
But after he ran to get the candy bar, it didn't show him having a heart attack. Always look on the bright side of life!
The volume of my laughter goes up when I watch Community and Parks & Rec because I sub-consciously need to find a way to express how much greater the joy is I get from these shows (as opposed to pretty much any other joy). Also, I liked the use of fat jokes on Community to get both A. laughter and B. a message across. As opposed to The Office, whose jokes are, "Kevin doesn't know how to eat vegetables and also: heart attacks." I love you, Joel McHale.
And Trader Joe's! I have to agree with her--their canned tuna is the best. She was a smart cat.
The only thing I got out of that is a strong desire to watch Little Giants. (I'm OK with being an underachiever.)
With Godsauce's permission, I would like to redeem my birthday fawning that I couldn't get yesterday, especially in respect to this comment. Krugmanic's reply was much funnier, but I doubt his birthday was yesterday so I would like his residual upvotes. Please and thank you (birthday gifs also accepted).
My question is, how did they figure this out? (I'm not saying it's impossible--I once discovered that a cab driver was a huge Rod Stewart fan and then "Reason to Believe" came on the radio and we all sang out hearts out, so it can happen.) Does he have snapshots posted on his dashboard of him as an MJ impersonator? Is he known around town as the cab driver who sings Michael Jackson for tips? I must know.
If I ever meet Gwyneth Paltrow and she is obligated to listen to the things coming out of my mouth, I'm going to spend well over an hour explaining this entire thing from the beginning. I will read comments aloud until I know she really feels what we're feeling right now, post Gabe-scolding. If all goes well, she will write Gabe an apology letter for existing at all and creating this RIFT in the first place. "It all started on a really great blog called Videogum..." "Is that like Goop?" "Basically."
Yes. I did. Don't read up about it on the internet before going, though--that ruined some bits for me. Unless you hate surprises. Then by all means, internet it up. But yeah, his performance was just, I don't even know...amazing. Their chemistry together was just great, and it presented an unconventional and interesting queer story within the large story, rather than the main plot being, "Look! We're gay!" (I'm looking at you, "The Kids Are All Right.")
After "I Love You, Phillip Morris," I will see anything Ewan (first name basis) is in for the rest of his or my life. Also, I'm a sucker for: old people, old photographs, dogs, accents, late-in-life coming out stories, father-child relationships, fireworks, drawings. So. Doomed from the start.
Yes, it's throwing off my Jersey Shore/Real Housewives schedule too. (Listen, everyone, I can't watch amazing TV all the time! How will I know happiness without despair?) NBC: Stop trying to make Perfect Couples and Outsourced happen.
I love the Thursday TV thread; I get to relive all of the moments that made my heart swell with joy just twelve hours ago. I am not even exaggerating when I say that I laughed at the "stop pooping" Rob Lowe scene for so long that it bled into two other scenes, and my roommate did that uncomfortable laugh that you do when someone else is laughing uncontrollably and you're totally over it.
I'm pretty upset my birthday is this Sunday. I can't ask monsters for self-esteem the day AFTER my birthday--that just seems sad. Anyway, happy birthday, blah blah, you're hilarious.
My best friend from college got the boxed set on DVD from her parents one year. She let me borrow the Little Mermaid and I never gave it back...(My favorite was Rapunzel. But how can one really choose?!) I wish they still made stuff for kids like that--low budget, darkly funny, unintentionally frightening.
This is going to be hot debate, but the second one made me laugh, and I even have pictures of gay men in speedos eating chips in my wallet. At least the second one went for humor (even if it was humor based on stereotypes and pandering to the Super Bowl crowd) while the first one just tried to make the viewer uncomfortable. Um, good luck--I watched all five seasons of Queer as Folk.
You're really raising my blood pressure, guy. A. No one needs you to suggest they take care of themselves. You really think you're being compassionate to assume with a blanket mindset that overweight people are eating pizza and Mr. Pib every day, all day? It's none of your fucking business, I'm assuming you're not a doctor (at least, you're definitely not my doctor or this woman's doctor), and keep your incorrect judgments and pretend compassion about a stranger's health to yourself. I don't look at people and wonder what they eat every day, how much alcohol they drink, whether they smoke, etc. because when I talk to a person, I don't know about you, but I don't just make health suggestions because I feel superior. No one should have to explain themselves to you or anyone else unless they choose to, which I did above to prove my point. This woman didn't go on this video saying, "Please, PLEASE, Youfuckedjeff, explain me how to be healthy like you! You are thin and therefore an expert!" And neither did I. B. Education has nothing to do with stupidity. It's about what information/assistance is available to people, what values are perpetuated. I didn't call anyone stupid or "play" anyone as a malnourished idiot because I know it's not about that. We could get into similar arguments related to race and gender issues--black people are not inherently lazy and prone to committing crime, women are not worse at math and don't make less than men because they "choose family" over work. Individual choices are rarely pure choices with no outside factors, but it seems that people choose to forget this when it comes to overweight people--dehumanizing them has become the society standard. It's disturbing. If it makes you feel superior because you're not overweight, go for it. But just know you sound like a prick.
