
Yeah, but "The Joy" was a GOOD Friday song. It's a hold over from the MBDTF sessions, so I wouldn't give Watch The Throne much credit for including it. There were other GOOD Friday songs that were better than a lot of the songs on here...
I totally agree. This seems like a mixed bag, not a focused album. And I could do without "HAM," "N*ggas In Paris," "Who Gon Stop Me," etc. This hard, heavy, Eminem shit is boring. BORING. And a little silly. Although, I don't think BP3 had much "edge." Gotta disagree there.
No way. I'm guessing a 7.7
I love the feel of it and the idea of it, but both of these guys have done so much better. Frank Ocean owns it. Love "Otis," "New Day," and "Murder To Excellence." But all this buzzy heaviness is sort of lame. Kanye is a fantastic producer. I wish he would have taken the reigns a bit more on this. I kind of miss feel-good Kanye (like "Good Friday" and "See Me Now" from the G.O.O.D. Friday songs or some of his classics).
I hear you. Pay no mind to those little thumbs. You're right.
Yeah, why can't Frank Ocean be on more tracks. Fantastic.
Traditionally in western music, you're an asshole.
Oh, nu-uh. You did not just suggest that Black Lips and Times New Vikings are better at guitar than Angel Deradoorian. Do some homework.
Whoa, back off. I realize you're a "musician" (which is completely irrelevant), but I totally agree that you should cover a song because you LIKE it. Any other reason mucks it up.
Yeah, I hate that whole "Oh, I've never listened to that" attitude. That's fine if she hasn't, but to emphasize it in a tiny little paragraph about a tribute album is tacky. This is supposed to celebrate the original album.
I was bummed out with the Deradoorian song. She's so freaking talented, it felt like a huge let down to hear her do a reggae song.
This wasn't supposed to go here....what??
This is really cool and fun to listen to, but for me, only PB&J, Real Estate, The Morning Benders, Owen Pallet really do any justice to the original songs. The Frankie Rose one is good, but kind of tainted by her saying she's never listened to the band before...and Wise Blood bores up the best melody on the entire record! Still a fun listen. Thanks for this!
Your boss only bought that TV from you because he thinks he's got a shot at another bj, like at the Christmas party. You tease.
The turnaround in the song, about halfway through, is so damn good.
Easily his most focused album. Fantastic. Also, more albums should be this short. Get focused, get in, get out. You're right when you say there are no "duds." One of the best of the year, easily.
Is this really a joke about wearing glasses?
Every time I hear this band they sound like they are rushing. No matter the song. This is no exception. Calm down, guys.
Great song! With that Pavement reunion a while ago, I think everyone forgot how good his stuff with The Jicks is.
Jesus, you are SO beleaguered by James Franco's existence. Can't you just roll your eyes privately and post about something you enjoy? [I haven't heard this music and probably won't, ever]
It would be quite a bummer if this is what they're remembered for. They've done much better. This feels better than the last couple at first listen, though. Good album.
I'm surprised at the overwhelmingly positive response here. It's not a bad song at all, but it's not "amazing," by any means. Seems like they are continuing on their late-career plateau.
Exactly. Why would any of these kids know who the Beatles are? Having said that, I teach high school with a poster of the Abbey Road cover on my wall and most kids (yes, even the white ones) don't know who they are. Which is fine, because when the smart ones go to college and figure it out, the pay off will be so much sweeter.
His review at the rumpus is verrrrrrrrrrrry good.
This album is fantastic and I wish the discussion here were about the music. Because, damn. Especially "Lay Of The Last Survivor." I've listened to that more than any other song the last week or so. By a large margin. This, the new Dave Bazan and the new Bill Callahan are the best records this year so far. Even though this record doesn't seem to have the obvious peaks of The Stage Names and Black Sheep Boy, it seems a lot more rich, and yeah, Sheff's lyrics are in great shape.
Just saw that you did mention Freedom. Oops. Well, I added a couple references.
Also, this is the best post on Stereogum, ever.
tao lin is the 'devil' ughh But A Visit From the Good Squad is fantastic! And just the mention of The Savage Detectives gets me excited. My Lord. Not sure about that Justin Taylor book...the most authentic writing about music in it is when he's musing on the Grateful Dead...which isn't my thing. But the stories are pretty great. But you should probably mention Franzen's Freedom--specifically name drops Jeff Tweedy and Ben Gibbard and a post-punk rock star is one of the main characters.
an unsolicited audition tape. unsolicited.
This write-up lost me in the first couple sentences. Yikes. Anyway, in spite of the fact that I've only listened to it once, I think this album is much much stronger than their first. The first one was pretty good, but felt a little weighed down by its style and aesthetic and except for "White Winter Hymnal" which was kind of magical, it seemed like style over substance. This one has a much lighter, more honest tone and feel to it. And it's great.
So, wait. THIS is a joke, too, right??
YES. I believe so. The fact that there's no way to PROVE me wrong drives you crazy, doesn't it? Just like I can't prove that it is.
Pretty sure I was making a joke. Goofball.