
And gay! But yes, it's fake.
Now I'm all flustered.
I think you have to be childless to find this video cute. I got seveteen seconds in when I remembered I use the internet to escape from chipmunk screeching.
I think Treme's main problem is a lack of music. Just give me some jazz for once. Let me see a few more women cry with trumpets blaring for ambiance. Too much happiness and thoughtful commentary on society, not nearly enough constipated faces of grief and sweaty black men blowing horns all the time.
I'm really disappointed that everyone is jumping to conclusions and choosing to comment before they've watched the entire thing. We all know what it does to u and me when we assume, can't judge a ten-hour repetitive video by it's screenshot, etc.
Yes! Okay, time machine, kill Hitler, redemptive junior high slumber party: let's do this thing.
They made one of Jack Nicholson's Shining face.
This is funny for everyone but me, because my brain is disturbed and I've been infatuated with Buscemi since elementary school. No, I don't know how/ why/ what. It is my truth, I still insist Ghost World stole my idea (and my heart), and I want that dress so bad even though it's probably a zillion dollars sad face.
I want to know who in the writer's room declared "Last season's Nazi Werewolves were so inspired, how on earth are we to top that brilliance?", and somebody responded "Spanish Inquisition Witch, for sure", and boom, champagne toasts for everyone.
"Do you want to swim over there?" "What happens over there?" Sure, it's a mystery, teenagers with facial piercings and smoking habits talk like that in real life all the time.
I was going for as authentic as possible. Didn't want to jeopardize my future marriage to Goku. I didn't have internet back then, so my knowledge on Japanese cuisine was slightly limited.
I went through a phase in junior high where I was obsessed with Dragon Ball Z (fellas), and did the obnoxious attempt to learn Japanese culture thing. Every night for a year I would make stove top ramen and sit in my room alone with chopsticks stolen from take-out restaurants forcing myself to learn. So c'mon Kelly, you just need super nerd dedication, and you too can live the dream.
Uh, this is so blatantly ripping off the Dos Equis guy it's embarrassing.
Casey looked so thrilled at the verdict, and duh, avoiding the death penalty and prison will do that, but I wonder what the hell she's going to do when she gets released. OJ had money and some public support. She's broke, no one would hire her, she's shattered her family relationships, and has a bunch of housewives who were obsessed with the coverage up in arms with some weird vigilante rage. The concept of getting away with it and going free is a lot different than what her reality is going to be.
Oh thank god, sweat pants and vaseline is back in style. Just gotta pick up wool socks and I am set for my night on the town.
Cool, I'm going to take this opportunity to tell the grossest story that ever assaulted my ears, because it haunts me and I need to share to the burden. Fair warning. Okay, my husband (army) gets rotated to meat watching duty sometimes on urinalysis days, and one time he came home and told me that not one, but two separate dudes claim they are unable to urinate unless they are defecating (why am I talking like this?) at the same time. Yuck #1: pee patrol of the day has to stand in the stall with them. Barf #2: you're not allowed to remove your right hand from a cup until it's been turned in, or set it down on anything, so it's physically impossible to be hygienic. Dry heave #3: they then have to give that cup to a lab person who definitely doesn't earn enough paycheck for that, and finally. Shudder of revulsion #4: ever since I've heard this tale, I can't stop my brain from trying to figure out how this is even biologically possible. How is that possible? Wouldn't they get severely dehydrated? Is it just an awful scam to make switching samples easier? Ugh! Happy Tuesday, everyone.
The entire "awareness" campaign is ridiculous and I can't fathom how it would be beneficial to the issue in any way, so I'm loathe to even kinda sorta side with Ashton here. But. Of all the things in the world to exaggerate the severity of, I'm not that bothered by this? I think actually figuring out the facts and logistics instead of this "every border child" would help narrow in on the actual causes/ environments and bring in a focus to help, of course. But I'm not upset by people taking child slavery too seriously, I'm okay with people getting worked up over it. Especially considering the types of banal non-issues people get hysterical over, I'm wiling to give this one a pass.