I ran out of reply buttons, but thanks for at least attempting to see my perspective. It can be really discouraging to read people's opinions all the time and internalize all of that disgust and disrespect--just like a gay person hearing "fag" would internalize that negativity. I got into an entire argument about the show Huge on my facebook wall (which was a wonderful show by the way--if you want to understand or sympathize with people who are different from you, check it out on Hulu), and it basically devolved into a friend telling me all fat people disgust and sicken him. But not me because he knows me and "how hard I try." Which was pretty similar to the black person in your wallet argument. Also, just reading your reply to Bumblebutt (best name for this argument), it's not really about "pro-fat." The fat acceptance movement is about exactly what we both said--not judging and shaming people. And accepting that not all thin people are healthy and not all fat people are unhealthy. Being thin doesn't give anyone a right to decide what's a cop-out or to determine another person's health. Anyway, we could all use a little more sympathy/empathy so thanks for giving this issue a try. If you're really looking to be head of the class, check this out: It never hurts to read up on a subject that obviously impacts many people's lives.
Which is why I brought up education. And food availability. I just find it hilarious that so much of the country is struggling with this and people refuse to connect the dots with race, class, education, depression, capitalism in general (our constant desire for stuff leading to unhealthy work habits), etc. Instead, people point fingers and make it all about personal responsibility, people who have probably been naturally thin all of their lives or have their own fucked up relationships with food. Obviously, it's beyond personal responsibility at this point, and we should be working on figuring out the WHYs instead of shaming people. But maybe this video will get this woman on Biggest Loser, and then we can all get off on watching her cry and work out!
I get it, I do, and I really appreciate that you recognize that you could have put some more thought into that before saying it. But the disgust argument is just as disturbing to me though because disgust isn't much better than hatred--it motivates people to behave pretty horrendously sometimes. And I can understand why the people commenting above don't understand that because a lot of people don't have to. But like any other stereotype, I don't think it's right to make assumptions and value judgments just by looking at someone. As I mentioned, I am overweight and I have been all my life. I exercise and eat healthy (or healthier than most thin people I know, that's for sure), but frankly, that's none of anyone's fucking business and I shouldn't have to defend myself just because people who have never struggled with their weight this way assume I have to be held accountable because my body is different. (I'm speaking more to the other replies than to yours here. By the way, YoufuckedJeff, eating rice and beans and pasta, while filled with more nutrients than Burger King, are certainly not going to make a heavy person thin.) I guess my point is, even if it IS her fault, even if she is poor but still eats Cheetos and government cheese and wears shirts with stains on it, it doesn't make my point less true. I didn't laugh at this video except for her carefree singing, which I found kind of sweet (but maybe that's because I've done a lot of drunken karaoke). I felt horribly bad for her because I was anticipating all the shit she's about to get, and I immediately wondered about her life and her feelings. If this has been the same exact video with a thin person, no teeth, and stains, I doubt it would even be on here. Anyway, I know no one cares about this rant, but it's always so shocking to me when people who are otherwise so accepting, funny, compassionate feel like it's OK to "other" overweight people (which, YoufuckedJeff, is why I brought up the liberal blog thing--I've seen some really ignorant shit on the Gawker sites too). This whole country has a messed up relationship with a food and health, and pointing at some people because you think they're out of control is a symptom of our fucked up collective psyche.
I'm sorry to get shouty, but as someone who has been unemployed for a large part of this economic shitshow: it's really fucking hard to buy quality food when you don't have an income. I am overweight and LIKE VEGETABLES shockingly, and I struggle to buy them. I haven't been to the dentist in quite a while either, and here I am on my computer. If you'd like to hear my trials and tribulations related to getting healthcare as well, let me know. And I'm lucky! My fat-ass is lucky to have been born into a middle class, single mom household. Things are a lot worse for a lot of people. But I guess we all have Billy Joel!!
