
I bet Tom Hanks misses Wilson.
Rick Perry is coming to Pittsburgh on Friday. I'll take Kanye West and Russell Simmons over that.
I saw Labyrinth as an adult and loved it. I saw Princess Bride as an adult and CANNOT STAND IT. Ugh. It's awful. Just horrible. My husband told me that I'm not allowed to tell other people that because everyone loves this stupid movie and I will be shunned from society. So there, the cat is out of the bag. Now put this movie in that bag and then run the bag over with a car 458 times.
Wait a minute...since when is Kirsten Dunst stacked? That is shocking news.
I didn't realize that Piers Morgan was still a thing. Thanks for the 2011 scoop, Videogum and Kelly!
This throws a serious wrench into the new spinoff - Law and Order SVU: Photoshoots. That was how Stabler was going to make his comeback to the series.
Yes. Exactly. Thank you. I was mortified for like 3 seconds and then realized how freaking loud and clear the movie was and realized it had to be dubbed over.
He's entering the GOOP zone for a disconnect with reality.
If guys make eye contact while using this...well...I think we all know what Patty would say.
Oh please, please, please let this be the way that show How I Met Your Mother ends. That would be g-r-e-a-t.
This tells me that these interns (at least the young one) didn't have enough ambition to learn more himself - find people, ask questions, make yourself useful YOU'RE AN INTERN - you're at the bottom of the food chain. Sorry, I have no pity for this. My husband and I both had demanding/menial internships in two notoriously difficult industries - sports and entertainment. What we both learned: If you want something, go get it, they won't come to need to prove yourself to them and that you want "it". Whiners.
Dude. What is up with that picutre???? He's dressed like it's 1997 (ooh, look at me...spiky hair! sunglasses! leather jacket! wifebeater! smirk!). God, even his clothes are unoriginal.
Sh*t Louis C.K. Has Said
He's a liar. No journalist who jaunts around the world can fight jet lag and enter warzones without coffee. That's like saying Hugh Jackman doesn't pee on himself. It's just not right.
Woah....woah....woah, JUST an American Original? This whole time I thought that Andy Rooney was the Original American, that's what my great-great-Grandfather said.
Public proposals - UGH. I think the big screen proposals at stadiums are the worst. I feel like people that do this are the most insecure couples and the only way that the proposer is confident of a "yes" is by planning an ambush in front of thousands of people so their partner will be too shocked aback to say no. (PS - I am truly a hopeless/hapless romantic...but these are not romantic situations. I'm with you, Kelly!)
And it's people like me and my husband (responsible, college educated, tax-paying small business owner) that aren't having kids because we don't think we'd be a good enough parents. Sheesh, if I knew that THIS was the bar. (Good double use of the word "bar" I think.)
Because straight men never ever ever cheat and are KNOWN for their monogamy and fidelity. (Note: straight women never ever cheat either. Nope, nevereverever.)
Oh, and who wants to place the over/under on Tyra playing the role of Tookie De La Creme because no one will ever be able to capture the 'every girl' as much as Tyra can.
Clearly her email address is (Gotta be AOL, as all celebrities love AOL.)
Recession? Ha! Let me grab my checkbook. They will take a post-dated check, right? Good.
From 9 am - 2 pm, she drank the blood of any up and coming young and beautiful actress she could find. After she yells at them - You've been Gooped!!!
I think that is excellent advice. If Neil Patrick Harris falls through, his backup should be to throw some Milkbones at Birdie. Get that pup a tux!
As an English Major, Nicholas Sparks stories insult me. As a woman, Nicholas Sparks stories insult me. All around - Nicholas Sparks stories insult me. There have to be better options for TV producers, right? RIGHT? RIGHT?????? This can't be the best option out there. Please, no.
And in 25 years, the first areas they updated will be outdated and it'll start ALL OVER again.
I bet the series submits into the category that they have the greatest chance of winning. Like with "Friends" that is an ensemble how is Kudrow a supporting actress and Aniston is a sometimes lead/sometimes supporting? No sense.
It's almost as bad as "Uncle Charley's Sausage". I think that is still the WORST name for a product, like, ever.
So I'm guessing that Disney is just going to re-release every movie they have in 3D now? That is an amazing business model. The board must ooohhh and aaaaahhh when the exec staff unveils their long range planning.
Prices increase, fine, happens all the time...but I sure hope that their online options get better. And uh...did the PR dept miss the obvious Quikflix? That is if they're dead set on the whole quick thing. Whatever, who cares. -Netflix/Quikster PR departments.
Adorable and seasonally appropriate - excellent work! I'm distracted already.
When did we all become too lazy to walk? How big is the freaking movie set that they need a golf cart to get around? Let me answer - not that big. My prank would have been removing the engine from the golf cart and leaving a note taped to the steering wheel that said: "Take a fucking walk from your trailer to the set, lazybones."
Is this a smear campaign by all men to try and deface (literally) Jon Hamm? It won't work, I tell you - it WON'T WORK. Jon Hamm is still beautiful and Fabio is still scary.
I was thinking the EXACT same thing. That scene makes me cringe a little and it's set in the early 60s, this happening now is bad bad bad.
Yes, it's called welfare.
I wonder if the acts are labeled "Number 1" and "Number 2".
He's taking them to their playdate with GOOP's Academy Award.
"The hoards of angry and offended commenters swarming ABC’s announcement page" = Rick Santorum campaign staffers. $20 bucks says he's behind this.