Some blog or another suggested that this whole Village Voice attack was in response to calls by anti-slavery advocates to stop running the ads. Which would be the Voice criticizing Ashton Kutcher over self-interest as a way to take the argument off of their own self-interest, and takes this whole nonsense to a new level of gross.
But will it be dark and gritty? Otherwise, no dice.
This is me at my front door everyday.
When I was pregnant, I cracked an egg with a double yolk and burst into tears, because twins or something. Also, it's really hard to ever put ketchup on scrambled eggs again after a disgruntled vegetarian yells 'it's chicken period' at you. Cool egg stories, bro.
Can we start a campaign to get the awesome dancing euro guys from earlier this week? I would watch that.
Taking Shelter is my most anticipated and dreaded upcoming film. Anyone with a history of mental illness in their families look at artful depictions of their worst fears with universal 'yes so much but mostly yikes'. It's like empathetic warfare: knowing everything that haunts your sweatiest sudden wake-ups, and teasing it with validation. I mean, allegedly, I've read, I certainly wouldn't know myself.
I dunno, I always love the back beats on Pogo's stuff, but the disjointed word thing bothers me so much. At first I thought, "Uberstellar, you just don't understand techno, this is where it's at", but then I found out that the words actually make up cognitive lyrics to most listeners? This makes it worse! Now I strain my brain trying to hear the hidden messages or whatever and nope, I never have.
Hey, I took in my pets from off the street. Homeless/ pet rescue with one stone. Feral cats make great babysitters!
Thought air travel sucked before? Boy, urine for a big surprise!
I hope that's not her actual address on the info page, I just feel like this could stop being so fun really quick.
Whoops, I'm so sorry everyone, apparently I randomly selected number nine of a ten part series. Common mistake, feel free to check out the uploader's channel to indulge in that an also the seventeen part Derby Day collection.
These guys know what's up:
I think that was tasteless too. The difference in this circumstance is Kanye's mom made a personal decision that only risked herself; drunk driving puts other people at risk. It killed another person in this instance. So, yeah.
Not to be stereotypical here, but there's a large percentage of the Jackass fandom that put on their HIM hoodies and go to karaoke bars to shoot lemon drops for six hours and then jump in their cars as a typical weekend night. So, obviously no one should die for the purpose of becoming a public service announcement, but, if the people mourning Ryan Dunn's death (and I mean, the public, not his or the passenger's friends and family obvs) can maybe take the awfulness of drunk driving a little more seriously, that would be a good thing. Ebert didn't attack the family or the friends or even make that disparaging a statement, the tweet wasn't directed at anyone, it was sent out and I'm sure will be railed against but if the publicity of the tweet gets a single serial drunk driver to reconsider, there's nothing wrong with that.
I kind of get his appeal, this wholesome boy-next-door type with a cheery disposition throwing around shocking and offensive things in a casual manner, it's been done but he's decent with the delivery when he does stand up. But the actual Comedy Central show is pretty terrible, and uh oh, I just realized it might be a faux pas to even mention that on here. Sorry Gabe! You're the best youtube deconstructionist on the market!
I didn't have a chance to delve into the last discussion on this topic, so to harp on and re-emphasize the point everyone's already eloquently made before the 'just jokes!' crowd launches again, the main problem with stand-up material like this is that it isn't subversive, it's affirmation for a hateful percentage of the population. I went to a Tosh.0 show in South Carolina last summer, and he did his normal schtick of going down the line of offensive jokes for all different groups. He bombed with the crowd, it was intensely uncomfortable and they weren't getting it at all. Then he said something to the effect of 'at least A.I.D.S. will kill off the gays' and the theatre went wild. The first and only time through three opening acts and Tosh's hour that there was such hearty applause and laughter. That's terrifying, and performers can't keep pretending they're not aware of what certain audience reaction actually represents. /soapbox
Those are really tight pants.
Having moved to Savannah two years ago, I can confirm that the Chinese food here is a legitimate crime against humanity.
That semi-turtleneck under the v-sweater under the jacket that gives the uncanny impression of some horrendous chest rash probably costs more than all my assets combined. Cool.
That's awesome. I was really proud of myself for going as Daria for fifth grade Halloween. Okay, I'm still proud of that.