTS to see a Jonas Brothers movie or a Remember the Titans. I know you can't please everybody, but you also shouldn't force everybody to watch Disney's Civil Rights Football High School.
I know others have already said this, but the "no musicals" rule should be temporarily suspended for Repo! The Genetic Opera. My other suggestion is Grand Theft Parsons, which is the only movie I can remember having thought, "that was the worst movie I have ever seen," after I'd watched it.
I liked this better when the kids played hockey with broomsticks and it was called Wild and Crazy Kids and it wasn't really as cool.
I get the feeling that Todd Phillips is smarter than the douche audience he caters to, but only a little bit smarter. He's like the guy in the frat house that has Wes Anderson movies in his DVD rack, or something.