
this brought me glad tidings of great joy
jon hamm in blackface made my life
zac efron in real life is totally daniel radcliffe on extras
u mean i coulda got my college paid for if some asshole with a camera took an interest in my stupid 9 year old imagination?
k but seriously this kid is amazing and i want to steal him. $20 bucks says Lil B hires him as an in-house producer.
that opening text shoulda just said "nike asked us to make a video so we took the money and did."
i was surprised that nobody killed themselves in protest. like, isn't that the obvious choice if you're a subjugated peoples forced to engage in kiddie bloodsport?
i love the title of this post. also im wearing a clash t-shirt RIGHT NOW. thanks, kelly. you made me smile.
Isn't some of the footage in this video from Tree of Life? Some of the mediocre CGI parts looked really familiar. Also hey, people are receptive to different types of information. Some people might prefer a dreamy impressionistic film to a dream dad eloquently spelling out the business. I personally found both pretty awe-inspiring. (Minus those shitty dinosaurs)
am i referring to anne or gabe?
nerds who turn hot post-puberty are generally mean people
Did anyone ever see the classic Billy Wilder film Sunset Boulevard? It's about a forgotten silent film actress who lives in a dilapidated mansion and watches her old films all the time and dreams of her return to glory? It's sad and creepy and I'm afraid that's Jen's future. We all loved her hair so very much!
iz it just me or does she kinda look alot like anna nicole smith? but less trashy and dead?
all i had in the kitchen was a microwave burrito and a microwave box of orange chicken and i ate them both for dinner and then i felt like garbage and then magma poured out of me and now i really wish i was dead
ON THE OTHER HAND: he is very funny on Louie fuckabees
i will do my best to not black out drunk and vomit on everything also i will learn to weld
also this
someone teach me how to post a photo so i can post this photo
this was very funny
when the horns dropped, that baby made the Tio Salamanca-face
tom hardy can break my back any day (this is a solid joke because of how in the comics bane breaks batman's back and then brokeback mountain was about gay dudes bonking and tom hardy is a big sexy lunk who can bonk me if ever he so desires)
i hope theres no gay people on that list #callback
when you make animal noises at people you are confusing them
id like to nominate that woody allen movie with larry david. i couldn't make it past the opening monologue and i love larry david. really looking forward to the synechdoche review though. i enjoyed that film and respected its ambition but it was quite the clustercuss.
balls this was supposed to be a reply to a much earlier comment. i am the worst. sorry, all.
FLW = free lance writing?
you dont get to choose your ugly face or your left-leaning dong or what have you at least you get to choose your tattoo
that eagle's holding them back like they wanna fight. "its not worth it, twins!"