
"Everyone in the house is a lot smarter than you think..." lulz.
Okay, I'm getting a little worried, and it has nothing to do with the whole sonic-boom-or-whatever-it-is thing. So far today, Lindsay has posted 5 times. Gabe has posted zero. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HIM, LINDSAY?!?! I better be getting a new WMOAT post, or I'm holding you responsible for his disappearance.
That Pastor dresses like a douche...
You left out the best part: "Maybe it's love." "I know what an erection feels like, Michael."
I remember watching this particular episode like six years ago, and YES I AM MAN ENOUGH TO ADMIT THAT. Come up with something a little more recent please.
Even shitty comedians like Carlos Mencia and Dane Cook can make me, if only for a second, to lift my scowl of contempt and smile at occasionally during their routine. I mean, it is their job to make people laugh. But Jeff Dunham? Nothing. I can't even force myself to smile while his stupid fucking face is on the tube because he's that bad. What the hell happened to you Comedy Central? You created The Chappelle Show, Stella, The Sarah Silverman Program, Dog Bites Man, South Park, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report. What the fuck are you thinking signing on with this ass? You used to have a higher standard for comedy, and now I feel like I don't even know you anymore.
This whole when-someone-dies-we-need-to-be-respectful-of-them thing is bullshit and hypocritical. Do it to them when they're alive if you want to be a good person, because they certainly can't hear all of the great things you have to say about once they're dead. Everyone whose feathers are ruffled over Gabe being "insensitive" has never really cared about him being way harsher to people who are still alive. Why do none of you have a problem with that? Why doesn't your outrage carry over to the people who are living from outrage over the people who are dead? You're just a bunch of fucking hypocrites if that's the standard you've set up for yourself so please, shut the fuck up, honoring people once they are dead does not make you a good person when you wouldn't have given them the time of day when they were alive.
Wait, isn't Chet the one that everyone thinks is ambiguously gay? And he's a Republican? Jeez, talk about being in denial.
Wait, so Dina's husband has a brother who is married to her sister? So at some point one of those two Manzo bitches married her sister's husband's brother? And now the sisters are now technically also sisters-in-law too? Can you do that? And can we please put this confusing in-bred love quadrangle a song, a la "I'm My Own Grandpa"?
To Glen Beck: Douchechillll.
So, I'm assuming you didn't like Electroma either?
Is there any way we could get Scarborough on the next season of Tool Academy?