
I haven't but it's in my queueueueue!
Right, I am adding Journey 1 to my library list. I saw that Peeta's also in RV, but he was 14, so I'm just gonna leave that alone.
I'm listening to "Fix You" right now and it's just perfect for that gif.
So I accidentally watched the teaser w/ Gary Oldman in the hospital bed and I couldn't understand anything he said either so I am clearly going to need to go to the closed captioned showing so I can tell what's going on.
It will not play for me on the apple site ahhhhhh I bet there is nowhere else to watch it online.
Ah I hope so too because I had never heard of Fenton and that was pretty great.
I agree, I don't watch because of Robert California.
And I love the ScarJo writer's nicknames: ScarBore and Blake Not-So-Lively. Almost too clever.
Demi's not-boyfriend is creepin' me out.
"I am sowwy, Daddy!" What a cute kid.
I live in Richmond and haven't seen a single movie star, which bums me out. Although I wouldn't know Daniel Day Lewis if I saw him (although I guess now I would know to just look for Abraham Lincoln). I really just want to see/meet/fall madly, mutually in love with JGL or Lee Pace though.
What you can't see is that she's turned the camera perpendicular to her body so she can take sneaky pictures.
The only thing I could think of was Bon Iver for best album. I need a multiple choice poll, I guess.
Dale and Glenn are my favorites! They both actually seem to care about people other than themselves, even if they sometimes (often) go over the top in showing it.
What a great week in GIFs except for the Ricky Gervais ones! I especially liked Coldplay crying, which I hadn't seen before. And Andy nuzzling Ron. And Ryan Gosling.
I liked the part where Jim put his hat on Erin for two reasons: one, because she already had a hat on and it looked funny, and two, because Andy said "You missed your head." I turned it off not long after that though.
The marching band was pretty unexpectedly great.
I know! It's the best when puppies just clamber right over obstacles instead of going around them.
Oh man. So bad. I watched till the end thinking surely it all would come together in a magnificent climax. Nope.
Shut UP Bulgaria!
I was going to say. I haven't even gotten to number 8 yet but I thought there must be some kind of error because omg that's cute.
Yeah the Belty-Tie did me in.
Try as I might, I could not get into Little Dorrit (that's what he said?). Maybe I need to read it first?
I love WoF and it's my dream in life to be on the show. Sooo.
My faaaace! My totally fine.
That made me add Bones to my Netflix queue.
I didn't listen to the Waits cover album, because I don't listen to Tom Waits, but I lurved what she did with Pete Yorn. She's my favorite.
I felt like she knew why Ben was mad and just played along with Dumb Andy. Andy plays oblivious so well, but it just came off as mean-spirited when April didn't acknowledge that it was a dick move to not let Ben know about the party.
I only watch P&R, but I thought everyone was being kind of terrible? Like what was April's problem? Normally I love her but I just wanted to punch her face last night. And Tom ruining Leslie's thing--although I am glad she went off on him. I'm glad Ann's getting some non-Leslie time. I'm sick of the Chris-and-Jerry's-daughter thing already. Why was Donna only there for one scene? Yay for Oren. And can we please get Ben and Leslie back together already?
The minor league team I work for does this every game...the Molly Maid Drag Queens Dance and Drag. The guys come out in maid costumes and crazy wigs and stop mid-rake to do a dance. Here's a video because I can't explain it: Or perhaps I explained it perfectly, actually.
You're not wrong.
Yeah I very rarely downvote but this was worth it.
Oh the pandas! I just giggled. And the elephant! I feel like that's how I look when I am hungover. (I have a really big nose.) (Just kidding, I have a normal nose!) I thought the little monkey was gonna go Gremlin and had to stop watching. Good roundup!
I got so few I had to give up because I was making myself sad. I thought I knew a lot about pop culture. Alas.
I'll just keep replying to myself: He played Batman in Birds of Prey.