
It's good to see Kentucky represented on Videogum. I know your pain, Mans!
Kicking and squealing gucci little piggy
I just became a substitute teacher last week. I hope shit like this happens to me.
I think this is a ploy by Amazon to scare people into staying home and watching movies through Amazon Prime.
This dog should start a band with the cat that plays piano. They could open for animal collective.
Her Phoenix seems to be in Order.
Yes. Because of the 80's. I got nothing.
. . . and THIS is why you don't do drugs.
I lost my virginity with Beavis and Butthead playing in the background. I hope it was Beavis and Butthead that my girlfriend was laughing at and not me. No, it was probably me she was laughing at.
"These statues are lame." "Yeah." "Want to play nazi zombies?" "Yeah!"
"I need someone to tell me what is good" - jtl Double Take wouldn't be needed if people made up their own minds instead of listening to whatever music sites told them to like. That said, IMO this album and MBDTF are not that good. Please keep doing feature
I love Videogum. Just sayin'. Thanks for making my shitty life less shitty.
Julie Newmar was the purrfect Catwoman. I think it would be impussible for her to get in the cat suit now.
Thank you. Glass of water for Mr. Batteredgnome!
Amy Sedaris really is the best! Ever.
Fuck Michael Vick. Not a movie quote, but probably what all dogs are thinking.
I accidentally bought a copy of Families With Low Self-Esteem. Yikes.
I hate people with high self-esteem.
This is a sADD story.
Seven year-old me keeps dying a little bit inside.
Ugh, Dad's can be soooo embarrassing!
I guess this is better than being Colonel Klinked.
I would like to see Morrissey hunt Sarah Palin. That would be the best thing ever.
Don't worry, it will ride up with wear.
She's very hand-some. I suck.
The sad part is whoever came up with this is probably really pleased with themselves.
Maybe Wikileaks can reveal why this show is still being made.
I object to the your use of the word "poof." Not really, only kidding!
We have so much to learn from cats and dogs.
This gif has made my day! Little bastard!
He is no Captain Peacock. He is not even Mr. Spooner!
This is how I like to think we all look inside, instead of the horrible mess that it really is.
Glass of water for this guy!
I need to purchase this book for my mother.