Welp, I might as well work on the most downvoted for my future EGOT. Funds to eat better? Because she has a microphone and a computer? A large amount of our country is poor (and look a lot like this) but they still have computers or cell phones--that doesn't mean they have access to quality education, grocery stores, gyms, liberal blogs with commenters who have such good advice, etc. Yes, I'm sure doing karaoke on youtube equals what she would need to have access to a constant supply of fresh fruits and vegetables and nutritional education. Based on her surroundings and her clothes and her teeth (PERHAPS she doesn't have access to dental care??), I'm guessing we could all be a little less fucking judgmental. Or at least keep your "confusion" (which is actually just thinly-disguised hatred) to yourself. It just drives me insane that it becomes a value judgment--you know nothing about her life. And to hypothesize about the reasons someone has let herself go or is "lacking motivation to improve" herself is just ridiculous based on a four-minute video of another human being having fun singing. Practice her dancing instead of singing? I expect this sort of crap on, well, youtube.
I'm a huge My So-Called Life apologist so I refuse to accept this comparison. Shit, I also really loved Undressed as a repressed teenager....Ok, let's see. I like most teenage dramas and I feel less gross about their sex scenes because the actors are all in their 20s. Skins was basically like watching my teenaged brothers make out... Ok. Skins is like That's So Raven meets Jen Lindley (the early years) on Dawson's Creek but with more lolz. That's pretty much the best I can come up with.
You know you've lived in Brooklyn (or have been single....?) too long when you think that guy and his mom jeans are cute. I'm ashamed of myself.
Yeah, I had heard the writing was great, which is what I like in a movie, but it was just boring and pointless. The main premise of the movie was basically to applaud itself for showcasing a different kind of family--look how fucked up we all are, gay or straight! (I don't think that whole alcoholism thing was resolved--it was used as quirky plot point.) It doesn't matter as long as there is loooove somewhere in there. It's kind of like Crash--in some ways, you're like, "Ok, this is good. These are real issues that people need to see. Visibility is a step forward." But then you're like, "SO WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE BAD? WHY CAN'T I HAVE BOTH?" But yeah, Mark Ruffalo. Hot.
Plus: "We're all in the same boat" repeated five times. Too soon, ginger.
I just watched the entire thing again. Sometimes the gif just ain't enough--I like to watch the question that leads up to that moment with anticipation.
Little sisters are always left out of the cool shit. Always just background dancers in the homemade, living room music videos of life.
I really wish Angelo hadn't admitted his shark phobia because now he's humanized to me and I'm pissed. (Shark phobia is a real thing, you guys. As a kid, I was sometimes afraid of showers? Because of sharks? PHOBIA LITERALLY MEANS IRRATIONAL FEAR so lay off. Still afraid of pools at night and lakes always. I hope that if I were a Top Chef contestant, I would be likable enough that America would let it slide.)
I think there's a name for that type of person: sociopath.
Once again, I am very appreciative that "the internet" was just AIM, AOL chat rooms, and Napster when I was a teenager.
I didn't see Country Strong this weekend, but I DID have "Shake That Thing" in my head as I watched "Charlie St. Cloud," which seems to make us just about even.
My favorite .gif is the hilarious .gif someone else just posted that reminded me how great it is and that I should really learn how to save and also reproduce .gifs at a moment's notice because it'll quickly convey not only my sense of humor but my good taste in stuff. But I never do.
There are so many gifs I could use for my facial expression during "I was probably sleeping in my cubby hole somewhere trying to keep warm." Opposite of salsa dog reaction, that's all I have to say. Pure sorrow.
I get that you're not into Keenan (is anyone into Keenan...?), but why should the fact that little people make you feel ill/uncomfortable be noted? I imagine that it would be kind of a shitty thing to read as a little person.
I watched his other video (of course I did) where he was at the mall taping himself and then said a cute girl checked him out. And he followed it with, "Oooh gurl." I thought he was being really self-aware and funny, but then he said his mall video may help him get chicks. So now I feel really weird inside.
It's weird because I don't remember hating Jamie in her original season. And now I hate Jamie so, so much. Which means either: the Bravo editors should get some fucking recognition, maybe even an award, OR I am in the early stages of Alzheimer's.
I started to feel a little bad for her toward the end of the video because she is clearly insane, but then I watched the "Gangsta" video. If she were in the room with me right now, she would start hating everything around her.
Whoa. There is a different page of comments. This is weird. (It's entirely possible I haven't been paying enough attention today.)
Say Some Stuff (Specifically Something I Want to Hear). I'm really bad at this game but I love Lloyd Dobler.
Stand in the General Vicinity of Me