Stephen Steinbrink – “Cruiser” (Feat. Boy Scouts)

Tonje Thilesen

Stephen Steinbrink – “Cruiser” (Feat. Boy Scouts)

Tonje Thilesen

Stephen Steinbrink is releasing a new album, Disappearing Coin, in August, and he announced it last month with the lead single “Opalescent Ribbon.” Today, he’s back with another new track, “Cruiser,” which features Taylor Vick aka Boy Scouts. “‘Cruiser’ was an experiment in writing from the perspective of a character living in the conservative defoliated suburban environments where me and a lot of folks I know grew up,” Steinbrink said in a statement, continuing:

This character feels he has to hide what he loves, hyper-vigilant for opportunities to mold himself into a shape that will be accepted by the people around him, independent because no one is paying attention. There are parts of myself in the character, but it’s mostly an amalgamation of friends I grew up with in the punk/DIY scene in Phoenix in the late 2000s before we all moved away.

My longtime creative partner and collaborator Taylor Vick sings with me on this song, and also stars in the video we shot together in the suburbs outside of Modesto, where she gave a hilarious and stellar performance as a weird hybrid version of teenage Taylor and teenage Stephen. We went to the mall, snuck into a christian megachurch, and loitered at a cement plant, and tried to embody as much awkward ennui as we could. The video also features short performances by Reid Urban, an artist I met while living in Olympia in the early twenty-teens.

“Cruiser” appears twice on Disappearing Coin in two vastly different arrangements, and is a central diptych that the rest of the album is structured around.

Watch and listen below.

Disappearing Coin is out 8/18 via Western Vinyl.

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