
Michael Vick did go to jail for his crimes. He served the given punishment for the crime in full, and now he is a free man trying to get his life back together. So unless he screws up again I will not fault a person for trying to do this. So yes, downvotes.
Clearly Anderson Cooper is a Super Taster.
you and anderson cooper are supertasters!
Count me in as one of the Boardwalk Empire watchers! and it was great! I can already tell this season will be even better than the last. Kelly catch up and write me some funny recaps, please?
Hey Ryan remember that time when you were in that movie? That was really cool.
Cowboys have not won a Super Bowl since '95. That could change now because of this.
no one mentioned Cheers?
does this mean JEFF the Brotherhood is not cool anymore?
"Hey cow, how's it going? Wanna be made into a hamburger? Didn't think so. Say hi to your mother for me"
or you could read whatever book you wanted, because it's a free country, and don't talk to any pretentious book snobs while you are at it.
but the first season wasn't really THAT good anyway, was it? I mean, let's be honest here. Sure, it had some good parts, SOME. But the acting, hammy, the writing, trite at times. I kinda expected more. Am I wrong? It was a very short season, I still held out hope it would get better.
He needs to calm down on constantly being in things. He's getting dangerously close to becoming overexposed.
patience, werttrew. they build tension and make you feel for the characters so when something exciting does happen, you care.
Can we close the debate on Global Warming now? If Bill Nye says it's real, it's real. End of story.
Everyone knows that the only way you can heal your "demons" or illnesses is belief in God. Who needs a doctor?
tragic "accident" on an episode of Punk'd
goes into a corner store to buy some menthol cigarettes and gets shot in the head
Entered a small portal leading into the mind of actor John Malkovich
killed by an Buckshot Roberts, during the Gunfight of Blazer's Mills
Mauled to death by a bengal tiger.
I liked X-Men: First Class guys! FASSBENDER owned that movie! Also excited about A Dangerous Method! Cronenberg+Viggo are on a roll!
I liked X-Men: First Class.
That One is allowed to have his preference of which dicks he finds more aesthetically pleasing, don't let anyone take that away from you! Unfortunately for women, they don't really have a choice if they've already willingly gone that far with a guy, it's too late.
less pleasure? I like to call it extended pleasure.
Who on Earth would decide when they get older to get circumcised? Yikes!
No offense to Patrick M, but taken out of context the caption makes almost no sense, which actually makes it more funny if you think about it
"I'm smarter than the average drug dealer" - Stringer Bear
I think he was combining Vin Diesel movies + Bread references. Fast Five Grain Wheat Pitch Black Rye Broiled Bread Room xXx-tra Fiber
I thought replicants only had a built-in four-year lifespan.
way to go Jean Dujardin! Everyone needs to see OSS 117.
Cowboys and Aliens and Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford!