
If they're not wearing Drive jackets it's not a real protest.
Ah, birth control. Perfect, perfect birth control. I can throw the pill away now, this is all I need.
Is this a leaked scene from this season's Dexter? He oddly reminds me of Chet Haze's brother, better known as Tom Hank's other son who plays the crazy this season.
I demand a recount!!! There was tampering this week. There is no way kitty in a cup is TEN. OUTRAGEOUS. Kitty in a cup is most DEFINITELY cuter than that big cat that knocked the phone over. Big whoop to him. And geese in a line? Big whoop, that happens all the time. They walk in a line every day out of the lake in the park I live near. That guy just jumped in front. They'd follow anything. But a corgi on a swing...that is a-ma-zing. The corgi and the kitty in a cup were robbed. This is just like Ryan getting robbed of the People Sexiest man title.
Is that guy in the picture a "little person"? Because those exercise balls seem taller than him, and well, they're not very tall.
People sexiest man alive = Hollywood PR person of the year award.
Yup. That is all.
Maybe, just maybe, Kris Kardashian should tell her daughter to not videotape sex with wannabe rap artists and maybe, just maybe Kris shouldn't engineer the leak of said sex tape for promotional purposes.
Wow, I wanted to punch him in the face and he wasn't even messing with MY ice cream. This would have been a very different video if I was (not?) on the receiving end of that cone.
That wig is just the worst. Well, second to the movie itself, I'm sure.
I think this post is one of the first signs of the apocalypse, no? Because if not, it should be. HOW DO YOU KNOW THESE THINGS? As a relative newbie to VG, I am amazed by your general knowledge base and/or your Googling ability.
,Obviously. That was missing from the title right? Or was it just me that kept reading the headline with the "obviously" at the end?
First graders have the same question and statement I would in this situation. "Who are you????" Followed by chanting, "We want the Muppets!!!!"
And, Snow White does look good! Never saw that coming. Charlize looks deliciously evil. Can't wait.
How do we start a blog chant for Gabe to do his commentary on Journey 2? It's been a bleak week and we all need a laugh. (Mini elephants!!! Hehe.) Gabe... Gabe... Gabe... Gabe... Do it... Do it... Do it... Take the journey! (I'll see myself out now.)
Why sue over Sister Act? Can't we sue over Whoopi's true offense to our culture? - The View.
You think a secondary red carpet is bad...there secondary award shows (the night before the real show, or earlier in the day) for people like my husband that worked in audio post-production. I completely agree with Levin...LA can be a social status nightmare. For some reason, even though my husband was in the industry we never got sucked in. Yes, the parties were fun...amazing actually. It was great to go to the season premiere and wrap up parties and chit chat with the "stars" of the shows. But man, it looked like a pain in the ass sometimes to be truly inside. I'm not surprised that most stars are completely insane. It's a delusional place. It really is La La Land. But man, the weather is fan-tastic.
Complicit motherf*cker gives red-heads a bad name. WHO JUST WALKS OUT ON THAT? WHO? WHO? WHO?
Wonder what happens when his doorbell rings.
Either Denzel Washington lost a bet or Ryan Reynolds won one.
This + his awesome Oscar hosting = shoo-in for Grammy host.
They missed the Silence of the Lambs market. Better remake the movie so appropriate clothing lines can be marketed.
Seriously, I totally love this show. If I say I love its vibe, will I get kicked off videogum? Because I do love its vibe. The opening credits suck me in every time. I didn't see Entourage at all (I know, right?) so I don't get the connections but I'm sure that when I watch it on Netflixster I'll think it is How To Make it In America - West.
Sunday = waffle day. The best day ever.
STOP THE PRESSES, KIDS. This, right here, is THE topic that needs to be covered in the next GOP debate. I can hear Brian Williams now: "Mr. Perry, please give us your stance on fame-whores and the death penalty." "Mr. Romney - you're a Mormon, are you hoping that the Kardashians convert to Mormonism and marry multiple times so we can watch an E! reality wedding weekly?" This is the important stuff that American's care about. GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT, AMERICA.
This sentence is so appropriate both ways it can be read: And then you should sit back and think about how weird it is that some people have normal lives and some people have very sad lives and then some people are fucking Spike Jonze. 1. With "fucking" as a verb (as in, thinking about the people who are having sex with Spike Jonze) and 2. With "fucking" as an adjective further describing Spike Jonze.
The only reason they showed Anderson Cooper's name plate was to remind us that he works for CNN...a "respectable" news network.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Hugh Jackman must be so proud!
Uh oh. I know what this means...Bert and Ernie shared the same bed!
Damn. I knew I was off on the accent. Clearly I need soem more time on YouTube to work on my accent identification skills.
So, is this our generation's Russian Andy Rooney? Next he's going to take down enie-menie-miney-mo and children will have no way of settling arguments and choosing kickball teams.
UGH. The "press" (I use that lightly for Us Weekly) is THE WORST. This is not news. (Okay, that's wishful thinking on my part.)
So basically he's asking everyone not to kick him on a hot day. Because I think it's common knowledge that Hank Williams Jr = cow turd. However, Winter is coming, so kick away.