Youth Lagoon – “Football”

Youth Lagoon – “Football”

Last year, Trevor Powers shared Heaven Is A Junkyard, the first Youth Lagoon album in eight years. The Idaho-based musician’s project is back today with a new song called “Football” and a video directed by Caleb Halter.

“Football” is produced by Rodaidh McDonald, who also produced Heaven Is A Junkyard. Read what Powers said about the track:

“Football” is really a celebration of failure. Society has a terrible habit of only recognizing achievement while glossing over the greatness in the shadows. We’re so distracted trying to earn love, worth and value that we forget it’s something we inherently already have. I wanted to play with this idea through the lens of sports ‘cuz, in a lot of ways, sports are the truest religion. When I was young, it was the only way I knew how to connect with my dad. We didn’t have a lot in common, but we could both throw the ball. There were rules and rituals we could see eye-to-eye on. We didn’t have to argue over who was right or wrong. The difference in my family was, it didn’t matter how good I was. The act of just throwing a ball was communion. It didn’t matter if I caught it. I love my Dad for that.

Watch the video below.

Tyler T. Williams

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