
The point is that asking for permission is kinda important when you're releasing naked footage of somebody. In this case just doing 'it' is, as Erykah pointed out, a breach of contract, both in the legal sense and in the sense of not being a complete douche.
Love this, especially the screaming that comes in around 2:15
Nestle Boycott
The 'team' who made the rip off are also responsible for that god awful 'Little Boxes' song in that advert, they deserve a slow death for that alone.
I had stuff to do today but I can't leave the house because this album has CONSUMED MY LIFE. IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD (I need to sit down... and listen to Bloom again)
My testosterone level is 358, which is crazy because I don't have a beard, no acne, and I'm not a lesbian. You know that fat chick with zits who thinks she can steal your boyfriend because she believes she's actually hot? That's her testosterone talking! But I also have more estrogen than normal. So doctors expect me to have a beard and these massive Dolly Parton tits. I'm explaining this to help understand why maybe my diet is odd. It explains why a lot of things are odd, Courtney.
...just noticed all of this...
Not gonna listen to the leak. Will be better to wait until I can go to my local record store on May 15th.
When the pawn hits the conflicts he thinks like a king What he knows throws the blows when he goes to the fight And he'll win the whole thing 'fore he enters the ring There's no body to batter when your mind is your might So when you go solo, you hold your own hand And remember that depth is the greatest of heights And if you know where you stand, then you know where to land And if you fall it won't matter, cause you'll know that you're right
'his best music.' There's a difference between 'best' and 'least awful'.
Damon:... what's poking me in the leg? Noel: Just roll with it
Please... no more...
NEWS JUST IN: Singer who enjoys pissing people off does something that may piss off some people.
I think some people find me stiff, distant and weird but there's a good reason for that... I am stiff distant and weird...
How many times are you going to comment on this story exactly?
I'll probably check it out next year, when I can get one of the millions of copies it sold but people got bored of for a penny on amazon.
Buy a jumpsuit, look christian and get on the bus at the right time and you can also be a member of the Polyphonic Spree!
The awkwardness of that audience participation...
This Is What Makes Us Girls sounds like another 'just some prat who sounds like radiohead, not actual radiohead' story in the making if you ask me
Gota say he has a point Fleetwood Mac = Mick and John so two origional members on Rumours
...$300 on phones AND EMAIL ACCOUNTS - when did you start having to pay for those?
I'm still existing in a reality where Sonic Youth WILL continue despite Thruston and Kim separating; your video does very little to reassure me of this and so I am closing my ears and singing Teenage Riot as loud as I can from 2.00 to 2.05.
although Nyro isn't really folk but still, uncool dude
legendary folk singers = vanilla mediocrities... I like your attitude(!)
This is just perfect
Go buy Daydream Nation now.
This is pretty awful tbh. I just do not get everybody's fascination with The Weednd. Loving the original song though.
I'm actually liking Rifle Eyesight (Proper Name) better than anything on the first album so I'm going with that
It's gotta be Crucify... or Little Earthquakes