
Nick and I were actually talking in bed the other day, and he said that he NEVER loved your chicken tetrazinni. He was FAKING IT.
Nick and I are engaged, actually. We're getting married on top of a mountain and our wedding china pattern is Rambler Rose,
You guys, we was wearing sandals in one of the pictures of him without shoes. Although they are open toed, sandals are still shoes you guys. Still shoes.
Oh em gee I am such a Hagia Sophia fan.
I can't wait for the Kidz Bop version.
I will use that as my running platform. Catocalypse_now for Pepsi Congress 2012...THE PEPSI POINTS WILL FLOW LIKE COCA COLA.
I'm actually running for a position in Pepsi Congress. Hopefully I get enough votes in the Electoral Webkinz college.
Fantastic Mr. Fox: OMFGYES Nine: I should have bought shares in fishnets stock before shooting on this film began..tasic? Barton Fink: HELLIMAGERY-TASTIC (500) Days of Summer: 500 minutes of moodily lit Zooey Deschanel. (in a good way)
That's right, Michael, you eat that pizza. You eat that pizza all the way to the crust.
I'm doing a Care Bear stare because of this list!
Oh there's no place like Holmes for the holidays!
You had me at jerboat.
Every year I make a vow to never hear Christmas Shoes. I've been going on two years now of not hearing it, and I listen to Christmas radio! It's like playing Christmas Russian Roulette.
I'm so glad I joined! This place is lovely!
I love Constant Comment tea. Does this make me an old man? I worry.
DOC AND HOWIE WHACK A GRANNY by Steve Leff What it's about: ?Two men, Doc and Howie, inadvertently kill an elderly woman when they neglect to help her carry groceries up stairs. The incident puts them in position to get closer to the woman's attractive granddaughters, and they struggle with deciding whether to tell the women the truth about the circumstances under which they met.? They had me at the title.
The internet has made Andy Warhol's quote of "in the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes" true. However, those fifteen minutes are usually spent being the "Little Wings" guy.
"Holmes for the holidays"- Sherlock Holmes poster
I want to be friends with this picture.
I can barely contain myself.