6. Left-Handed Springsteen

If you spend a little time poking around “TheStrikingViking’s” etsy shop, you’ll quickly learn that he has a vast collection of drawings that he decided to do with his left hand (despite his being right handed), including this one here, of what is allegedly Bruce Springsteen. Look, we’re all for testing the limitations of your own fine motor skills, but c’mon, this only nominally looks like Bruce Springsteen. This could just as easily be Billy Connolly, NHL analyst Barry Melrose, or that one particularly creepy teacher from high school. It’s not even clear that he’s strumming a guitar with … good god, is that a flipper? A hoof? Well, whatever is in the place of the Boss’s right hand. Having said all this, so what if it doesn’t really look anything like Bruce Springsteen? It at least looks like SOMEONE, and that’s enough for us to click “purchase.”