
I checked to make sure you really did this and then promptly "liked" it; I want to make sure she knows I also don't want her to do anymore drugs.
Harry Potter Coalition Everywhere! Do you think we can transfer her addiction from drugs to Harry Potter? I mean, I may be biased but that seems totally healthy.
Why is everything funnier when said in an Oprah free-giveaway voice? To me, that joke will never get party-peopled.
I immediately requested her friendship because I'm a bleeding heart liberal and a naive one at that. It's very possible I'll end up with a stolen identity, but joke's on her--I don't even have a job! Just try to take advantage of my good will.
That's where I'm from. For the record, nobody from Schenectady knows what "synecdoche" means. Don't worry, guys--I moved and went to COLLEGE so I totally know what it means. (Because I went to college, I also like this movie.)
Great. Now I have to have seven just to even things out. Why do conservative Christians have to be so good at having babies?
I think by "a few comments" you actually meant mine so I'll say this: I suggested some other site options because a solution seemed better than pointing fingers. We may be grown adults but we are grown adults who really, really life our gifs. Obviously, Gabe is not going to be doing a site redesign over Christmas dinner, but since the site IS growing and will probably continue to change, I think it's important to consider ways to help with the community aspect since that's what keeps the site going (and, hypothetically, brings in new members). Not to mention, it would probably behoove Videogum to alter some aspects because they potentially lose page views/interest [obsession]/money when the community takes their discussions offsite. To be fair, I have also suggested a Videogum dating site as well as the ability to see comment replies so the point is: I just want Videogum to hire me...? Also, I don't really think we're fighting. We just have a lot of people, and some of those people wanted to state their opinions about everything; most of the readers do that through votes. A couple of people got ugly, but for the most part, we're all just discussing. I don't think this ruined anyone's weekend--I think we just have a lot of time on our hands, as nerds do.
Despite being from New York, I've never even been to Atlantic City. What I'm saying is: I'm not much of a gambler but I'm feeling lucky! (No, I'm not.) I hope you know that if we make it to Vegas, I'll just be drinking the casino booze and eating at buffets. Also, please keep calling me bub because I'm a girl and I've never been called bub but I kind of like it. (Why oh why didn't I just reply to both responses in one comment?)
Oh man. I'm the worst. Well, I knew about it from the beginning (because I'm obviously obsessed with Videogum. Have I mentioned it's 4:30 AM?), but I just felt like I should stay out of it. (This is middle school all over again. When do pick kickball teams?) The point is, I read everything about Never Let Me Go and started the Chabon novel (but I'm, like, 30 pages in so I doubt I'll be finishing in time). I enjoyed all of the topics very much and bookgum is great and I'll stop being a child.
Well, since everyone is clamoring for my opinion, 200 comments deep: There is definitely a clique and the vibe has changed since the site began, but I still read the comments under every post because this is still the best site on the internet (I've read the entire internet). DukeNukem's anger seemed a little bit, um, ya know, crazypants. But since I just called a stranger crazy I'll share some things that no one needs to know: I have a physical response to being downvoted and I think the amount of anxiety I get over comments is probably unhealthy. I want to join chat but I feel like everything is all established, and I didn't join Book Club (join?) until a few days ago when I happened to finish Never Let Me Go for the same reason. I think people who are middle-of-the-road as far as comment frequency and Twitter/chat usage are the ones who are becoming disgruntled because it seems like the site's growing pains are pushing people out. I think that Steve's original suggestion about changing the interactive aspect of the site might make everyone feel a little more part of stuff. Again, like the Gawker site, if we had our own pages where there could be messages and inside jokes and all that, the comments might not be so cluttered with the fawning threads. Maybe we could even have a page where everyone can submit lolzy gifs. Ugh, I have no idea what I'm talking about. "Redesign the site so people don't feel left out on the internet." -Me While I'm here, I'd like to suggest that we take donations for a new charity called "Whyareyouyelling is unemployed but would really like to go to Vegas." Just $1 from every videogummer would get me at least a bus to Jersey. (I'll hitch from there.)
When Colbert brought out the finished dreidel tree, I just imagined an intern in a closet-cubicle painting it green with nail polish. And I was jealous.
Me again! My friend keeps pointing this out, but I never notice it. I'm vaguely paranoid that this means my own eyes are crossed and I just don't know it.
I find their ballsy, all-out narcissism mesmerizing. Next Christmas, I want this photo again, except this time they'll all be kissing themselves in a mirror.
I need a life. Or a job. Whichever comes first.
That's just what Andy does. (I've been watching so much What What Happens Live that we're on a first-name basis...?) He likes to juxtapose inane reality TV drama with weird dialogue readings involving cheap wigs (which is why it's quickly becoming my favorite show [that is on at 11 PM]). To be fair, Tom's scarf and facial expression brought most of the drama. It's like he had a candle salad (ugh) up his ass. Relax, Tom!
I wish my five-year-old self had been able to bust that term out on the playground when discussing how the quick repetition of our names made them not BE our names anymore. That would've been intense. Back to kickball!
