Ellie Goulding’s Wild Abandon

Ellie Goulding’s Wild Abandon

Gilded-voiced UK powerhouse Ellie Goulding makes pop music, to be sure, but at times it’s seemed like stateside, the pop audience hasn’t quite caught up to her, despite ubiquitous songs like “Lights.” If Lolla was any indication, though, no more: her show was a madhouse, her florid trills and drama inspiring surprising amounts of fluid interpretive dance from the crowd (including, during “Lights,” two ladies performing impassioned somersaults. You go, ladies). She performed all the singles from Halcyon, “old” song “Starry-Eyed,” and new track “Burn” with raw power, but her stage banter betrayed her emotion at the sheer mass of people. “It’s been a little overwhelming for me, but, uh…” she paused. “Thank you. I’m speechless. Sorry.” Get used to it, sis. Also, please next time play that awesome new song from the Skins soundtrack, thanks.