
If I can keep from swearing in front of my mom he can keep from swearing on TV!
Yessss I always found Amanda Bines grating, even when she was on All That and especially when she had her own show. Never found her cute OR funny.
At Daiso they used to have a little pouch (for makeup or something) with a stuffed felt cupcake glued to it that said "Fad Hamburger". Never being one with a knack for creative screen names I just lifted it and shortened it and here we are.
Maybe in the "How was your day" thread?
For reals I had no idea Jack Handey was a real person, I thought he was an SNL character used for Deep Thoughts...
See this is the kind of stuff I wish I could upvote.
Do you mean the Korean ones? Because those are not disgusting somehow! Maybe it's because they are firm? Fish cakes too...
Yeah, that was really convincing holy shit. Is there something you want to tell us FLW?
How did I even get logged in to Facebook Connect???
Oh how I wish I could upvote this.
I haven't even seen an episode of the Steve Wilkos show from the safety of my own home and this gif is terrifying...
Stop if you guys, you are making me want to read shitty romance novels now! I'd been "sober" for so long too. My romance novel of choice were Scottish romance novels set in like the 1800s btw...
I'm white/Jewish and my husband is Asian (full disclosure: we do have a kid) and I have to say that Jewish half Asian kids are the most adorable. I am not biased at all.
*Millie Signed, somebody whose -ie name always gets spelled with a -y even when it's spelled out right there on my email.
Serious Army of Darkness would make me very sad indeed. Then again it's probably not going to be great because Bruce Campbell would not be Ash and that would be meh itself...
Did you guys notice Joaquin was chewing on something the whole time???
I dunno I find that I always spend less/get more at Trader Joes than any other grocery store...the caveat though is that this is when I am buying a lot of premade frozen meals.
What could possibly be worse than the TMZ tour?
Yup, that was the first thing I thought as well!
I vote for a better grade of less sweet chocolate, that's what gets me. And seriously, who buys those things for the chocolate anyway...maybe if it was thinner or something it would be better...?
Sounds like people are confusing Valentine's Day with St. Patrick's day.
Are you me or something? In the bay area and with a never ending post-cold-cough...well ok that's about it but yeah.
Sounds like he got his moves from a romance movie or something...
Dang, that sounds like something out of an American Pie movie or somethin'.
I don't even have to press play to be terrified, thanks I guess!
Aww poor Arlo didn't even get a little blurb, it's ok Arlo we still love you.
Yeah I thought it was going to be some deformed partially grown chicken or blood or something. Another egg wasn't bad at all haha.
I know, they even gave it huge sort of hoop earrings...
Aside from being racist I didn't really like the Starbucks Verismo sketch because as an ex-barista there were plenty of customers much much dumber than the baristas. I mean I am sure there are baristas who can't get the customers' name/drink right but I feel like the amount of stupid customers outweighs that?
She also somehow had $500 to lend Nick's dad for the horse. I can't even afford that with a job!
Nice picture of the internet you've got there!
Today was meh but better than could be expected. At first I thought I was going to have to sit in a mostly unfurnished office for 4 hours (on a step ladder) waiting for IKEA to deliver some desks, but it turned out that the delivery guys got there before I did and it only took like an hour total. Otherwise it was a pretty average work day though I have like a LOT of mail to stamp and no time to do it because I have been doing things for a client who is moving into the aforementioned office soon. Hopefully tomorrow will be better (though I have some things to do for a large portion of the day) and I will have time to get all these darned letters out...
Hot Tub Time Machine is one of my all time favorite movies. The only part that bothers me is the logic used in the end when they return to the future but Rob Corddry stayed in the past. Why did their lives change without them remembering anything? Etc. etc. I just pretend the return trip gave them amnesia of some sort to calm myself down. Doesn't bother me as much as thinking about how the Cars world works though, thankfully.
Noticed the same thing, it's sad that these celebs etc. don't realize that fillers/surgery makes them look worse and you can tell they are covering up for something...
Or I should say it's not guaranteed to help anyway.