
Looks like someone just learned the phrase "self-deprecating" and decided to try it out. I think she was way more successful than she intended to be.
Some people just need to realize the value of a sternly spoken "Have fun at dinner."
Carrie (Bradshaw)
"Do the airplane" is such an adorable misunderstanding of what is actually a disgusting misogynistic lyric. Please never learn the right words and their meaning, it will ruin you.
Duh, obviously calling someone "Pickles" means that they're in young. (Is this what is known as an Easter egg for the superfans?)
Maybe commenting really is working but all of these highly controversial comments are just receiving totally equal numbers of upvotes and downvotes, so everyone is still at 0.
Hey Creepy McRichGuy, just because "comme ci, comme ca" and "so far, so good" have the same cadence and number of syllables does not mean that they mean the same thing.
Hey guys! How come it's only safe to zing Meredith(?) when she's not there, but we zing Bernell(?) right to his face? Come on!!
Was this song on air with Ryan Seacrest? Is there any way I can find out?
Whaaaaaaaaaat is that in your avatar?
"Our needs and wants have been grossly misinterpreted." -All of the cats
"No oils or lotions are needed." Ugh. What if oils and lotions WERE needed? This video made me physically nauseous. And what's up with your girlfriend not being able to correctly pronounce jeweler?
Do movie trailers normally have a bit at the end where they play clips of all of the songs used in the movie? Like, even the main song that we've already been listening to throughout the entire trailer? I would like to meet the person for whom the trailer is not compelling enough to see the movie, but the promise of a Jason Mraz track is the tipping point. Ew, that person.
The Primordial Dwarf
Me too. I'm also in love with whatever kind of crazy sand board she was drawing on. I want to play with it too!!
Please, resist the urge to stop watching these after the first three videos, because the fourth one is truly in a class of its own. Really--if you only watch one fetish video this summer, make it this one!!
Yes! Reading that forum (why do I read that forum??) sends me into a spiral of despair. I kind of thought maybe that was how all rants and raves forums are for other Is it just us? Well shit.
It's slightly sweet, in an incredibly twisted way, that us Videogummers immediately assume that a troll must just be another troll going by a different name. Like, we think that there can't possibly more than one or two of these kinds of people in the world. I love it. Except that a good 30 seconds of reading YouTube comments will prove that we are horribly, disastrously wrong about this.
But doesn't the blame for Carrot Top's tragedy really fall to us, his adoring fans? We are the ones standing outside his room at the Luxor in hordes, anxiously demanding "props, props, more props!!" We are the ones repeatedly calling his cell phone, and when that gets shut off due to overdue bills, his room at the Luxor, rabidly insisting that he SHOW US THE PROPS!!! Our hunger for Carrot Top's irreplicable prop comedy has driven him to a lonely, lonely life locked in a tiny and inexplicably orange room. Shame on all of us.
Oh you know what, I just realized he's probably a promordial dwarf adult who is forced to wear the floppy sack mask to disguise all of the bruises he got from that one time he was locked up in an insane asylum. Normal stuff, don't even worry about it. You can all go home now.
And this is why I'm scared of having children. Seriously, can you imagine walking in on your son in his bedroom, wearing a floppy sack mask, standing in front of a grey curtain, with a tripod set up filming him? What do you do? I have literally no idea what the appropriate response would be. Do you just...kill him? Time out? I don't know!!
Also, I think he says "Naptown is where you can find me," which probably means something relevant to wherever he lives, but is hilarious when you realize that a literal baby is singing those words.
No one has asked this question yet, so I'm assuming the answer is glaringly obvious, but...what is he saying?? Flip your fiddy? Flip your finny? Flip your Bubble Tape? Kids (and creepy robot voices) say the most indecipherable things!!
Sure. Except. Remember that one time when beloved Videogum editor Lindsay had to leave the site for what were presumably money-related reasons? That sucked! And if these somewhat annoying ads can keep the site reasonably afloat, shouldn't we love and support (or just deal with) them? We see annoying things all day long, everywhere, literally! In the vast scheme of things, these ads are really not that bad!