
That's no dude, that's SNL host Charles Barkley! You should see his ups against Mothra.
Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians Minus the Boobs
James Cameron didn't win because he didn't have breasts, it was because he spent more time on Na'vi breasts than he did directing an interesting and original story:
No, but there will be a dog that licks tears. At every movie theater.
I don't normally post these kinds of comments, but this time, DS3M & Chareth, this time: LOL.
The Strokes => Spider-Man soundtrack Julian Casablancas => Kids of the Spider-Women soundtrack
Ha ha ha. Just saw this and my typo. Well played.
"Gaming with the same three or four people can quickly run its course, if you know what I mean." There's no way he's talking about anything other than gaming, if you know what I mean.
What's Latin for "Let them pity so long as they know who's going to come out on top"?
Why is he staying Los Angeles?
"Why however did you know that it was Lord William of Joel that had done the fart?"
MY 3-yr-old makes fart jokes too! The other day he made a great one while the sheriff was evicting us from our home that the bank foreclosed on because my unemployment checks stopped coming in and our mortgage lender wouldn't let us re-negotiate our payments. "Now we can fart in a cardboard box!" my adorable toddler said. "Ha ha!" my wife and I said. "We know what's important just like Gwyneth Paltrow does!"
As long as the bomb goes off in America, the country that she doesn't love very well.
Please please please let there be a terrorist sub-plot that blows even one of them up.
Only your first three dirigibles are tax-deductible.
I'm going to drink one of those specialty cocktails tonight, such as "Splash."
Freddie has to convince the people of Planet Coffee Shop that despite his lack of blue skin, he means them no harm. In return they train him in their ways of Ha'cky Sa'ck. During his initiation ritual--consisting of standing on their Home Stage, the most sacred space in Planet Coffee Shop--he concentrates and successfully hacks long enough to become One of Them. Little do the blue people know, though, that he only wants to get them to drop their defenses so he can steal their secret for roasting Unobtanium beans.
This isn't just about January Jones, but I was reminded how much I love that little magic dance move where her dress goes one way but her body goes the other way. Ladies, take note.
It may be the first time I've seen literal foreshadowing.
Not for Boone and Shannon.
Yes, I hung onto that memory. If I didn't have the hope that Desmond and Penny would still be together, I don't know if I'd have kept watching the show. I'm only partly kidding.
Especially since others have said the same thing farther down. Either way, Kari: ketchup.
Supernerds may recall from last season when Faraday is straight-up murdered by his mom, then born, then pushed away from his first love (music) toward quantum physics so that he can learn to be Desmond's constant and travel back in time to be killed by his mom, 12 Monkeys stizz. I'll show myself out.
Thank you. Fisher Stevens's horrible Indian caricature is truly the Mickey Rooney-in-Breakfast-at-Tiffany's of our generation.
Was I was the only one who was reminded of PM Dawn's "Set Adrift on Memory Bliss"?
I'll tell you what, if any mothafuckin' scientist tries to explain it to me, I know he's gonna be lyin' and imma get pissed!
That dog he don't mind he get wet. You know how dogs is.
You could write a thesis on the connection between ignorance and rage among Moron Americans that these lyrics represent. Expect to see this on a teabagger protest sign when the climate change bill comes up in Congress.
The ad-lib around the three-minute mark: "Shit's great!" That's what did me in. If ICP didn't exist, Mr. Show would have invented them.
I was making a Kicking and Screaming joke, but that really is the best cat video I've ever seen. Consider my words eaten. Your brother's cat has had some crazy adventures. (I don't know why I can't reply to your comment.)
Except he never reads the books, just stares at you and agrees with everything you say. Also, I'm pretty sure he's wearing a pajama top.
"What's the deal with all my money and the horrible things I buy with it?"
In case anybody else needs it, um, spoiler alert I guess?
My god, why can't I get LA Law on DVD? I just want to see the cold open where Leland McKinze's girlfriend (ST: TNG's Dr. Pulaski!) falls down the elevator shaft. YouTube, here I come! So long, workday.
When your movie is basically ripping off Family Guy, you know you're Joel Schumacher.
You'd think PFT would be able to relax in the afterlife--loosen the tie, maybe a pair of jeans, but no. It's a sign of his total professionalism that he's still in a three-piece even when dead.