Around the fifth minute, the word "Kansas" started to sound really fucking weird.
I went online and watched the Eric Ripert response video to Elia's Tom-Attack just like Andy Cohen instructed me too. Shit was intense! Eric was like, "Elia, you're an embarrassment in the kitchen and also life. Go shave your head again so that every time you look in the mirror, you're reminded to keep Tom's name out of your mouth."
JEALOUS? I was totally going to deny it, but then I remembered I wrote this: My cure for Palin circa 2008 was more Sinbad.
I'm embarrassed to say that I watched that Sinbad special. Multiple times. I also watched Chris Rock's Bring the Pain with my mom around the same time. I learned a lot that year.
I was thinking the same thing. I always have to explain why I don't want to watch things like this (whether they are real or fake), but everyone here just gets it! (I guess this is the comment equivalent of James Franco kissing himself.)
I love how I didn't scroll down for a good 60 seconds because I was busy trying to figure out how I had offended you. I feel much, much better now--those gifs are the BEST.
I'm glad I'm not alone. I like watching James Franco kiss himself and I certainly like watching Paul Rudd kiss Bill Hader.
I went on a Stefon bender after this week's episode--I just could not get enough Stefon. I liked the digital short...? But I don't know if that's because I enjoy the hook of both "9 to 5" and "Take My Breath Away." I also liked the weird sketch at the end with Jason Sudeikis as a disgruntled light guy. Basically, I am a dedicated SNL watcher and I got into a heated argument with someone recently who doesn't even watch it. I'm about SNL the way people are about their younger siblings--I can make fun of it but others can't.
I see one of my nerds!!!11 Yes! This is the best day ever. Thanks for not believing me when I said it wasn't really necessary to add me because my entry into the ball was a fluke, paperstreetsoap; you really get me.
Mood Today: Happy :). Got an A on my math test. Ghost friends levitated me to so I could dance to "Jump In the Line" (luv that song).
Lydia Deetz would have been all about the internet. That suicide letter would have been a livejournal post for sure.
Isn't it weird how just a year ago we had no idea who Justin Bieber was? And now I literally say or type his name every single day pretty much. (Just me?)
Not only that, I have an ACTUAL tampon in my purse. Along with a black person.
Whoops, guess that joke didn't go over well. Don't worry, guys, I don't hate women or white kids. I have friends who are women! While I'm here, though, why do we think Jen went home? I mean, isn't uncooked eggs worse than underwhelming eggs? Also, Jamie didn't help or hurt, but she did cut her own goddamn hand. Yes, accidents happen, but it seems odd that there were absolutely no consequences for her sitting this challenge out while her partner did double the work. I would have liked to see more of this spicy new Jen who lashes out instead of breaking out in anxiety-related hives like on her season.
I am a woman and also a feminist, but I just kept thinking, "Dude, is Jen on her period or something?" I hope that her outburst can be attributed to some sort of hormonal imbalance because yikes. One last thing: there were way too many white kids at that museum. Did they ship them in from Westchester? This is New York! I want some diversity.
I feel the same way. It actually made me more sad to watch the daughter. I was 13 when I lost my mom and you just don't get to be happy again in such a carefree way--you're old enough to know what's going on and that you SHOULD look sad about it. The little girl was obviously dealing with some shit and knew that she wasn't supposed to be dancing for the camera. The little boy still had the padding of young age--he can still be happy and joyful (despite the constraints of social norms, like NOT dancing while talking about your dead dad) and life hasn't quite smacked him upside the head yet. I'm sad to know that moment is coming, but it was kind of beautiful to see the purity of cluelessness. #shuttingupnow
What's Egging Gilbert Nog? Eggnog is Illuminated? I guess it was silly to come 240 comments in and think I'd nail it.
That probably shouldn't have turned me on a little bit, but I'm almost positive he said "Do you want more?" after the first kiss. So I guess my (and his) answer was, "Yes."
I spent a good five minutes longer than I should have trying to find my nerds. They're not on there and I can't help but think they will try to exact revenge. #jokesfromthe80s
Like any other loaded word, it's about the intention and the context. Here, the intention was clearly pretty negative, and, more importantly given the context, not even funny. If you're a comedian and you can't do shocking right, you should stop comedy-ing. I can't imagine having that much actual vitriol for a celebrity, and if she does, she probably shouldn't be using said celebrity in her set because, again, not funny. #alsoafeminist #cuntcanbefunnytoosometimesbutchelseahandlerneveris
Precocious, seemingly self-aware children frighten me. Go play with Barbies, Willow. Jaden, go try to figure out Harry Potter or Charlie St. Cloud (that commercial has been on a lot lately...).
That sounds like a group I would definitely join (on Facebook?). I'd also like to propose: Society for the Eradication of Featuring Good Bands in Really Horrible Movie Trailers (Which Therefore Trick Us Into Seeing Them).
Damn it, Frightened Rabbit. This is NOT a smart way to get exposure.