
The funny part is, Kevin James doesn't even have a driver's license (for anything larger than a golf cart)
This is funny, and I have upvoted you, but does anyone else get super angry that the only coverage of President "haha now you're 13 trillion dollars in debt 10 percent unemployed and in 2 forever wars" Bush's memoir is this thing about Kanye? #politicsgum
Once Upon a Time in West Virginia
The average sized man of Rhodes
Yeah. I mean all you're trying to do is taking a guy down, preferably with a slam, get into full mount, and if he tries to hip escape, take his back and rear naked him into submission. Cage fighting: When imagining men touching just isn't enough
At first I was all impressed by the eminently reasonable 20 year old skateboarder. But then I realized he is a turbokid with knowledge of the youtubes and he knows his buddy's all free-live with the camera and he'll end up a viral video so, y'know, just act like a gentleman for 5 minutes and you win the fight forever! So yeah, I think they're both assholes.
sadmalandar, are you secretly a million monkeys with typewriters?
Catchy and educational! I feel like I learned so much about paleolithic man that I can finally stop listening to all those Flinstones books on tape.
Then I definitely recommend Blue Steel. It's somewhere on the psychological thriller-horror spectrum. It's from Katheryn Bigelow. Jamie Lee Curtis is a rookie cop tracking down a serial killer who is carving her name onto bullet casings he uses to kill folks, and it is a super tense violent action movie (like Hurt Locker) but also an incredible feminist horror flick.
I am pretty much a professional horror movie watcher (I wrote my college thesis on Torture Porn) and the last five minutes of [REC] (Spanish, not the fool remake "Quarantine") scared the piss out of me. I actually can't remember being scared by a movie in a long time. Not just unsettled and creeped out, deeply frightened. I usually don't love the whole handicam horror thing but here it works really well.
Mans it is increasingly becoming clear to me that we should have a movie club. We agree on all the movies! Last night I watched Blue Steel. Have you seen it? It is awesome. How about [REC]? I watched that on Friday. It was great. Hooray! (I am logging in much too late to actually get a response, and thus justify wasting precious thread space with useless blither blather)
You mean, he knew those kitties were going to die? What are you hiding behind your crocodile tears itsahotdog! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
Maybe Gabe should just close the comment thread right here We have lasers! (Full disclosure: I have absolutely nothing to do with the management or contributions to I just think it's rad!)
These are all great Big Puns you guys
Damn! Sorry Ian. Similar minds think alike.
"A masterpiece on par with Transformers 2, Big Mommas: Like Father Like Son lays bare the conflict at the heart of American cinema since Barack Obama's election. Questions of sexual identity and racial attitude are put into crisis in the economically privileged setting of an all girls school (not unlike that attended by Sasha and Malia) where a true comedy of errors arises as much from socio-economic context as from a plethora of well developed sight gags and cross-dressing fantasies." -Armond White
NO WAI LOLZ. She totes loved the Beiber cake and also the Silly Bandz videogame giftz.
I wanted to go, but then I had to attend the Rally to Restore Surprise Birthday Dinner For My Mom. Lemme tell you guys, it was a complete success.
Tricking or treating, you're coming with me.
She's pretty, but Judd Apatow is definitely your boyfriend. Sure, she bears his children, stars in his movies, and helps decide which Brazilians to hire for cooking breakfast in bed, but he turns to you for guidance, emotional support, and true love, which can only exist between two men
I thought his job was directing PSAs teaching women that cooking for your stoner slob of a boyfriend is much more important then achieving your dreams, career ambitions, or finding a kind and handsome man who is on your intellectual level and who respects your ideas and your feelings. Bonus, he teaches by example! See: his wife, Leslie Mann
Yes yes yes Mans! This is almost exactly my list! Also on the list for me: Cemetery Man Don't Look Now Psycho 2 (seriously, that movie rules! Though it's not really scary) Planet Terror Dead Alive Alien I really like zombies!
Rejected names for The Berney: -The Epileptic -Undead Shuffle -Hey when you wiggle your head that cloud looks just like a bunny!
If so, you should probably stop stealing all those samples. The boss'll find out, and it'll just be Mr. Big not showing up for the wedding all over again. (Kids, don't press submit comment accidentally before finishing up. You will look like a dick!)
Romeo Void knows how he feels.
I want to marry this comment thread and then make it quit telling jokes so I can admire it from a distance
"Hollywood may take my life, but they'll never take my Freedom (to have a small, ironic cameo in a pointless sequel)"!
*his characters...with their girlfriends...doh
My favorite thing about Hemmingway was how he always wore identical matching outfits with his girlfriends
Waugh Waugh Waugh, quit yer crying and Lethem do what they will.
Vis-a-vis my response to topknot 3 comments earlier: Dammit!
*cue Hans Zimmer horn blare*
Ok I know this is the wrong thread but comments were closed on that one sorry! It's not fair. Tracy Morgan has my dream life. He's in 30 Rock, he's black, and he got to tell Paul Simon to "Get the fuck outta here!" no racismo