Forth Wanderers – “Taste”

Forth Wanderers – “Taste”

I love the opening lines of “Taste” so much: “He says he likes my taste/ But I bite his tongue, you know, just in case/ He starts to fall in love/ I can’t stand his face/ But I like his feel.” Ava Trilling’s delivery is stretched out, each line feels like a story in and of itself. The band sags and protrudes with her every enunciation, filling up the empty space between her words. It’s the perfect encapsulation of the push-and-pull between acerbic and sweet that Forth Wanderers manage so well, told through the narrative of a relationship where Trilling is determined to be the blasé one but keeps falling for the intimacies of attachment. “The smell of wood when I breathe him in,” the lingering scent of his cigarettes. It’s a song with a stake through the center of its heart, and it’s the latest sparkling track we’ve heard from Forth Wanderers forthcoming sophomore album. You can listen to “Taste” at the 17m40s mark in the NPR stream below.

Forth Wanderers is out 4/27 via Sub Pop. Pre-order it here.

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