
Well, I got two more years I guess until I can go on my first date.
Clearly I was gone for far too long...
Did I miss something? I've been absent from the gum for like a week. Why on earth did COD get downvoted for posting an awesome Farley gif?
Mel...always gotta be in disguise, even in his own "holiday" card.
Bill Hader all the way!
Sooo...all i caught from that was, "if you touch me, you will die." Is he a zombie? I smell a guess spot on Walking Dead.
Because they want us to keep watching for her ultimely but gruesome death. Duh. I LOVE Vince and I'm very worried he's going to get wrapped up in his mean street ways before we know it. His dad - shaddy ass mofo His mom - gullible ass mofo And seriously curly haired chick who's name I will never remember, why are you passing up on Luke fucking Cafferty? Tim's in jail, move on. Teenage girls, always be lovin' their bad boys.
Just to clarify - I upvoted this gif because I love it. John Goodman on the other hand is awesome.
I don't even know how that gif hasn't been posted yet. I would have except I'm giftarded and have been having a lot of technical difficulties lately. What I'm saying now please. Thanks!
Agreed, so good. Can we discuss this past week?
Jesus, I forgot she was playing Emma Frost! Ok, I'll stop hating on her, but my love for all things X-Men is going to make it tough for me to buy her portrayal of Emma. We'll see...
I'll give you Royal Tennenbaums, but otherwise was just never a huge fan. Then the whole married to Chris Martin(EWWWW! also don't get me started on Coldplay), naming my kid Apple. I thought she had lost it. She really hasn't been in anything in quite a few years that I have had any desire to watch. So...this hatter is gonna hate on her. Sorry :(
I didn't think anyone loved January Jones? You've watched Mad Men, no?
Turns out, it IS possible to hate her even more.
It was the 9 Asian Balkys that killed me. LOVED Perfect Strangers!
Imagine a show just following Stefon around the city? That would be sooo sooo awesome.
Please oh please end the opening political skit too!!! Last year I really wasn't on Team Hader. But this year, ESPECIALLY with Stefon, I am absolutely loving this guy. Not to mention he really does make a good game show host.
Greatest gif of all time? Greatest gif of all time!
Believe me, so did I. That why I was so distraught. Notspelledbrain - I always wondered how he had time for all of this. Which crossed my mind when he was just doing the Soup and standup dates. The Soup doesn't seem to break as often as regular shows, so that's a hell of a lot of work. THEN to tack on Community? PS. I also pretty much fell asleep towards the end of his act too.
Are there any foods that are making you nauseous lately? Please don't say a half sleeve of oreos!
DSN - I am totally there with ya. And I felt that way with last week's episode as well. It came to a stunningly downer hault from what started off funny as hell. True Story: Went to see Joel McHale's stand up a little while back. For one he came out wearing grossly tight pants, work boots and a baggy tee. So immediately I'm like, Ugh. Then for an hour+ he just did his Soup schtick. I watch you every week Joel(twice a week), I don't need to hear about the Kardashians when I see you in person too. Every since then, I've been kinda Eh about Community.
This was cute. Also, I LOVE gif Fridays!
I could be sitting at the corner table of the Kmart Cafe!
Staying with the Winona Ryder segment....there was a celebrity jeopardy on snl where she played Bjork. OMG, never LOL-ed so hard in my life.
I feel like 30 Rock touches upon the strong connections between some of the characters, with the obvious Jack & Liz. But they still manage to make it hilarious. Maybe it's just I'm obsessed with Tina Fey and feel like barely anything compares to that show. Or, yourmom is lame.
I like yours better
"I don't listen to the radio, but apparently you can listen to all kinds of songs on it."
Somebody just googled herself for the first time....
That was one of the very few funny moments of it. Is it just me or have the last two weeks just been downers? I feel like they've been going down the lets have a show with serious morals path, when it was nothing like that at first.
Thursday night TV Thread? I need to discuss Community!
I dunno, I'm feeling a little more Dolph Lundgren and a little less Busey.
I've seen those next to my Flinstones ones. So I take it you recommend? I'd be willing to broaden my vitamin horizon.
Those are...lame. I like a good assortment of cheese: peperjack, cheddar, swiss, american. In other words, I have a Steve Urkel problem with cheese.
Not really a medicine, but as an adult I still take Flinstones chewables daily because they're unbelievably delicious.
Why the fuck is eating cheese and crackers lame, Ken?! I LOVE cheese and crackers and can eat virtually a whole platter in one sitting. We clearly have different views on lame food.
You're muy loco! Merengue dog has a FULL routine. A brief dance on loop 37 seconds long does not compare to El Pero Merengue.
NEVER! How about Trump whipping his hair back and forth as a peace offering?
I was actually watching this last night and LOL-ed up a storm. Tack on an excellent Pats win and it was an excellent night.