
If you're gonna blow a microphone, you should at least pop your top.
The only thing that would make this show better is Mystery. And by "better", I mean "worse." But actually better. Real Housewives 4-LIFE!
You know me, I'm a huge SNL fan and one of the show's staunchest defenders/apologists. However, the tone of this weekend's show was really off-putting. Between all of the overwhelming violence (three segments ended with death, only one of which was offscreen) and the multiple instances of weirdly positioned "gay" jokes (I think their intent was to be critical of the passing of Prop 8 in CA, but the execution left a lot to be desired), it was the single most bizarre and uncomfortable episode of SNL that I can ever remember watching. That said, the Armisen/Hader/Rudd sketch was pure brilliance. Anyone know who the "Noah" in "A Movie By Fred, Bill & Noah" is?
Burn After Reading wasn't terrible, just entirely unnecessary and completely forgettable.
Tear-ah? I thought it was Tar-ah. Now I HAVE to watch!
In Richard E. Grant's autobiography, he tells all sorts of tales out of school (that's industry talk) about the making of this film. You can read them on the Amazon reader if you don't feel like shelling out twelve American dollars for a copy. Also, Isabella Rosselini was supposed to have the Andie MacDowell part.
Flor. Floor. Flore. Fllor. Fllorr. Ffflor. Fahloar. Florrrr. Rrrrr-ruffles have rrrr-ridges!
No. No! NOOOO! Looks like political comedian Nicholas Fehn has got some competition. You know?
Was it just me or was Joe Biden humming "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa" under his breath during that entire interview?
I'm nostalgic for conversations I had yesterday. I've begun reminiscing events before they even occur. I'm reminiscing this right now. I can't go to the bar because I've already looked back on it in my memory... and I didn't have a good time.
If you love escalating revenge movies, you have to see The Prestige. Clearly, it's not a comedy, but boy oh boy, that movie is all about who can pull the best revenge-laden bluff. It delivers somethin' fierce.
What a disappointing reveal. I concur with your assessment that the CW "blew their wad" with this one. They had a nation hooked! Well, maybe not a nation, but at least a few bloggers (like me and Linds) were truly interested. Now the only reason to watch the show is to see if Shenae Grimes is ever going to get naked (which, btw, is still a good reason to watch).
I anxiously await the sequel, "Stanley Kubrick's Milk Crates."
This is only tangentially related to the subject at hand, but I think the most disappointing thing about Garfield was the voice actor who portrayed the iconic fat cat in the cartoon series. Honestly, it makes the casting of Zooey Deschanel in "The Happening" look strong by comparison. See what I mean? No way Garfield sounds like that. Nuh uh. Also, Faris rules.
Your entire opinion of biopics is bound to change when you see "Flash Of Genius." Because if there is one person that's crying out for a biopic to be made about them, it's the guy who invented the intermittent windshield wiper. Greg Kinnear is a National Treasure (TM).
The Mangia guy is a dead-ringer for Gerard Butler. TONIGHT, WE DINE ON SHIT!
Backstage handjobs, whut whut?
Spelling police! Everyone who has ever busted a col' rhyme or thrizz knows it's 'pose, not pose. Look it up, slick.
You guys are all wrong. The candy tastes like violins! Willy Wonka invented the candy that combines the refined tastes of horsehair, spruce wood and varnish. Yummers!
Elizabeth Toni is the new Rick Salomon. I never knew pelicans were cannibals.
It's funny you mention Samuel Beckett, because he himself kept a journal of ideas that he thought would be funny to the character of Estragon. He save this material for the sequel to "Godot", which he never got around to writing. It's working title? "Waiting For AIDS" ... hilarious (dot com)!
And my bad for not properly digesting all of the comments before posting my own. Nice reset, Seann. Great minds, et al.
I have always been partial to the one-shot, side-scrolling fight scene from Oldboy, but that's just me.
I can't wait til "Heath Ledger's Crazy Whacked Out Music Nobody's Ever Heard Of" playlist hits the iTunes store!
I thought that 12-Pack was the one who helped Midget Mac out of the boat? But I could be wrong, I was pretty buzzed when I was watching it last night.
I concur with everyone who thinks that FD2 was one of the best horror movies of the new millenium. But the reason I'm commenting is because of this sentence: "Mom, this mysterious past isn't going to hide itself." I come to Videogum for to stay abreast of the exciting and glamorous world of viral videos (where do they get such wonderful viral videos?), but I stay for the turns-of-phrase like this. Bravo.
I don't know where Spring Church Armstrong County is, but if these chicks are representative of the talent in that town, I'm moving there pronto.
I will never visit the Internet again.
What's wrong with Old Spice? Next thing I know, you'll tell me to stop using my beloved Irish Spring. Then I'll never be clean as a whistle.
Totes agreed, The Sizzler is the WORST! And there is a station called CNN Headline News? News to me!
I love Stoner Movies (yes, the term deserves the capitalization I just bestowed it with) as much as Lindsay, but I didn't think the first "H&K" was anything to write home about. And the sequel looks even worse. I mean, I suppose it was sort of revolutionary in that it gave Asians and Indians a stoner role model to look up to, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the film was actually worthy of legendary status. All of the Stoner Movie aficianados out there need to see Anna Faris in "Smiley Face" ... now THAT is an epic flight of fancy.
Her self-titled disc was nowhere near as awful as the press it got. There's a few gems on that record ("Red Light Fever", "Extraordinary", "Friend Of Mine"); that said, "Somebody's Miracle" was a trainwreck. Can't wait to hear her new stuff, here's hoping she drops the Maroon 5 wannabes that made up her terrible backing band.