
The Veep 1 oz. Vodka 1 oz. Pimm's Have your assistant shake and mix it into your morning coffee.
There's not even any sugar in there. :(
I also super love Jessica Williams
The Lone Ranger :(
HE'S CRAZY DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME* *he might not be crazy, but come on, is a guy who would do that worth your time? probably not.
My hair is brown on the top and blonde at the ends. Ombre, but also the mullet of hair colors: business up top and party on the bottom.
Jesus Camp is great but I got very very mad about it so proceed with caution.
My day was fine until mr truck called at lunch to say he stopped home during lunch and discovered that we have a burst pipe in our garage. It actually ended up being a lot better than it could have been but still don't know what the price tag will be. I put pork chops in the slow cooker with some sauerkraut and potatoes and it could've used more mustard and a little more sugar but overall was really great. threw some bacon in with those potatoes for a german potato salad with vinegar dressing and that part was super yummy.
the devil and daniel johnston
“but if I have a chance to hovercraft around a castle, I’m going to hovercraft around a castle.” So wise...
I actually kind of love the bachelor. I have to fast forward through about 90% of it...but if for no other reason, you should watch it just to make Burning Love (on the E network) a much much funnier parody. Because Burning Love is seriously great and it has all of our friends in it!
American Hustle to your car cause it's chilly out
I find that higher waisted pants look more "slimming" on me than low-rise pants. When pants fall below the fattest part of my stomach, there's lots of terrible muffin top happening. Not to mention, my butt will never fit into low-rise pants. Too beautiful to be contained by low-rise.
I agree that I wanted to see giant Santa. I still really liked this movie just because it was kinda fun and spooky and short and about Christmas.
He's doing a show on HBO that will probably be very similar to The Daily Show
I would be interested to see David Mamet's take on the 7 deadly sins because he is a great writer.
that sounds so cool! my dog only barks in his sleep. I think that means he's having a doggy nightmare :(
I can tell what my dog is thinking based on his face, ears, & tail. Here are the options: I love you! Are we playing? I love playing with you! I'm hungry! I want to be near you! What are you doing? Where's the cat? I did something bad and I know it! I don't feel well!
There was also a show called Mr. Personality where the guys all had to wear masks and were referred to by the color of their masks and that was definitely one of the creepiest shows that I couldn't stop watching.
Oh man, I didn't read about the Nazis (weren't Nazis Christians?)... also here we go again with the conflation of Islam and extremists (terrorists). Fuck that garbage!
I loved Joe Millionaire! And I think the lady who won was pretty pissed that he lied to her (as well as disappointed about the money which I feel was kind of unfair because anyone would be disappointed, but that doesn't mean you'd leave the person or love them less, just be disappointed that oh yeah you have to worry about money again). Also there was a show once called For Love or Money where the people tried to win (based on love) and then got to decide whether they wanted to keep the dude (love!!!) or take some money (money!!!) and that show was also amazing!
Yep, exactly. Good for Phil Robertson for exercising his freedom of speech. Even better for A&E for exercising their right to fire that garbage-filled hater. What will be really interesting is if the rest of the family says "oh yeah, we all feel that way" and then A&E has to consider dumping their biggest show. Also what bugs me is that it's not that revolutionary that this particular person feels this way about gay people (doesn't make it okay) but did you read what he said about African-Americans? BONKERS!!! (basically that they were all happier under Jim Crow laws)
I hit a weird internet milestone wherein I called a complete stranger a bigot (or bigot sympathizer) on a facebook post (or rather implied that he is one) over the Duck Dynasty situation. I'd prefer to ignore it all, but he said one of my triggers which is "Why does free speech not apply to Christians?" so that's fun.
Don't forget it's also the Sunday before New Year's!
Today was good. I got the plethora of tiny toys I put in Mr Truck's stocking and I'm SO EXCITED about how much he's gonna love them!!!! Also I found out that I was going to be literally the only person in my dept on the Thurs & Fri of both Christmas and New YEar's week so they basically told me to just stay home and take the full two weeks which means Friday is my last day at work until Jan 6th!! Going to relax so much, you guys!!! Now I have a gin drink and banana cake and all is well with the world!
In college on a very windy day, I saw this very skinny girl get knocked over by the wind.
My brother and his wife are both scientists and they have a lab and needless to say, I get them a birthday card that has a lab dog in a lab coat on the front with a tagline about "the lab results are in" all the time.
If that were true, he'd be a cat! SUPER BURN, CATS!!!!
my cat likes to sit under the tree when the lights are on. It's very cute, like he's a present!
I love those tiny kitten with giant dog videos! So tiny and playful!!!! And so giant and annoyed but polite about it!!! Also here is my recommendation for picking a cat: get one that is as playful as it is snuggly. If you get one that is only snuggly, it won't be that playful and if you get one that is only playful, it might not be that snuggly. All I'm saying is that your cat should be the perfect balance of playful and snuggly because those are the two best things for a cat to be!
"Well, get on with it, Your Royal Hig-" and then they hug :)
Where's the Beef?
"Asserole Casserole" made me do a spit-take!
Think how much joy it brings their families when they forward this to all their friends with a caption like "check out these idiots...hard to believe i share blood with some of them..."
I agree about Seeking a Friend. HATED IT!
That will be me today at 5:00pm. And every day this week except possibly Friday when I hope it will happen much earlier.
more like "no fanks. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"